Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 612 Ask Tianfeng

Chapter 612 Ask Tianfeng

More than a dozen monks who secretly took the elixir were caught, which frightened the remaining monks from thinking wrong.

After all, those who can pass the preliminary selection and participate in the entrance examination are the best among their peers.

Even if they fail the assessment this time, they still have a chance in the future.

But if cheating is discovered, there will be no room for recovery, and it can be said that it will be ruined for a lifetime.

By noon, the sun was shining brightly.

The scorching sun caused sweat to drip from the foreheads of many participating monks.

The higher they climbed, the stronger the coercion, and the harder it was for them to climb each step.

The speed of many monks gradually slowed down.

Some people began to adjust their breath on the spot to recover their spiritual power, recharge their batteries and climb again.

Some people climbed up in one go, without slowing down.

These people are all Tianjiao monsters, and there are even three Golden Core monks.

The gap between other people and them is gradually revealed.

The first batch of students recruited by Qianzuo University is under the age of 30.

Among the lower third-rank forces and casual cultivators, there are very few who can break through to the golden core stage under the age of 30.

The three Golden Core cultivators had already put a lot of distance away from the others.

No.4 also lost hundreds of steps.

The three of them refused to give in to each other, and they chased each other to climb up, and they all wanted to compete for the first one to climb to the top.

Their goal is not limited to the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety steps, but the peak of Tianfeng.

Huang Xing also noticed the three people, two men and one woman, and all three were five-turn golden pills that opened up 33 spiritual veins.

Five-rank Golden Elixir can only belong to the top Tianjiao.

In fact, their aptitude is no worse than that of the golden core evildoers of the big forces.

It's just that due to limited resources, it is impossible to condense the sixth-rank golden pill.

Among the low-level monks, there are many monsters in the foundation establishment period.

But they are rarely able to refine rank six golden pills, and generally stop at rank five golden pills.

There is no one in a million evildoers in casual cultivation like Xu Youquan.

Xu Youquan has now broken through to rank seven golden elixir, and is working with Patriarch Xutian in Feitian City.

Patriarch Xutian has now become Huang Xing's housekeeper.

Huang Xing walked slowly, one step at a time.

Unknowingly, hundreds of people also walked to the first echelon.

Along the way, he secretly checked more than 2000 monks who participated in the assessment.

These people basically have the talent of arrogance.

If you don't get good training, you will gradually disappear from everyone.

Huang Xing sighed secretly in his heart: There are so many talents emerging in this one place, how many talents should be buried in the entire cultivation world?

At sunset, the three Golden Core stage monks at the top had climbed the [-]th floor.

Here is a huge platform, enough to accommodate two or 3000 people.

When the three of them reached the platform, they all showed joy on their faces.

This means that they have passed the first test first.

But their goals don't stop there.

All three of them looked up at the peak with firm eyes.

The three of them are all monks from a nearby town, and they all know each other, but they don't have much friendship, and now they are secretly competing with each other, treating each other as a strong enemy.

One of the young men with a long sword on his back said proudly, "Brother Di, Miss Meng, why don't we compete to see who will climb to the top first?"

Another man, Di Yunfei, smiled and said, "That's exactly what I mean too."

The woman Meng Wanqing also giggled coquettishly and said, "The two Dao brothers should give way to my younger sister."

Di Yunfei and another young man, Zhao Peng, smiled noncommittally. How could they give up the chance to climb to the top?

Zhao Peng said, "Then let's start."

After he finished speaking, he stepped up to the first step first.


Zhao Peng stepped on the steps and suddenly felt a terrifying force coming to suppress him.

He tried his best to use the power of the golden core to resist the coercion and barely stood still, but his face was already pale, and the other raised leg wanted to step on the second step, but it was as heavy as if it had been filled with lead.


Zhao Peng roared, and stepped on it with all his strength, and finally stepped on the steps, but at the same time spit out a mouthful of blood.

The situation of the other two was not much better than that of Zhao Peng. After they stepped on the second step, they almost reached their limit.

After Zhao Peng stood firm, he raised his other foot and wanted to step towards the third step, but suddenly his feet were floating, and a domineering force directly bounced him away, and he fell back on the platform, taking four or five steps back. Only then did he stabilize his figure and almost fell to the ground.

He looked at the top of Wentian Peak in disbelief.

How can the last nine steps be so difficult?

He didn't even climb the third step.

The arrogance just now was instantly extinguished by the cold water.

A self-deprecating smile on the pale face, after all, he is not a real evildoer.

The other two were also bounced back onto the platform, and they also looked at the last nine steps unwillingly.

A moment ago, they were so ambitious that they wanted to compare who would climb to the top of Tianfeng first, but they were bounced back before even reaching the third step.

"Sigh, the last nine steps of Wentian Peak are getting more and more difficult to climb."

On the flying magic weapon, Cheng Yanghong shook his head and sighed when he saw the three of them being bounced back onto the platform.

Han Xu was also surprised when he saw that the three of Han Peng didn't even climb the third step. He asked, "Isn't it so difficult to climb Tianfeng before?"

Cheng Yanghong explained, "Wentian Peak has always been a forbidden place for the Cheng family to sharpen the younger generation of the clan. Climbing above the Nascent Soul has no effect at all, but climbing below the Nascent Soul will be suppressed. You can climb to the fourth or fifth floor; if you have the resources of evildoers, you can reach the top. However, since 100 years ago, it has become more and more difficult to climb the last nine steps. In the past century, more than ten evildoers have climbed the mountain in the Cheng family , all stopped at the fifth or sixth floor. Even more than 20 years ago, Kongzheng Shengzi of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss tried to climb the mountain, but he was bounced off after reaching the eighth step."

After listening to Cheng Yanghong's words, everyone took a breath of air. Unexpectedly, Shengzi Kongzheng failed to reach the summit of Wentian Peak.

That is a real dragon-level evildoer.

Their eyes couldn't help looking for Huang Xing in the crowd, Han Xu shook his head and said, "It seems that Brother Xiong doesn't have much hope of reaching the top."

They originally thought that with Xiong Da's strength, it would not be a problem to climb to the top and ask Tianfeng.

Cheng Yanghong said, "The suppression of the last nine steps has nothing to do with cultivation, but with aptitude, Taoism, and comprehension. Although those three people are at the Jindan stage, their potential has been exhausted, and they are even more disadvantaged. Xiong Da is now When the potential is bursting, there is still a glimmer of hope to reach the top, but it is very slim."

After hearing his words, everyone turned their attention to Xiong Da again, wanting to see if he would create a miracle.

Huang Chen strolled and climbed the mountain, and Wen Tianfeng's suppression didn't make him feel anything.

He didn't deliberately slow down or speed up, just like walking normally, neither slow nor urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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