Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 63 Eternal Heart

Chapter 63 Eternal Heart
More than 1000 million.

Huang Xing reported the balance of the card, which shocked everyone.

The manager of Chanel and the three beautiful shopping guides all stared at Huang Xing in a daze.

This Nima is too embarrassing.

It's not that they haven't seen rich people, even big bosses worth hundreds of millions or billions.

But that is worth, they have never seen someone who can take out [-] million deposits at once, and is still as young as Huang Xing.

She was lucky enough to have seen the UnionPay black card in Huang Chen's hand once, and knew that such a card was only eligible to be owned by a very high-status boss. The young man in front of her was not only rich, but also had status, not that kind of nouveau riche.

The three beautiful shopping guides all looked at Ji Ran with envy. They are so happy to have such a boyfriend.

They all wished to replace Ji Ran as Huang Xing's girlfriend.

Ji Ran felt the envious eyes of the three beautiful shopping guides, and felt very sweet and proud in his heart. He raised his head slightly, like a proud little princess.

After Huang Xing reported the balance, she could no longer refuse.

It would be too hypocritical to refuse.

Lu Xiaoke made her small mouth "O" big. Anyway, she has no concept of money, only knows that it is a lot, and it is a bit difficult to buy and cry her brother.

"Go and help them put on their clothes, thank you." With a smile on his face, Huang Xing said politely to the manager of Sister Yu.

"Oh, okay." The store manager Yujie finally realized, and said quickly, "Dear sir, miss, please wait a moment, we will go and help you pack your clothes."

"I also want to buy sister Shasha's as well." Lu Xiaoke said in a very loyal way, mistaking her brother's money for money.

With so much money, if you don’t buy it with someone else, how can you make your brother cry?

"I'll forget it, the clothes here don't suit me either." Xu Shasha refused.

She means that she actually prefers to wear neutral clothes, and she rarely wears these ladylike clothes.

If Lu Xiaoke asked Huang Xing to buy her one or two pieces of clothes, she would gladly accept it, but she was a little embarrassed to accept so much at once.

Huang Xing looked at Ji Ran, waiting for Ji Ran to speak.

He didn't want to go back to kneel on the washboard at night like Xu Shasha said.

Ji Ran was a little conflicted, if it was her own money, she wouldn't care how much she spent for Xu Shasha, but with Huang Xing's money, she couldn't make the decision to buy millions of clothes for her girlfriends.

But thinking that Lu Xiaoke has already spoken, Huang Xing's current strength really doesn't care about the more than 100 million.

She hesitated for a moment, then smiled while holding Xu Shasha's arm, "Sasha, it's okay, just treat it as Huang Xing paying you."

After Ji Ran spoke, Xu Shasha stopped being polite and said with a smile, "Then thank you, Mr. Lu, thank you boss."

Huang Xing directly called the store manager Yujie to go to the service counter to check out, and bought a total of 72 sets of clothes, which were 510 million after the discount.

By swiping the card to checkout, half of the 1000 million task is easily completed.

With so many clothes, of course Huang Xing and the others couldn't take them away by themselves, so he simply called and asked Wang Hu to send someone to get them.

After leaving the Chanel store, Huang Xing continued to take them to other luxury stores for crazy shopping.

GUCCI hats, SW shoes, LV bags, and Lancome skin care products, Huang Xing changed them from head to toe.

After walking around, the task of 1000 million has already been completed, and more than 2000 million of the money in the UnionPay black card has been swiped.

In other words, in less than three hours, Huang Xing spent a total of more than 3000 million shopping for the three girls.

The power of women's buying and buying is really not to be underestimated.

"Uncle Lu, Madam Boss, I'm going to be your chauffeur for the rest of your life."

Xu Shasha is already numb. With Lu Xiaoke, the big shopping devil who aspires to become a little princess, she and Ji Ran can't buy it.

Huang Xing even swiped the money without blinking his eyes, as long as their eyes stayed on any product for more than three seconds, he would immediately ask the shopping guide to pretend to swipe the card.

Xu Shasha can only feel so inhumane.

Huang Xing spent at least fifty or six million on shopping for her, and she would not be able to pay it back even if she sold it.

"Sasha, you are now a rich woman with a monthly salary of one million. What's so surprising about spending a few million? Chad, it's me who advances your salary for half a year."

Huang Xing smiled and said briskly.

He was really happy to swipe his card today, seeing how happy Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran were buying, made him even happier.

This is the life he wants to give Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran, so that they can be carefree and buy whatever they like.

Huang Xing took Ji Ran's hand and said softly, "Of course, let's go to the jewelry store to buy you a big diamond ring."

"Yeah." Ji Ran replied in a soft voice.

Going shopping just now, Huang Xing has already spent tens of millions on her, and now she feels like a dream, enjoying the favor that Huang Xing gave her.

She once imagined the scene of shopping with Huang Xing, the two of them holding hands, don't have to buy a lot of things, don't have to buy expensive things, she just enjoys the warmth of being together.

Huang Xing took them to the fourth floor, where there is the largest jewelry store in Linjiang.

The four of them walked into the jewelry store, and the shopping guide immediately greeted them and said with a polite smile, "Welcome to Liushun Jewelry. Dear Sir and Miss, what do you need?"

The four of them, Huang Xing and the others, had already put on international famous brands worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Seeing the four of them wearing famous brands, the shopping guide knew that they had financial strength, and her face was filled with enthusiastic smiles.

"Take us to see the diamond ring in your store." Huang Xing said straightforwardly.

"plz follow me."

The shopping guide replied politely, and led Huang Xing and the others to the diamond ring area.

She pointed to a whole row of diamond ring counters and said, "This is the diamond ring section of our store. What kind of diamond ring do you need?"

The eyes of the four people looked at the dazzling diamond rings, and they were immediately attracted by the diamond ring inlaid with a heart-shaped aqua-blue diamond in the middle.

The shopping guide has become accustomed to the customer's eyes being attracted by the diamond ring, and she introduced with a smile, "This diamond ring is called 'Eternal Heart', and it is inlaid with a 10.6-carat South African Fancy Vivid blue diamond, which means that love will never change. The price is 5200 million RMB, which is the treasure of our store.”

Almost all customers who come to the store to buy diamond rings will be attracted by this "eternal heart", but because of the high price, no one has been bought, and it is regarded as the treasure of Liushun jewelry.

5200 million!
Ji Ran and Xu Shasha clicked their tongues when they heard the price. These pigeon eggs are really ridiculously expensive.

However, it is really beautiful.

"Eternal Heart" exudes a soft aqua blue light, crystal clear, pure and flawless, fascinating.

The eyes of the three women were all intoxicated on the "Eternal Heart", unwilling to leave for a long time.

Every girl wants to have such a pure and flawless diamond ring that symbolizes eternal love.

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