Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 619 The Tough Grass

Chapter 619 The Tough Grass
After hearing Huang Xing's words, the nine Han Xu decided to stay and wait for the girl to recover before continuing to climb the mountain.

Even if I know that the girl has a [-]% chance of not being able to climb a step.

But they still wait.

They are just waiting for a result.

Cheng Yanghong originally wanted to take Huang Xing and the others back to Cheng's house, but after hearing the ten people's decision, he couldn't help but look at the girl.

He was in charge of the Wentian City branch of the Cheng family. It was just in time for the Wentian Academy's assessment and there were still many things to deal with, so it was inconvenient to stay for a long time. After saying goodbye to everyone, he left with the flying magic weapon.

Time flies fast.

The other monks on the platform have all left.

They passed the first level of the assessment, and happily went back to share the joy with their relatives and friends, and more importantly, they had to go back to prepare for the second level of assessment three days later.

The girl has almost exhausted all her strength when she boarded the platform on the [-]th floor.

She didn't use any pills, so her recovery speed was very slow.

After a whole day and night, when the sun was setting on the second day, the girl stood up, looking at the top of Wentian Peak with eyes full of hope.

Maybe she couldn't even step on it.

Maybe her persistence is just a joke.

But as long as there is one ten thousandth hope, she will make ten thousand efforts to fight for it.

This is an opportunity to change her fate.

This is also my grandma's last wish.

Thinking of grandma, her eyes dimmed.

In order to save her, grandma didn't have much time left, she could only hold on for another month at most, before she could take part in the next school assessment.

So this time, she will fulfill her grandma's wish no matter what, and be admitted to Wentian Academy.

Her eyes regained a firm gaze as she walked up the last nine steps.

Huang Xing and Han Xu also waited on the platform all day and night.

The girl's persistence made them wait persistently.

They each found an open space to meditate and practice quietly, not to disturb the girl.

At this time, there were only the girl in gray and ten people left on the platform.

She couldn't help but looked at the ten people who were also looking at her suspiciously.

She was the last to board the platform, so she didn't see Huang Chen's demeanor of ten people climbing nine steps.

They didn't know that these ten people were the top evildoers of this year's Wentian Academy.

She was just curious why these ten people were still here, as if they were waiting for her.

She smiled politely at Huang Xing and the others, then continued walking towards the last nine steps, and stopped at the edge of the steps.

Huang Chen and the others also showed smiles on their faces, gave the girl respectful and encouraging looks, then quietly stood aside and looked at the girl, waiting for her to climb the ladder.

No matter who it is, it is worthy of respect if it can stick to its goal and keep going.

How many people, when encountering invincible difficulties, just give up halfway.

The girl raised her foot and stepped firmly towards the first step.

In an instant, she felt that she was submerged by the stormy waves, and her body was trembling on the verge of falling.

The girl gritted her teeth tightly.

The slightly pale lips were bitten by her, blood oozing out.

Her foot seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and she lifted the other foot with difficulty and stepped on it.

The slender figure is like a flat boat in the raging waves.

Looking at the crumbling girl, Huang Xing and the others silently cheered her up in their hearts.

After persisting for 30 seconds, the girl's figure stabilized, and her feet seemed to be rooted, stepping on the steps of the first floor.

She is like a grass, growing tenaciously, despite the wind and rain.


The aura on the girl's body suddenly changed, and everyone was surprised to find that the foundation-building aura on her body suddenly changed to the alchemy aura.

She broke through before the battle, and condensed a phantom of a golden core in her body.

Everyone was surprised and regretful when they saw the girl break through.

Judging from the girl's strength, she should only have opened one or two hidden veins. At her age, she should still have the opportunity to continue to open up the veins. Now that she has broken through to the alchemy stage, she will never be able to open the hidden veins again. , her upper limit is also limited.

Every time a hidden spirit vein is opened, the stock of spiritual power and the speed of operation will increase exponentially.

Therefore, the foundation-building monks will only break through the alchemy stage after the hidden spirit veins wither.

Otherwise, if evildoers like Han Xu and Zhan Ruyi only pursue broken mirrors, it would not be difficult to reach the golden core stage now.

However, Huang Xing knew that the girl's second hidden spirit vein had withered, breaking through the alchemy was her best choice.

He looked at the vibrant golden core phantom in the girl's body, and had some expectations for her.

Maybe she can create miracles and do things that even the arrogant and evildoers can't do.

After the girl broke through, her momentum became much stronger, and she was no longer afraid of the coercion on the first step.

She continued to lift her foot and stepped on the second step.


Stepping on the second step, the coercion doubled compared to the first step.

The girl's figure began to falter again, and it was very difficult to resist the terrifying coercion.

But she is still as tenacious as a grass.

The coercion of the second layer did not suppress her.

She stepped up a step again.

Take root immediately, and step on the second step firmly with both feet.

Even Huang Xing admired the girl's persistence and tenacity.

When she stood on the steps again, Huang Xing saw the phantom of the golden core in her body constantly spinning at high speed, which could even be called violent.

The aura on her body strengthened again, and the phantom of the golden core has become a second turn.

The third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor...

The girl persevered and continued to climb, and she was about to reach the top of the mountain.

She practiced step by step.

When she reached the fifth step, she had already refined the golden elixir phantom five times, and became a five-turn alchemy.

Han Xu and the others were dumbfounded.

Although they couldn't tell that the girl had already reached several rounds of alchemy, the growing aura on her body showed that she made a breakthrough every time she climbed a step.

The fifth step is already the best achievement except for Huang Xing, Zhan Ruyi, and Han Xu.

The girl continued to walk towards the sixth floor.

Huang Xing and the other nine people looked at her intently, they were about to witness the birth of a miracle.

A proud daughter of heaven was born out of nowhere.

The girl stepped on the sixth step, and a terrifying force came to suppress her.

Her blue hair danced and her body kept trembling.


The girl spat out a mouthful of blood, fell down the steps like a kite with a broken string, and slammed hard on the platform, making a loud "bang".

Looking at the girl who was bounced off, Huang Xing sighed in his heart, it seemed that she would not be able to climb to the top of the peak and inherit the inheritance of Ghost Valley.

Seeing the girl's failure, Han Xu's nine people all showed regret on their faces.

The girl fell heavily, she moved and tried to get up, hurting her whole body, and groaned in pain.

Zhan Ruyi couldn't bear it, and walked towards her, trying to lift her up to heal her injuries.

She walked to the girl, and the girl sat up by herself.

Zhan Ruyi took out a top-quality healing elixir and handed it to the girl.

The girl shook her head and didn't pick it up.

(End of this chapter)

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