Chapter 655
After hearing Huang Xing's words, everyone scolded in their hearts: You're still shameless, who is provoking whom?It's obvious that you've been pissing people off.

Huang Xing actually wanted to tell them that he was wronged, and he was just telling the truth.

Wei Wuji is indeed an unlucky boy!

Seeing that Huang Xing promised not to disturb Wei Wuji again, Master Yu was relieved.

In fact, he was just afraid that he would be implicated in being attacked.

I am a majestic earth fairy who has been teased by others, how shameless?

He was also very depressed, Wei Wuji's luck was indeed too bad, even if he solved the remnant treasure, it was still one of thousands of flags in a set.

The fairy treasures made of stone were all buried in ancient times or even in the last era, and it is simply impossible to collect them all.

Not a waste treasure is also equivalent to a waste treasure.

If I had known that I wouldn't have made such a fuss, I felt like I was in bad luck.

He looked at Wei Wuji, and muttered in his heart: Is he really the unlucky boy in the legend?


Fairy light glowed.

Wei Wuji untied all the stones in his hands, and a green elixir was bred inside.

A gap was cut in the elixir.

When the celestial light dissipated, Wei Wuji picked up the elixir, looked at the gap, and trembled angrily.

This is the elixir that I was cut by the second master's excessive force just now.

If a elixir is cut, the efficacy of the medicine will be lost when it is born, and the price will definitely be greatly reduced.

He brought the elixir to Yan Guangqi and said, "I invite Immortal Yan to taste the elixir."

Yan Guangqi picked up the elixir to examine it carefully, and then priced it, "The second-grade Mu Ning elixir is defective, and its efficacy is only half. The price is eight low-grade immortal stones."

Wei Wuji's teeth itched in anger. If there were no defects, he should be able to sell the low-grade immortal stone for 20 yuan.

The price of that piece of fairy stone material is 15 yuan low-grade fairy stone, and now he has lost seven low-grade fairy stones.

Immortal stone priced by immortal stone is easy to unlock immortal treasures, but if ordinary or even waste stones are unlocked, or if immortal treasures are not worth the cost, the loss will be heavy.

Wei Wuji glanced at Huang Xing resentfully, but he didn't dare to provoke him.

I heard the conversation between Yan Guangqi and Huang Xing just now.

He turned his head to look at the pile of rocks that looked like hills. Hundreds of pieces had already been unraveled, and they were all ordinary products.

He sneered in his heart, "Hmph, after I win, let's see how I humiliate you."

Wei Wuji continued to take the stone from his entourage and began to analyze the stone.

Lu Chen was at his leisure, sipping tea leisurely and watching them unravel the stone.

"Wow, there is another fairy treasure!"

Surrounded by a burst of immortal energy, someone shouted loudly.

This time the fairy treasure came from Huang Chen's pile of stones.

It is a second-grade immortal material Dingfeng stone the size of an eyeball, and it can be sold for 25 low-grade immortal stones.

The birth of the Dingfeng Stone did not cause much commotion. Everyone looked at the pile of stones that had been untied by a third.

Except for this wind-fixing stone, the others are ordinary products, so it can be said that it is a blood loss!

Wei Wuji unlocked a total of four stones. Although the latter two are not immortal treasures, there is a volume of high-level fire-attributed heaven-level exercises bred by heaven and earth. The final price is 26 low-grade immortal stones, and the other one is also worth one low-grade immortal stone. Heaven-level intermediate magic weapon.

The total price of the four pieces is 85 immortal stones, which is a small profit.

Jieshi continued to proceed in an orderly manner.


The celestial light appeared again, and Wei Wuji unlocked another celestial treasure.

This time without Huang Xing's interference, he carefully unwrapped the stone, and finally unwrapped a slightly damaged first-level fairy armor, priced at 120 low-grade fairy stones.

Wei Wuji suddenly felt refreshed, and now he has only unlocked nine stones in total, and the total value of the unlocked treasures has already exceeded the cost of the 200 yuan low-grade immortal stone.

No matter what is solved for the remaining three stones, it is guaranteed to make a profit without losing money.

He couldn't help but think: Gambling with stones is still easy, as long as you have the capital to buy high-quality stones, it's easy to solve the fairy treasure.

He looked at Huang Chen's pile of stones, there were only more than 100 pieces left unsolved, and the total of the unsolved treasures did not exceed 40 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

This bet is sure to win!
Hold your breath!Hold your breath!
Wait until I finish unlocking the remaining three stones, make you completely desperate, and then severely humiliate you.

As the stone gradually dissolves.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Huang Chen, and laughed in their hearts, "Buying stones with 200 yuan of low-grade immortal stones is a shameless prodigal! Now you know that you have suffered a loss, and you know you regret it!"

It's just that they didn't see a trace of regret on Huang Xing's face, he was still sitting there calmly drinking tea.

He is really big-hearted!
Everyone can only give him such an evaluation.


Immortal light filled the air, and there was an immortal light in Lu Chen's pile of stones again.

Wei Wuji was removing the last piece of stone, he couldn't help but tremble.

He kept saying silently in his heart, "Immortal material, immortal material, must be immortal material."

At the critical moment, when the other party unlocked the fairy treasure, he was a little worried that the second master was really lucky.

The celestial light condensed together, and an elixir appeared in the hands of Shi Jieshi.

Wei Wuji's heart was relieved, just now he was afraid that the other party would directly crush him with an immortal artifact or spell.

If it's just an elixir, as long as it's not above the third rank, you can't beat him.

How can it be so easy to open an elixir above the third rank?

According to the law of the Tianyuan star, the highest stone material is only a fifth-level fairy treasure, which is rare in a thousand years.

Sure enough, it was just a second-level golden marrow elixir, which belonged to the highest-grade elixir, and was priced at 60 yuan for a low-grade immortal stone.

Wei Wuji looked at the golden marrow elixir with greed on his face. He happened to be practicing the gold system, and this golden marrow elixir was of great use to him.

When he wins the bet, this golden marrow elixir will be his own.


When Wei Wuji was distracted, the stone in front of him also emitted a fairy light. He hurriedly concentrated his energy and carefully untied the last stone in front of him.

Another Fairy Treasure has appeared!
Wei Wuji's face was full of excitement, and he shouted desperately in his heart: "Immortal Artifact, Immortal Art; Immortal Artifact, Immortal Art..."

The celestial light lasted for about half a stick of incense before Wei Wuji untied the stone with sweat profusely, and what appeared in front of him was a golden wheel that contained endless killing aura.

The atmosphere of killing permeated the entire fairy stone area, making everyone feel terrified.

Yan Guangqi's aura exploded and enveloped Jinlun, and then suppressed the killing aura.

His figure flashed to Wei Wuji's side, his eyes were shining brightly looking at the golden wheel overflowing with fairy light.

Innate Immortal Artifact!

An innate fairy artifact bred by heaven and earth unexpectedly appeared.

Congenital Immortal Artifacts are naturally condensed by the Qi of heaven and earth, and evolved in accordance with the laws of heaven and earth.

Every innate fairy weapon is the best and most powerful existence in its class.

It is even more powerful than many higher-level ordinary fairy artifacts.

Wei Wuji was completely bewildered, and stared blankly at Jinlun.

I actually solved the innate fairy weapon!

(End of this chapter)

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