Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 616 The evildoer of the third-rank force

Chapter 616
The eight of Han Xu also looked at Cheng Yanghong consultingly, and they also wanted to try how many steps they could climb.

Hearing Zhan Ruyi's question, Cheng Yanghong sensed that Patriarch Tao Cong and some real people from other schools had left, then looked at the assessment students who had left one after another, and said, "The first level of assessment is over, you It's okay to go up the last nine steps now, I'll send you there now."

As he spoke, he flicked his sleeves, and with his aura, he carried the nine Tianjiao evildoers onto the platform.

As soon as the nine Zhan Ruyi landed on the platform, they attracted everyone's attention.

Some people were still recovering their aura due to excessive wear and tear, so they didn't leave the field. When they saw the nine Zhan Ruyi, they couldn't help but look puzzled in their eyes.

These nine people are all extremely handsome, and the kind of demeanor can be seen as the arrogance and evildoers from the high-ranking forces. Everyone can't help guessing why they came.

"Xiong Da." As soon as Zhan Ruyi reached the platform, he found Huang Xing's figure and shouted at him.

Huang Xing had also noticed their arrival, walked up to the nine of them with a silly smile and asked, "Why are you here too?"

Zhan Ruyi said, "We came here to try to see if we can climb nine steps."

She paused, and said doubtfully, "Why don't you go to the last nine steps?"

Huang Xing shook his head and said, "I know I can't make it up, so I won't waste my efforts."

Zhan Ruyi said solemnly, "How can you say that your efforts are wasted? My monks, how can we shrink back when encountering difficulties? How do you know that you can't climb up if you don't try? How can you know where your limit is?"

Her words made the other eight feel the same, Han Xu smiled and said, "Brother Xiong, why don't you climb the mountain together with us, ten of us will compete, and whoever climbs the highest will enter the school in the future, and the other nine will be able to climb the mountain with us." He leads."

He turned his head and said to the other eight people, "What do you think?"

Immediately, one person nodded and echoed, "A group of dragons cannot be without a leader. We made an appointment yesterday to enter the academy to take care of each other. It is also a good thing to determine the ranking by climbing the ladder today."

Another person said, "I also have the same intention. It is most appropriate to rank by climbing the ladder."

Another asked, "If everyone climbed the same step, how would they be ranked?"

Han Xu thought for a while and said, "First count by the number of layers. If it is difficult to distinguish each other, then arrange them in order."

His words were unanimously endorsed by others.

Zhan Ruyi also said with a smile, "If I win the first place, you should all call me Senior Sister from now on."

Seeing that the nine people had already made a decision, Huang Chen didn't object, he smiled and said, "We are students when we enter the academy, so we should call you senior sister."

These nine people form a small team, and he can understand it.

Where there are people, there is a struggle, with rivals and allies.

The fact that the few of them can come together shows that the forces behind them are relatively close to each other.

There is no way to avoid the fact that the major forces form cliques.

As long as it doesn't affect his policy or harm the interests of the whole, Huang Xing won't care about it.

When Zhan Ruyi heard the title of "senior sister", she found it interesting, and said playfully, "Okay, if I win, I will be your senior sister from now on, and if I lose, I will be your junior sister."

All ten people settled down and walked together to the last nine steps, lined up.

They quickly caught everyone's attention.

The monks who hadn't left were in no hurry to leave. They all looked at the ten people, wanting to see how many steps they could climb.

"Brother Zhao, Miss Meng, have you seen them?"

The three rank-five golden elixirs hadn't left yet, so Di Yunfei asked Zhao Peng and Meng Wanqing.

Both Zhao Peng and Meng Wanqing looked at the nine of them intently, shook their heads and said, "Only the boy in the tiger skin is also a student participating in the assessment, and the other nine have just arrived here."

Meng Wanqing pondered for a while and said, "Although the first test is over, they must have the permission of the Cheng family to come up to Wentian Peak. They should be Tianjiao evildoers sent to Wentian Academy by the upper third rank forces."

Zhao Peng and Di Yunfei nodded when they heard her guess, and they also guessed in their hearts.

The three of them all looked at the ten people in front of the steps, who would be their formidable enemies in Wentian Academy in the future, just to see how far they were from the Tianjiao monsters of the upper third rank.

They were also curious about the identity of the tiger-skinned boy, who came to participate in the assessment, which meant that he must be a low-rank force or a casual cultivator, how could he know the nine arrogant monsters of the upper-rank force?
Huang Xing stood in front of the steps, looking up at the top of Wentian Peak.

There are only nine steps, it is indeed like a moat, as long as you step over it, you can climb to the sky in one step.

The nine steps are very steep, and each step is about one meter high with the slope added.

He thought that with his aptitude, it would not be difficult to reach the top, but he had already made up his mind not to compete for the inheritance of Ghost Valley, because he only needed to be one step higher than the other nine.

If any of them can climb to the top, then I can only call senior or senior.


The ten of them stepped up almost simultaneously.

The first step was not difficult for these Tianjiao evildoers from the upper third-rank forces, and all ten people stepped up it steadily.

The nine people came prepared, but the sudden terrifying coercion still shocked them greatly, so they responded more cautiously.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps...

All ten people climbed to the fourth step.


They are all monsters!

When everyone saw ten people climbing the fourth step, they all exclaimed in horror.

Just now hundreds of assessment monks tried to climb the last nine steps, but only two of them climbed the fourth step.

Now that all ten people have climbed the fourth step, how can they not be scared?

Most of them are thoughtful people, and they also guessed that these are evildoers sent to Wentian Academy by the forces of the upper third rank.

Originally, they still had grievances about the recommendation places of the upper third rank and the middle third rank, but now they can only feel that these evildoers from the most powerful forces are indeed not comparable to them.

They showed burning eyes one by one, and they were more determined about the future. They believed that after entering the academy, with sufficient training resources, they could go further, even surpassing these monsters in front of them.

They are also even more grateful to the world lord Huang Xing who gave them this opportunity.

Ten people set foot on the fourth step, and the gap between them also became prominent.

Han Xu and Zhan Ruyi were relatively relaxed, while the other seven felt pressured.

Not to mention Huang Xing, if he wanted to climb to the top, it would be a breeze.


When they climbed to the fifth step, two people couldn't bear it, and they persisted for less than three breaths before being thrown directly onto the platform by the bullet.

After they got up in embarrassment, they looked at the remaining eight people on the steps and shook their heads helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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