Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 617 Battle Sky Drum

Chapter 617 Battle Sky Drum

When they reached the fifth floor, Han Xu and Zhan Ruyi also felt very strenuous. They resisted the terrifying coercion with all their strength and did not dare to relax.

In addition, the others are already crumbling, and the fifth floor is almost their limit.


Only five breaths later, three more people were thrown onto the platform.

The rest of the people were also unable to move for half a minute. They felt that as long as they moved, they would be crushed into powder.


Han Xu was the first to step on the sixth step, and he was pierced like an invincible spear with a sharp aura.

His eyes became scarlet, and he looked firmly at the peak.

He is the evildoer of the Gun Sect, and his idol is the world lord Huang Chen.

Hearing that the world lord Huang Chen is best at gun skills, he became more determined in his gun skills.

He wanted to follow in Huang Chen's footsteps and set foot on the pinnacle of the gun path.

The sharp spear intent shot up into the sky, Han Xu let out a roar, and stepped on the fifth step with both feet.

He was fighting slightly all over his body, and there were cracks in his body, and blood kept oozing out, but he stood there like a straight spear.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Han Xu persisted on the sixth floor for 11 seconds, but was bounced off and fell hard onto the platform, making him dizzy and about to fall apart.

But there was a proud smile on his face.

He didn't defeat Wen Tianfeng, but he defeated himself.

On the sixth step, he broke through his limit, and he was a little more confident in refining the seventh-rank golden pill in the future.

The remaining monsters were also bounced off one by one. They couldn't hold on to the fifth floor. Only one person stepped on the steps of the sixth floor, but he was bounced off as soon as his footsteps fell, and he was stunned immediately. past.

The sixth floor is not something he can set foot in.

On the steps, only Huang Xing and Zhan Ruyi were left.

It was also the first time for Huang Xing to see Zhan Ruyi's true strength.

This girl is usually playful and smart, but when she is serious, she is indeed full of fearless fighting spirit.

According to legend, the Zhan family's surname was not "Zhan" at first, and the specific surnames have not been studied. It is just because their family is all fighting madmen, so they are called "Zhan family".

Inherited for tens of thousands of years, even they themselves have forgotten their original surnames.

Zhan Ruyi also inherited the blood of the Zhan family very well. She has a strong fighting spirit, and she regards Wentian Peak as an enemy standing in front of her.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, she has the courage to fight.

She raised her feet, as if thousands of troops were charging.

Step out with one step, and you will capture the flag.

When Han Xu saw Zhan Ruyi on the platform, he knew he had lost.

She stood firmly on the sixth step, standing there unmoving, like a general who captured an enemy's fortress.

Huang Xing also followed Zhan Ruyi's footsteps to the sixth floor.

At this time, he looked like a prehistoric beast to outsiders, and the terrifying aura on his body made people feel chills, as if he was about to be torn into pieces by him.

Han Xu and the others had already seen Huang Chen's strength to blow Feng Bufan away with one punch. Although they were shocked, it was not difficult to accept.

After Zhan Ruyi stood firm on the sixth floor, she didn't rush to climb to the first floor, but accumulated her strength immovably.

Boom, boom, boom boom—

Suddenly the sound of war drums sounded between heaven and earth.

The drums of war are getting louder and louder, stirring people's hearts and stirring up nine days.

Everyone seemed to feel that they were in the middle of a battlefield, ready to conquer the world, their shirts stained with blood.

"I didn't expect to hear the Zhantian Drum here." Wudiqiang sighed softly when he heard the sound of the Zhantian Drum.

Huang Xing asked, "What is Zhantiangu?"

"The battle drum of the first Heavenly Tribulation War." Invincible Qiang said with infinite nostalgia in his tone, "Emperor Zhan personally beat the war drum, and the war drum resounded throughout the 36 heavens of the world, and countless sages of the human race waged war against the heavens amidst the sound of the war drum. , The sound of war drums continued for ten days and ten nights, and the sages of the human race fought bloody battles for ten days and ten nights, and no one flinched, and finally all of them disappeared."

Knowing the tragedy of the first battle of Heavenly Tribulation, Huang Xing felt reverence for those sages of the human race. He asked, "Are the Zhan family on Earth the descendants of Emperor Zhan?"

"En." Invincible replied in a low voice, and stopped talking.

The Zhan Tian Drum was still resounding through the heavens and the earth, this was the sound of the drum that Zhan Ruyi inspired with his own fighting spirit.

Amidst the sound of the drums, she was burning with fighting spirit, suddenly stepped forward, and stepped on the seventh step in one go.

Boom, boom, boom...

The sound of thunderous drums shook everyone's spirits.

Even a real person like Cheng Yanghong, who was at the top of the hole, felt terrified.

After Zhan Ruyi stepped onto the seventh floor, it was like a candle in the wind, almost extinguished.

Her figure was already on the verge of collapse, and she stood on the seventh floor with all her fighting spirit.

When Huang Xing saw her, he knew that she was at the end of her strength and it was impossible to climb to the top of the peak, so she felt sorry for her.

Invincible Qiang also regretted, "It's a pity that she is not congenitally deficient, otherwise she would still have a chance to reach the summit, but if she can move the Zhantian Drum, as long as she grows up, she will be a brave and unparalleled warrior."

As soon as Wudiqiang's voice fell, the drums that resounded for nine days stopped, and Zhan Ruyi had already been bounced onto the platform.

With her talent, she can only go to the seventh floor.

Only Huang Xing was left on the nine steps, his aura was still terrified, and he stood calmly on the sixth step.

All eyes were drawn to him, expecting him to perform miracles.

A phantom of a giant bear appeared on Huang Xing's body.

Some well-informed Daoist Dongxu frowned and looked at the phantom of the giant bear. They had never seen the appearance of this giant bear, and they didn't know what level of desolate beast it was?
Of course they have never seen it before, and they would never have thought that this phantom of a giant bear was enlarged and manifested by Huang Xing according to the appearance of a big bear in the cartoon "Bear Infested" on Earth.


With a roar, Huang Chen stepped heavily on the seventh step, and the whole Wentian Peak felt trembling.

He was pressed down on the seventh step like Mount Tai, motionless.

Everyone couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

He actually ascended to the seventh floor, and judging by his aura, he could completely withstand the coercion of the seventh floor.

Zhan Ruyi looked at Huang Xing brightly, this is a monster stronger than herself.

Everyone looked at Huang Xing intently, waiting for him to continue climbing to the eighth floor.

And then - the summit.

Huang Chen moved.

Only not forward, but backward.

He looked at the peak for a while, then shook his head, turned around and walked down the steps.

Wen Tianfeng fell into silence.

Everyone watched in astonishment as Huang Xing walked back to the platform step by step.

"You..." Zhan Ruyi stared blankly at Huang Xing, and said in a daze, "You... why did you come down?"

Huang Chen said with a simple and honest face, "The seventh floor is the limit. Even if you step on the eighth floor, you will be bounced off. I don't want to fall like a dog, so I came down by myself."

(End of this chapter)

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