Chapter 62
The beauty shopping guide looked at Huang Xing curiously. The young man in front of him was handsome and handsome, but he was wearing ordinary brand clothes, and he didn't look tall, rich and handsome at all.

These three girls are young and beautiful, each with their own age, but the clothes on their bodies are not famous brands.

Such a combination of four people does not show a little pride.

Now Huang Xing wants to buy a set of clothes for all three girls, and the three sets will cost at least 10,000+.

It can be seen from the fact that he asked his girlfriend and best friend to also buy clothes, that he really can afford such an expensive Chanel.

Could it be that the handsome guy in front of him is a low-key tall, rich and handsome?
After receiving the positive answer from the beauty shopping guide, Huang Xing gave up his plan to pay Xu Shasha for clothes.

Instead, Xu Shasha smiled meanly, "Hey, but it's okay, based on what I know about Xiao Ke and Ranran, they will take the initiative to ask you to pay for my clothes later."

She could see that Huang Xing was quite rich and powerful, even a behemoth like the Chu family treated him with respect, and the Qin family even smoked whenever he said so, and exploited Huang Xing, she had no guilt feel.

"Uh, is there such an operation?" Huang Xing was confused by Xu Shasha's words.

Xu Shasha said contemptuously, "Nonsense, with your IQ, you won't understand girls."

Huang Xing really doesn't understand the little thoughts of these girls.

"Brother, Miss Sasha, do you look good?"

Lu Xiaoke changed her clothes first and came out of the fitting room. She was as beautiful as an elf, but now she is wearing a limited-edition Chanel pink dress, more like a little princess in a fairy tale.

"Wow, beautiful princess, can I go on a date with you?"

Xu Shasha ran to Lu Xiaoke, stretched out her hand, and exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Of course, my dear prince." Lu Xiaoke put his little hand on Xu Shasha's and acted out a fairy tale.

"Our little princess looks the best in whatever she wears." Huang Xing boasted, and said, "See if you still like it, and buy it together."

"Hee hee, I really like the clothes here." Lu Xiaoke said with a smile.

The style of Chanel's clothes is indeed more suitable for a girl of her age. Compared with those ordinary brands of clothes, both in terms of texture and appearance, they are much better. It is normal for Lu Xiaoke to like them.

"If you like all of them, I bought all the sizes that suit you here, so let's change one every day, and it's not the same every day."

There are more than 1000 million in Lu Chen's card, and it doesn't feel bad at all to buy clothes for Lu Xiaoke.

The beauty shopping guide was stunned for a moment, there are at least 20 styles of clothes that fit Lu Xiaoke's size here, and it will cost at least a million to buy them all.

But she thought the siblings were just joking.

Lu Xiaoke didn't expect his brother to like everything as soon as he heard what she said, so he packed up and bought them all, and said quickly, "Brother, I'm just talking casually, buying this dress is enough, and I don't like the others so much."

"It's okay, buy it back and wear it slowly, anyway, our Xiaoke is so beautiful, we look good in everything we wear." Lu Chenhao said to Lu Xiaoke inhumanely.

After her brother said so, Lu Xiaoke no longer refused, and enjoyed her brother's doting on her.

She personally experienced the magic of Xisui Pill, and also saw the extravagance of the Chu family, and knew that Huang Xing was capable now, and money was just a number to her brother.

She is determined to be a little princess who is not afraid of anything, and now she spends her brother's money without batting an eyelid.

Huang Xing turned around and said to the beautiful shopping guide, "Beauty, help me put together a suit of clothes that fit my sister's size in the store, I want them all."

Huang Xing didn't let Lu Xiaoke try it on, and directly asked the beauty guide to pack up all the clothes.

"Ah?" The beautiful shopping guide was still in a daze after hearing this, and finally came to her senses, and asked, "Are you sure you need a set for every style?"

It turned out that her brother was not joking, but serious.

How lucky to have such a brother!
Huang Xing nodded and asked, "Is there any question?"

"No problem." After all, she is a shopping guide for this kind of international famous brand women's clothing store. She has received professional training and is used to seeing rich people. Xiaoke’s clothes and prices, he introduced, “There are 23 styles suitable for your sister, and the total price is about 180 million. If you buy so many clothes at once, I can apply to the store manager to call you. Eighty-eight percent off."

Big international brands like this rarely offer discounts unless they are engaged in activities, and even if they do, the discounts are very low.

"Okay, thank you." Huang Xing replied lightly.

The beauty shopping guide immediately went to the service desk and reported the situation to the store manager.

Ji Ran also came out of the fitting room. She still likes to dress up in shirts and pleated skirts. She is the spokesperson for the campus' fresh image.

"Does it look good?" Seeing Huang Xing's eyes staring straight at her, Ji Ran asked shyly.

Before Huang Xing answered, Xu Shasha said jokingly, "However, you have taken away Huang Xing's soul, why do you still ask such a naive question?"

Xu Shasha's words made Huang Xing and Ji Ran blush.

At this time, the store manager came over with three shopping guides, and said politely, "Dear sir, miss, if I excuse you, may I ask you to pack the clothes you want now?"

Huang Xing nodded and said, "Help me put together a suit of clothes that fit my girlfriend's size, and I'll buy them together."

He couldn't favor one over another, bought 23 sets for Lu Xiaoke, he couldn't just buy one set for Ji Ran.

Ji Ran asked in surprise, "Why do you buy so many clothes?"

"Hee hee, brother said that we should wear the same set every day, and we will not repeat the same every day." Lu Xiaoke replied helping Huang Chen with a smile.

Ji Ran is not as naive as Lu Xiaoke, he does what he says, she still loves Qian De very much.

She declined and said, "Then there's no need to buy so many?"

"I need to buy so much, Miss Ran, we just agreed to buy Brother Crying." Lu Xiaoke continued to say, "And Sister Sasha, let's buy Brother Crying together."

As expected, Lu Xiaoke asked Huang Xing to spend money on shopping for her as Xu Shasha predicted.

In Lu Xiaoke's heart, Ji Ran is his brother's girlfriend, Xu Shasha is Ji Ran's best friend, and everyone is a good friend.

Now that my brother has money and ability, it is good for everyone to shop happily together.

Huang Chen cooperated very well and took out the UnionPay black card given by the Chu family and his CCB card, and said with a smile, "There are more than 1000 million in the card, you can buy whatever you want, if you buy it, you will win."

He didn't mean to be pretentious.

He just wanted to tell Jiran that I have the ability to give you the best life now, you don't have to worry about anything, just enjoy my love for you obediently.

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(End of this chapter)

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