Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 611 The Exam Begins

Chapter 611 The Exam Begins

Early the next morning, Cheng Yanghong came to pick up ten of Lu Chen and went to Wentian Peak together, accompanied by dozens of younger members of the Cheng family to watch.

They all wanted to see how the low-level monks who passed the preliminary round performed in the entrance examination.

The flying magic weapon came to Wentian Peak, and when Huang Xing looked around, thousands of people had gathered under the peak.

More than 2000 monks who passed the preliminary audition came to Wentian Peak early, waiting for the final test.

Hundreds of them will be eliminated, and finally only 500 people can enter the second level.

More than 2000 monks are either casual cultivators or come from lower third rank forces.

They tried their best to pass the preliminary round, and each of them was full of hope for the future.

This is an assessment that changes their fate.

Most of them are around 20 years old, when they are full of vigor.

Some of their faces showed hope for the future; some of them showed awe-inspiring dignity.

Cheng Yanghong said to Huang Xing, "Mr. Xiong, the assessment starts in half an hour, so I'll send you down first."

Zhan Ruyi cheered up Huang Xing with a smile, "Xiong Da, come on."

Huang Chen grinned and said, "I will."

Han Xu said, "Junior Sister Zhan is no more worried about Brother Xiong. With his strength, passing the assessment will definitely not be a problem."

Huang Chen nodded and said with a smile, "I will try my best to pass the examination."

Cheng Yanghong said, "The first level is not difficult as long as the first [-] climb up the [-]th floor. But the last nine steps are to test the monk's aptitude, Taoism, and understanding, which are unpredictable. , very weird, even our Cheng family didn't fully figure out the way inside."

He looked at the towering Wentian Peak, and said with emotion, "It's ashamed to say that the Cheng family has not had anyone below the Yuanying climb to the top of the peak for nearly a hundred years. You can directly exempt from the next two tests, Mr. Xiong can try it."

Han Xu and Zhan Ruyi couldn't help but look at Wen Tianfeng. As a second-rank family, the Cheng family naturally has a lot of Tianjiao and evildoers in the past century. Unexpectedly, no one can climb to the top of the mountain.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to climb to the top of Wentian Peak.

Zhan Ruyi asked, "Really, can we also try climbing Wentian Peak?"

The other eight people also looked at Cheng Yanghong eagerly.

Cheng Yanghong shook his head and said, "This assessment is presided over by the master of Wentian Academy and Patriarch Tao Cong of the Moon Worship Demon Sect, and I have no right to interfere."

When everyone heard about Patriarch Tao Cong, their faces showed respect.

This is a late Mahayana ancestor.

More importantly, he is the mansion master of Wentian Academy.

The masters of the thousand schools are all the ancestors of the Mahayana period of the major forces.

They are all students of Wentian Academy, and their future cultivation path is closely related to ancestor Tao Cong.

The nine people heard that Cheng Yanghong could not make the decision, so they gave up the idea of ​​going to Wentian Peak.

After Huang Xing bid farewell to the nine people, Cheng Yanghong used spiritual energy to support him to the crowd under Wentian Peak.

He was inconspicuous among the crowd. Many monks waiting for the assessment were all staring at Wentian Peak, waiting for the assessment to start.

Half an hour passed quickly.


A bell rang from heaven and earth.

The monks at the foot of the peak cheered up instantly.

This is the bell for exam preparation, and the exam is about to begin.

A loud voice echoed in the void and reached everyone's ears.

"The rules for climbing the Dragon Ladder for the first stage are as follows:"

"One, it is forbidden to fight on the peak;"

"[-]. It is forbidden to borrow external forces, including but not limited to magic weapons, pills, talismans, etc.;"

"Third, flying is prohibited, you need to climb the mountain layer by layer."

"Those who violate the first three regulations will be directly canceled the assessment, and will not be allowed to participate in the school assessment for life."

"Fourth, the top [-] climb to the [-]th floor to enter the next level."

"Fifth, if you can reach the peak, you can directly obtain the qualification to enter Wentian Academy."

After the voice introduced the rules of the first level, he said, "After three bells, the assessment will begin. The opportunity for the carp to leap over the Dragon Gate is at hand. Please work hard, everyone."


The second bell rang.

The voice continued, "Old Man Wentian Xuefu Master Tao Cong, I am waiting for you at Wentian Xuefu."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearty laughter spread all over the world, and everyone was full of enthusiasm and spirit. They all wanted to pass the examination with all their strength and become official students of Wentian Academy.


The third bell rings.

The world suddenly fell into silence, and then the crowd rose into anger.

More than 2000 monks moved and began to climb the mountain.

The choice of their fate began.

Wentian Peak soars into the sky, standing like a dragon between heaven and earth.

Each step of Wentian Peak can accommodate hundreds of people climbing at the same time.

The hundred people at the front had already occupied a favorable position, and as soon as the bell rang, they rushed up the steps.

They all want to climb up the [-] steps first.

Huang Xing was not in a hurry, and followed slowly.

The higher the Wentian Peak is, the stronger the suppression will be.

This is just the beginning, and the real challenge is yet to come.

You cannot use pills to recover while climbing a mountain.

It's useless to be the first one now, and you need to allocate your physical strength reasonably in order to have the last laugh.

Many people also understand this truth, and they all climb mountains methodically and control their speed.

There are also some people who are too confident in their own strength and rush all the way up the mountain.

This assessment was personally presided over by the Palace Master Tao Cong.

They want to show themselves well in front of Tao Cong's ancestor and compete for No.1.

There are also some evildoers who set their targets on the peak.

They want to go directly to the summit to become official students of Wentian Academy.

Huang Chen walked leisurely on the stairs step by step. He looked at the vigorous monks around him, and felt relieved in his heart.

They are the future of the human race.

They are still very weak, they may work hard for a lifetime, and not many of them can overcome the tribulation and ascend.

But only the human race is like them, becoming stronger step by step and passing on from generation to generation.

The genes and blood of the human race can keep getting stronger.

Huang Chen's ambitions are great, his eyes are no longer limited to personal gains and losses, but the future of the entire human race, making the human race the first in ancient times.

Sunset and sunrise.

The day passed quickly.

The higher Wentian Peak goes, the stronger the coercion.

Every time they take a step, they have to consume a point of strength.

Gradually, the gap was widened.

At the highest point, people have climbed 7 floors.

At the bottom, there are only 5 floors.

The last cultivator began to worry.

They wanted to try their best to catch up, but the more anxious they were, the more they lost their rhythm, and the more difficult they were.

There were also some people who had a wrong idea and used the pill secretly.

They all swallowed the elixir beforehand, and then melted it secretly.

But how can their behavior be hidden from the ancestors and real people who are secretly monitoring?
All of them forcefully sent a force to the foot of the mountain and threw them to the ground the moment the elixir melted.

They got up in a daze, their faces were ashen, and wept loudly.

The cheating behavior was exposed in public, and there was no chance to participate in the school assessment in the future.

They will be despised by all.

Their future is ruined by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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