Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 613 Positive Art

Chapter 613 Positive Art
Huang Xing's position is already at the forefront, there are about 30 people in front of him.

They are all monsters in the foundation building period or Tianjiao in the alchemy period.

Moreover, all of these Tianjiao in the alchemy stage have opened up more than 33 spiritual veins in the foundation stage.

It is also a Tianjiao in the alchemy stage, there is a huge gap between opening 32 spiritual veins and opening 33 spiritual veins.

Theoretically, a Tianjiao in the alchemy stage who just opened up 32 spiritual veins is not as good as a monster in the foundation stage who has opened up 33 spiritual veins.

The fourth person who reached the 34th floor was a five-turn alchemy cultivator who had opened up [-] spiritual veins.

His potential has not been exhausted, and he has great hope that he can refine a rank-six golden elixir in the future.

When he saw the three of Zhao Peng meditating on the ground, he showed a surprised expression.

These three people are all at the Golden Core stage, and they arrived here at least two or three hours earlier than him. Why are they still sitting on the platform and meditating now? Moreover, all three of them are listless, and their faces don't look very good.

He didn't know the three of them, so it was difficult for him to ask questions. He looked at the last nine stairs in doubt, and guessed in his heart: Could it be that the three of them can't climb to the top of the mountain?
The three of Zhao Peng noticed that someone was coming up again, they all stopped to heal their injuries, and opened their eyes to look at him.

The fourth person's name is Chu Du, and he comes from a small faction of the seventh rank.

He spent a lot of spiritual power on the [-] steps ahead, so he found a place to sit cross-legged and meditate to restore himself to his best state.

Chu Du already knew that the last nine steps of Wentian Peak had nothing to do with his cultivation. The three monks were taller than him, but they were only a few years older than him.

In terms of potential, they are not as good as themselves.

If they can't climb to the top of the peak, they may not have no chance.

He calmly adjusted his breath and prepared to climb the last nine steps in the best condition.

One after another, Tianjiao and evildoers came onto the platform one after another. They looked at Zhao Peng and the three of them, and frowned tightly.

Then I found a place to recover my spiritual power.

When Huang Xing boarded the platform, there were already more than 30 people adjusting their breath.

He glanced at the last nine steps of Wentian Peak and frowned slightly.

This was an extremely complicated formation, but it seemed to be different from the ones he had seen before.

"This is a technique, not an array." Wudiqiang's voice came to mind in Huang Xing's mind.

"Position technique?" Huang Xing had never heard of force technique before, so he was a little confused.

Wudiqiang explained, "There are all kinds of mountains and rivers in the world, or real dragon caves, where wind gathers energy; The method depicts Daowen and uses the power of these mountains and rivers."

He paused, and continued to introduce: "The inheritance of the power technique is extremely rare. There are only five veins in total, which are called heaven, earth, people, gods and ghosts. Last time at the entrance of Chixiao's burial ground, Ji Ran used the power of the heavenly vein to call the mountains, rivers and earth veins. The power to raise the Dragon Chanting Sword to a high level of heaven."

Huang Xing asked, "Which line of inheritance is the power technique here?"

Wudiqiang said, "The ghost vein among the five veins is the inheritance of Guigu. It should be to find a successor. Unfortunately, no suitable successor has been found for tens of thousands of years. The power of the power here is about to dissipate. If we can't find a suitable successor, Wentian Peak will collapse."

Huang Chen smiled confidently, "Since I'm here, I will definitely get the inheritance of Ghost Valley."

Invincible Qiang said, "Master already knows everything, so don't join in the fun. Now the master doesn't know the art of power, because the art of power belongs to the art of immortality. After the master crosses the catastrophe and becomes a fairy, after practicing the art of immortality, he will naturally be able to do it." I have learned it; the inheritance of shishu is extremely rare, so this opportunity should be left to others."

After hearing Wudiqiang's words, Huang Xing gave up the idea of ​​getting the inheritance of Guigu.

He also silently found a place to sit down and adjust his breath.

More and more monks boarded the platform on the [-]th floor.

The later the monks who climb up, the greater the consumption.

They all looked for a place to adjust their breath.

After about a hundred people boarded the platform, Chu Du suddenly stood up and walked towards the nine steps in high spirits.

He has recovered to his peak condition, looking at the peak with firm eyes.

He will surely climb to the top of Wentian Peak.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Chu Du, and they all wanted to see if he could reach the summit and ask Tianfeng.

Chu Du stepped up to the first step with momentum like a rainbow.


A terrifying coercion hit him in an instant.

Chu Du's face changed, but he didn't panic, and calmly resisted the terrifying coercion.

His aptitude and potential were indeed better than those of Zhao Peng and the others, and he quickly stood firmly on the first level.

After Chu Du stood firm, he continued to step towards the second step.


An even more terrifying coercion hit him, making him feel like he was walking alone in the stormy waves, and he almost lost his footing and fell down.

Chu Du gritted his teeth and stood firm on the second step. His face was no longer as bright as before, but resolute and dignified.

The coercion of Wen Tianfeng's last nine steps far exceeded his expectations, but he did not give up and persisted.

He will try his best to challenge his limits.

One step, two steps, three steps...

When Chu Du stood firm on the fourth step, the three of Zhao Peng showed envy and fear towards him.

They knew that Patriarch Tao Cong and many elders of the Wentian Academy were secretly watching the assessment.

The better you perform, the more attention you will receive when you enter a university.


Chu Du stepped on the fifth step with his right foot again, but before stepping on it, the terrifying force suppressed him and spurted out a mouthful of blood.


With a roar, he stepped on the fifth step with all his strength.

But when the soles of his feet just touched the steps, he was bounced off and fell hard onto the platform.

Everyone looked at Chu Du who fell to the ground in shock, feeling palpitated by the difficulty of the last nine steps.

Chu Du climbed up in embarrassment, clenched his fists tightly, and looked at the top of Wentian Peak with scarlet eyes.

I can't even climb the fifth step, is my aptitude limited to this?

He didn't know that the three of Zhao Peng didn't even climb the third step.

Chu Du's failure cast a shadow over the hearts of many Tianjiao and monsters.

After more than ten minutes, another evildoer adjusted to the best condition, and he stepped on the first step in a hurry.

He is full of confidence in himself.

All evildoers have an unyielding heart, thinking that they will not lose to others.

He was full of arrogance and confidence.

But after only climbing three steps, he was bounced off.

One after another, the Tianjiao and evildoers recovered their aura and reached their best condition.

One by one they try to climb the final nine steps.

But all failed without exception.

Most of them only climbed two or three steps, and only one evildoer who had opened up 34 spiritual veins also climbed to the fourth step, but like Chu Du, he tried his best to step on the fifth step and was bounced off.

(End of this chapter)

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