Chapter 618

When Zhan Ruyi heard Huang Xing's words, her hair was covered with black lines. Doesn't this mean that they all fell to the ground just now?

But thinking of the embarrassment he was thrown just now, his buttocks are still hurting, and it really looks like a dog throwing shit.

Zhan Ruyi felt weird in her heart, but she didn't know how to refute Huang Xing's words.

She looked at Huang Xing suspiciously, as if she wanted to see through the truth of what he said.

Huang Chen smiled honestly and said to Zhan Ruyi, "Why do you keep looking at me?"


Zhan Ruyi felt ashamed when she heard the words, after all, she was a girl, so it was really not good to keep staring at Xiong Da like this.

She withdrew her gaze and thought to herself, "Pretend, let's see how long you can pretend."

Relying on a woman's intuition, she felt that Xiong Da was not as simple and honest as he appeared on the surface.

She was also surprised by Huang Xing's behavior, she didn't go to Wentian Peak during the assessment, and now she only went to the seventh floor before returning.

Did he really give up because he felt that he couldn't climb up?

But no matter what, if he can climb up to the seventh floor and stand firm, he has surpassed all of them.

Han Xu bowed his hands to Lu Xing and said sonorously, "Brother Xiong's talent really makes Han feel ashamed. After entering Wentian Academy, the nine of us will follow Brother Xiong's lead."

Several other people also expressed their opinions one after another.

Xiong Da's talent really shocked them.

According to the agreement, he will become the boss of the ten-person small group.

Huang Chen smiled, and said boldly, "Don't worry, following me will definitely not let you suffer, and I will guarantee that you will eat hot and spicy food in the future."

His words had the demeanor of a tribal leader.

After hearing this, the nine people wondered in their hearts: Could it be that Xiong Da came from some barbarian tribe?

There are also some barbarian tribes in the cultivation world. They have poor cultivation talents, but their physical bodies are stronger than ordinary people.

Most of them live in remote places where spiritual energy is thin, and there is no conflict of interest with major forces, and there is not much intersection.

The image of Xiong Da is also in line with the people of the barbarian tribes, but the talent and aptitude are not so good.

Everyone didn't ask the bottom line.

The most taboo thing for monks is to explore other people's secrets.

Huang Xing turned his head to look at the top of Wentian Peak. It seems that no one can climb Wentian Peak today. He can only wait for the evildoers from various schools to climb the last nine steps to find a successor for the inheritance of Ghost Valley.

Han Xu's nine people also looked at the peak, and sighed in their hearts: What kind of evildoer can climb Wentian Peak?The sons of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, who are true dragon-level evildoers, stop at the eighth floor. Do they have to open up 36 spiritual veins or a nine-turn golden elixir?
Huang Xing withdrew his gaze, and was about to return to Cheng Yanghong's flying magic weapon with the nine people when he saw a person boarding the platform.

He couldn't help but look at that person.

It was a panting girl, only about sixteen or seventeen years old.

She was wearing gray clothes, very old, but well laundered.

The clothes were wet with sweat, sticking to the body, and there were many wrinkles.

Huang Xing looked at the girl, not because of her astonishing aptitude, but because the assessment has long since ended, and the monks who have not yet boarded the platform either swallowed the pill to restore their spiritual power, or were taken over by the elders. Walk.

They have already been eliminated, and there is no point in climbing to the top of the mountain.

But this girl insisted on going to the platform on the [-]th floor.

She just got through the late stage of foundation establishment with 31 spiritual veins.

At his age to achieve such a level of cultivation, he can be called extremely monstrous.

However, Huang Xing could see that the girl's second hidden spirit vein had been exhausted, which meant that her potential had been exhausted.

The 31 spiritual veins can barely be called Tianjiao in the foundation building stage, but in the alchemy stage, they may not be able to go up four turns.

As soon as the girl got on the platform, she sat down on the ground, panting heavily, and wiped the sweat off her forehead with her hands.

Then he looked up at the top of Wentian Peak with firm eyes.

She didn't use pills to restore spiritual power like other monks, but slowly adjusted her breath.

The arrival of the maiden did not attract much attention.

The monks on the platform left one after another after Huang Xing and ten people finished climbing the stairs.

"Xiong Da, what's the matter?" Zhan Rujian asked suspiciously when he saw that Huang Xing stopped suddenly.

Several other people also looked at Huang Xing curiously.

Huang Xing pointed to the girl and said, "She just climbed up."

The nine people looked at the girl following what Huang Chen pointed, and frowned slightly, puzzled.

Huang Xing continued, "She didn't reply with pills."

Everyone was still at a loss, wondering what Huang Xing meant?
This girl has just landed here, which means that her aptitude and strength are not good enough. What is there to pay attention to?

Han Xu frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise, "Does she want to continue climbing to the top?"

According to the regulations, only the first [-] monks who climbed to the [-]th floor platform can pass the first level, and the others will be eliminated.

But there is another rule: as long as one can climb to the top of the peak, he can directly become a formal student of Wentian Academy.

This girl has persisted until now, neither leaving nor recovering with pills.

Then there is only one possibility, she wants to continue climbing the last nine steps.

Only when she reaches the top of the peak can she be admitted to Wentian Academy.

Huang Chen nodded and said, "The other eliminated people have given up, only she continues to pursue the last ray of hope. This persistence and persistence are worthy of admiration."

After hearing what he said, Han Xu also showed some admiration in his eyes, not only for that girl, but also for Huang Xing.

Xiong Da ascended the seventh step, and he was the most innate talent among all the people.

But he wasn't arrogant, he could see the girl's persistence from just one detail, and he showed admiration for a person who was far from him.

This kind of heart is more terrifying than his monstrous aptitude.

After hearing Huang Xing's explanation, several other people also understood. One of them shook his head and said regretfully, "The last nine steps are as difficult as reaching the sky, and her persistence will only be in vain in the end."

Another person commented, "She is still young, and it is very rare to be able to come here. It will not be difficult to pass the next school examination."

He didn't know that the girl's second hidden spirit vein had been exhausted, and her potential had been exhausted.

Huang Xing said, "It's okay to go back anyway, why don't we wait here for her to climb the last nine steps."

The others were slightly taken aback, what's so interesting about this?Know the result without looking.

Huang Xing saw what they were thinking and said with a smile, "She can persevere until now, why can't we also persevere to finish it? Are our hearts not as firm as hers?"

His words shocked everyone, breaking out in a cold sweat.

If a monk is not strong in Taoism, no matter how talented he is, it will be difficult for him to achieve success.

They were restless just now, Xiong Da woke them up with a word.

(End of this chapter)

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