Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 614 The Rare Phantasm Master

Chapter 614 The Rare Phantasm Master

One after another, the Tianjiao and evildoers challenged and failed to reach the summit.

No one has even climbed the fifth step.

The remaining Tianjiao monsters who hadn't tried it all took a deep breath.

Facing the facts, they had to admit that it was almost impossible for them to reach the summit of Wentian Peak.

They just want to climb a few more steps now.

"Why hasn't Xiong Da started to climb the last nine steps?"

Zhan Ruyi, who had been paying attention to Lu Chen's movements, felt strange. Seeing that all the challengers stopped before the fifth step, she couldn't help asking Tianfeng how difficult the last nine steps were.

No wonder it is called the "ladder to the sky", it is indeed as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Zhan Ruyi is eager to try, but she is actually very proud in her heart, thinking that her aptitude is not inferior to anyone among her peers.

She really wanted to know how many steps she could climb with her qualifications?
Can you reach the top?
Han Xu frowned, and guessed, "It may be that Xiong Da has seen the difficulty of the last nine steps, so he wants to be more prepared and try again."

He was also quite strange, Xiong Da gave him the feeling that he had a straightforward and honest character, and it was more in line with his image to go directly to the last nine steps.

A monster with a straightforward personality is not scary, but what is scary is that not only is he a talented monster, but also has a calm personality.

This evildoer will be his strong opponent in the academy.

More and more Tianjiao and evildoers boarded the platform on the [-]th floor.

More and more Tianjiao and evildoers are trying to climb the last nine steps.

They all fail!

More and more people are gathered on the platform.

The strength of the backbone of the assessment is not much different, and they all boarded the platform at about the same time, and thousands of people have already stood densely.

Most of them consume a lot of energy, and they almost collapsed when they got on the platform.

"When [-] students have boarded the [-]th floor platform, the first level of assessment will officially end. If you want to climb Wentian Peak, please try as soon as possible; the students who boarded the platform want to use Those who have recovered from the pill can use the pill, but they must not try to climb the last nine steps."

A thick and resonant voice reached the ears of all the monks. It was the voice of Tao Cong, the master of Wentian Academy.

The monks who came up later felt unfair in their hearts, and there was not much time left for them to recover their spiritual power, and it was impossible for them to return to their peak state.

But they can only hold it in their hearts, and no one dares to speak out.

Their every move is under the eyes of each other, if it causes the displeasure of Palace Master Tao Cong, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Anyway, they have already passed the first test, and they are one step closer to becoming formal students.

Of course, more monks feel that this regulation is reasonable, and the later the monks come, the lower their aptitude and strength, and it is absolutely impossible to climb to the top of Wentian Peak. If they all return to their peak condition, they will waste more than half a day.

As soon as Palace Master Tao Cong's regulations were announced, several monks tried to reach the summit of Wentian Peak.

Thousands of people have already arrived on the platform. According to this speed, there should be 500 people in less than half an hour at most.

Their state has returned to the peak, and they were just waiting for others to try it first, and wanted to observe more.

All failed without suspense.

All of them were dejected and started to adjust their breath again.

The hundreds of monks who came up later basically didn't even try. Their aura has been consumed almost, and they are self-aware.

Climbing the last nine steps is not life-threatening, but the force of repression can still hurt.

Gradually, no one tried to climb to the top of the peak in the end.

After those monks boarded the platform, they collapsed and began to heal their injuries.

Some people simply took out pills to recover.

Seeing that no one tried to climb Wentian Peak again, Huang Xing asked Wudiqiang, "In the past, many people from the Cheng family should have climbed Wentian Peak. Why didn't they get the inheritance of Ghost Valley?"

Wudiqiang said, "The conditions for inheriting the inheritance of Ghost Valley are very harsh. In the past, climbing Wentian Peak was only the first step. Now the power of inheritance is about to dissipate. The power of Wentian Peak's power burst out. The last nine steps The difficulty has also doubled, but as long as you can climb Wentian Peak, you will have the aptitude to inherit the inheritance of Ghost Valley for free, there is no way out of it, it can be regarded as finding the taller among the short."

Lu Chen couldn't help but said, "But it seems that it is not easy for Guigu inheritance to find a taller one among the shorter ones."

Wentian Peak will collapse in ten years. He couldn't bear the loss of Guigu's inheritance, and secretly decided in his heart that at that time, he would select all the evildoers from various schools and let them try to climb Wentian Peak.

Invincible Qiang also said with emotion, "If the inheritance of shijue is so simple, there would not be so few shijue masters in the world. Guess how many shijue masters there are in the human race?"

Huang Chen guessed, "There are 36 heavenly domains in the Great Thousand World, thousands of star domains, and hundreds of thousands of planets. Even if there is only one stylist on a planet, there are hundreds of thousands."

No one knows how many human races there are in the Great Thousand World;
With hundreds of thousands of planets, the population base is absolutely unimaginable.

Invincible Qiang said, "Don't talk about hundreds of thousands of magicians, as long as there are one thousand magicians, the way of heaven will be destroyed long ago. When the five veins of heaven, earth, people, gods and ghosts were at their peak, there were no more than 500 people in total. Shijue The formation was arranged by their joint efforts, and they were almost dead in the first battle of destroying the sky; there are very few magicians in this era, at most seven to eighty people, and most of them have been inherited for a long time. , the strength is still very low.”

After hearing the data that Wudiqiang said, Huang Xing took a deep breath, there are too few magicians, right?
Hundreds of thousands of planets, only seventy or eighty stylists.

On average, there are only two Tianyu?
And as long as a thousand magicians can destroy the way of heaven?

Huang Xing said suspiciously, "The human race has planned a plan to destroy the sky for several epochs but failed. If we spend all our resources to cultivate a thousand stylists, wouldn't it be easy to succeed?"

Invincible said contemptuously, "It's not as simple as you think? The inheritance of the martial artist is extremely harsh, and the cultivation is even more demanding. Back then, those sages of the human race who had reached the peak of the Dao also went to practice martial arts, and they barely got together 500 people. Here The inheritance of Guigu is that Guiguzi, the founder of Guimai, used his insights during his lifetime to create a stylist at once; he lived for a million years in the entire era, but he only taught 100 stylists."

Huang Xing's scalp tingled when he heard this, it took 100 million years for the ancestor of Guimai to teach 29 stylists!
How hard is it to become a stylist?
In his heart, he paid more attention to Wentian Peak's Ghost Valley inheritance, which is the treasure of the entire human race.

If Wentian Peak collapses ten years later, it will be a great loss for the human race.

No matter what, I will let Guigu inheritance find a successor within ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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