Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 623 Only You Can Beat You

Chapter 623 Only You Can Beat You

"The only one who can defeat you is yourself."

These words were not only addressed to the unknown girl, but also to the other nine evildoers.

Han Xu and Zhan Ruyi couldn't help chewing Xiong Da's words in their hearts, and then looked at him with bright eyes, as if they had realized something.

They began to change their views on Xiong Da. This true dragon-level evildoer is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Their first impression of Xiong Da was a simple-minded mountain boy.

But now it seems that Xiong Da is wise and foolish, courageous and resourceful.

The girl also understood the meaning of Huang Chen's words, looked at him with clear eyes, and asked, "My name is Su Xiu, what's your name?"

"Su Xiu, good name, no wonder you are so good." Huang Xing smiled at her and said, "My name is Xiong Da."

After hearing Huang Xing's praise, Su Xiu blushed slightly, and asked, "Are you also the assessment students of Wentian Academy?"

She suddenly thought of something, and said anxiously, "Oops, the second round of assessment is about to start, aren't you guys going to be late?"

Huang Xing smiled and said, "Don't worry, we, like you, have also obtained the official quota of Wentian Academy."

Su Xiu said in surprise, "Have you all climbed to the top of the mountain?"

She didn't see the scene of Huang Xing's ten people climbing the last nine steps, and thought that they were exempted from the assessment only after they reached the top of the mountain. But when she climbed to the platform, she heard people talking, didn't they say that no one climbed to the top of the mountain?

Huang Chen shook his head, pointed at Han Xu and the others, and said, "Nine of them are recommended students of the upper third-rank forces. I have opened up 35 spiritual veins, so I don't need to participate in the assessment."

Su Xiu thought that these ten people still had such identities, and felt strange in her heart. They didn't have to participate in the assessment, so why did they appear here?
Huang Xing seemed to see her doubts, and explained, "We came to Wentian Peak because of the fame, but we failed to reach the top. In the past hundred years, only you have climbed to the top of Wentian Peak."

He laughed, "You know how good you are now, don't you?"

Huang Xing saw that although Su Xiu had a tough character and a firm heart, she was still a little unconfident and inferior. This was also a common problem of monks from the bottom.

He has already decided to take Su Xiu as his apprentice, and he wants to help her build up the correct self-confidence and let her know that she is not inferior to anyone.

Su Xiu looked at Han Xu and the others in surprise. She didn't expect that even the monsters of the third-rank forces could not climb to the top of the mountain. She was actually the only person who reached the top of the mountain in the past hundred years.

She said happily, "We will be classmates in the future, please take care of us."

Then he said to Zhan Ruyi, "Thank you sister for giving me the elixir, may I ask my sister Fang's name?"

Although she didn't use Zhan Ruyi's elixir to heal her wounds, she was very grateful for her helping hand.

Zhan Ruyi smiled and said, "My name is Zhan Ruyi, nice to meet you."

Su Xiu also smiled sweetly, "I'm also very glad to meet you all. I'm going home to visit my grandma first, and then I'll report for the exemption from the exam. I'll look for you after school starts."

Just now Xiong Da said that she could be exempted from the entrance examination by opening 35 spiritual veins, and she remembered that she didn't need to climb to the top of the mountain, and was automatically exempted from the entrance examination when she reached the sixth rank of alchemy on the sixth floor.

However, it is a blessing in disguise. If she had thought of this at the time, she would definitely not have the belief to continue to climb to the top of the mountain, and she would not have reached the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

Huang Xing took out a handful of communication jade charms and handed them to Su Xiu, "You take these communication jade charms, and it will be convenient for you to contact us when school starts."

After the general monks got to know each other, if they wanted to communicate with each other, they would exchange the jade talisman of communication with each other. Lu Chen knew that Su Xiu didn't exchange the jade talisman of communication with them. It wasn't that she didn't want to contact them, but she didn't have the jade talisman of communication on her body at all.

The Jade Talisman of Communication is very valuable, so the disciples of Tianjiao and evildoers of the upper third rank will use each other. Like Su Xiu, he couldn't afford the Jade Talisman of Communication before.

Although it was the first time for Su Xiu to see the Communication Jade Talisman, she also knew that it was very valuable, so she hesitated to take it.

Huang Xing smiled and said, "Take it first, treat it as if I borrowed it from you, and return it to me later."

"En." Only then did Su Xiu agree to accept the Jade Talisman of Communication, but she didn't dare to take more, so she just took two and said, "Two are enough, thank you, I will return the Lingshi immediately when I have spirit stones in the future." for you."

Su Xiu took two communication jade charms and left contact marks with Huang Xing and Zhan Ruyi.

Huang Xing put away the remaining dozen or so messenger jade talismans, and after saying goodbye to Su Xiu, he brought nine people back to the Cheng family branch in Wentian City.

However, he was only the body and Han Xu and the others returned to the Cheng family branch, but the Yuanshen came out of his body and followed Su Xiu secretly.

Because he discovered that Su Xiu's second hidden spirit vein didn't wither normally, but was eroded by the poison.

He intends to take Su Xiu as his apprentice, he wants to know her background clearly, and then find out who killed her.

Su Xiu climbed to the top of Wentian Peak, which represented the approval of Ghost Valley's inheritance.

But because her soul is still very weak, unable to bear the enlightenment of the last will of Guiguzi, the ancestor of the ghost veins, so the inheritance is sealed in her brain, at least need to break through to the cave, and cultivate the primordial spirit before it can be slowly unsealed .

Su Xiu doesn't live in Wentian City, but in a nearby town.

In addition to big cities, there are also some small towns and villages in the realm of comprehension, where low-level casual cultivators and ordinary civilians gather.

Su Xiu has just broken through to the Golden Core stage, and is not yet familiar with her current strength. She was a little wobbly when flying, and almost fell from the sky.

After about half an hour, she was able to roughly control her strength and fly smoothly.

She has never practiced flying martial arts, nor does she have a magic weapon for flying. She just uses the most basic spiritual power to float in the air. The speed is not very fast, and the consumption of spiritual power is still very large.

However, her spiritual power is very pure, and the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir continuously provides spiritual power, and she doesn't get tired all the way, flying around happily like an elf.

It took about two hours to reach the small town where Su Xiu lived.

Huang Xing has been in the cultivation world for a year, and this is the first time he has been to a small town.

He easily covered the entire town with his spiritual consciousness. There were tens of thousands of people living here, and there were only hundreds of monks who were above the foundation stage, and they were all very old.

There are more backward towns and villages like this in the world of comprehension, but their status and identities are different, and he usually can't get in touch with them.

Generally, monks with some strength and aptitude in small towns will try their best to transfer to big cities, and the gap between the small town and the main city will become wider and wider. The distance between the two is only a few thousand miles, but it can be said that it is heaven The bag is different.

Just like the cities and villages on the earth, everyone wants to go to the big cities, and the gap between the big cities and the countryside is getting wider and wider.

(End of this chapter)

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