Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 622 Climbing to the top

Chapter 622 Climbing to the top
Before Huang Xing unified the cultivation world, 70.00% of the resources were monopolized by the forces of the upper third rank, and 20.00% of the resources of the fifth rank were in the hands of the forces of the third rank.

The lower third-rank forces and casual cultivators have less than 5.00% of the resources.

And their number accounted for more than 80.00% of the cultivation world.

Although the upper third-rank forces often recruit monstrous disciples from the outside, most of them directly recruit them from the middle third-rank forces to which they belong.

The class has solidified, if Huang Xing hadn't broken this pattern with his absolute invincible strength, the forces of the lower third rank and the monsters among casual cultivators could hardly grow up.

The evildoers of the six-turn elixir in casual cultivation like Xu Youquan were all used by the Jiang family.

Xu Youyou with a pure yin body was almost regarded as a cauldron.

If they come from the upper third rank forces, at least they are all monsters at the level of true disciples.

It is conceivable how difficult it is for the lower third-rank forces and evildoers in casual cultivators to grow up, and they will almost never have a bright future.

Han Xu and the others looked at Xiong Da, feeling a little uncomfortable.

It would be a lie to say that they are not jealous of Xiong Da.

The establishment of the school has the greatest impact on the disciples of the younger generation of the upper third rank forces.

Many disciples of the younger generation of the upper third rank have resentment towards the academy.

Because it threatens their status.

According to the previous historical process, the future cultivation world should belong to their stage.

But with Huang Xing's invincible strength, the ancestors of all major forces tremblingly obeyed, so what could they do?If you have grievances, you can only hold back!

Han Xu and the others had relatively no complaints, because they were qualified to enter the academy.

They can not only obtain the resources of their respective forces, but also enjoy the benefits of the school.

They can be said to be the most profitable group of people.

It's just that Xiong Da's talent and aptitude are stronger than theirs, and the tenacity of that unknown girl is also far superior to theirs, which makes them feel a little tired.

However, their temperaments are not bad. While they are jealous, they admire Huang Xing and that girl very much, and encourage them to work harder.

When Han Xu and the others were full of emotions, they suddenly noticed Xiong Da's breath bursting out.

They were all terrified.

Xiong Da's aura is like an ancient beast waking up, trying to devour them.

This terrifying breath lasted for about ten breaths before entering Xiong Da's body.

Huang Xing stood up, and said with a simple and honest smile, "The fifth hidden spirit vein has been opened."

"Xiong Da, congratulations." Zhan Ruyi showed a happy smile on his face and sent sincere congratulations.

Although the others were well prepared in their hearts, they were still extremely shocked to see Xiong Da open the five spiritual veins of No.30 with their own eyes.

When they heard Zhan Ruyi's congratulations, they all congratulated Huang Xing one after another.

Not long after Huang Xing "opened" the fifth hidden spirit vein, the girl on the eighth step also slowly woke up.

Her body moved slightly, and she groaned in pain.

The blood on her body congealed into scabs, and her body was used to the suppression of the eighth step, and she could bear it.

The girl first sat up slowly with difficulty, and then slowly stood up with the support of her hands.

Her body is very delicate, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

The morning sun shines on her face, and it feels warm like grandma's hand gently stroking her little face.

The girl stepped on the steps on the ninth floor.

There is the peak of Wentian Peak.

As long as you stand there, you can enter Wentian Academy without taking the test, and fulfill your grandma's last wish.

There is no force of terror to suppress it.

The girl climbed briskly to the top of the peak from the eighth step, just like climbing a mountain.

She stood on the top of the peak, like a straight pine.

She raised her head slightly, smiled and stretched slightly facing the morning light, she grinned from the pain, but had a bright smile on her face.


The girl raised her hands, made trumpet shapes and put them on her mouth, shouting loudly, venting her happiness.

The voice echoed in the top of the cloud, and everyone stood on the platform, looking up at the girl on the top of the mountain, and felt happy for her.

The blood scabs on the girl's body fell off piece by piece, and delicate skin re-grew.

She has changed from a resolute girl who never abandons or gives up to a cheerful and agile girl.

Even she herself didn't realize that the phantom of the rank eight golden elixir in her body was constantly absorbing the power of Wentian Peak.


A terrifying breath erupted from her.

Not only did she refine the phantom of the nine-turn golden elixir, but she also directly turned the emptiness into reality in one fell swoop, condensing it into a golden elixir.

In the early stage of Nine Revolving Golden Core.

In the world of comprehension, besides Huang Xing and his five women, only Lan Xiuming, the son of the blood god, and Musashi, the saint of the Shinto temple, also condensed the nine-turn gold elixir.

She is the ninth monk who condensed the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

(The Son of Suzaku is just a phantom of the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, and has not turned the emptiness into reality.)
The terrifying golden core breath shocked everyone.

How long has it been since she broke through from the Foundation Establishment Stage to the Core Formation Stage?

Is this breaking through to the golden core stage again?

And they have never seen such a terrifying golden core breath.

How many rounds of golden pills did she condense?
The girl was also taken aback when she suddenly condensed the Nine Rank Golden Elixir.

However, I soon thought happily: Not only did I get the quota to enter Wentian Academy, but I also condensed the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, and my grandma would be very happy.

When she thought of her grandma, her bright and flowery smile dimmed in an instant.

The girl thought in her heart: "I will go back and tell my grandma the good news now, she will be very happy."

Before she had time to stand on the top of the peak to enjoy the small scenery of the mountains, she went straight down the steps and walked towards Huang Xing and the others.

"Thank you." The girl bowed to them in thanks.

Huang Xing smiled at her and said, "We didn't do anything, why should we thank us?"

He is now the boss of the small group of ten people, and he is the one to start the conversation.

The girl said seriously, "You didn't laugh at my overreaching, but silently supported and encouraged me to climb to the top, so I want to thank you."

"When I climbed to the top of the mountain and heard other people's comments, I knew that no one had reached the top. I was a little desperate at that time, because I knew that my talent and aptitude were not as good as those in front of me."

"But I am not willing to give up without even trying, and climb the mountain with the last sliver of faith."

"You have paid attention to me from the very beginning. If you also thought I was a lunatic or a fool at that time, or even made a mockery of me, maybe I couldn't bear the blow and gave up on my own."

Huang Xing shook his head and smiled, "You don't know how good you are and how strong you are in your heart."

He pointed to the top of Wentian Peak and said, "Even Wentian Peak hasn't defeated you, how can we affect you?"

Huang Chen said forcefully, "The only one who can defeat you is yourself."

After hearing Huang Xing's words, the girl's eyes shone brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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