Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 656 Who said I lost?

Chapter 656 Who said I lost?
The price of a first-level fairy artifact is about 100-1000 low-grade fairy stones.

The price of the second-level fairy artifact is about 1000-5000 low-grade fairy stones.

The price of the third-level fairy artifact is about 5000-15000 low-grade fairy stones.

This is the price of a fairy artifact built the day after tomorrow.

Congenital Immortal Artifacts are conceived by heaven and earth, and contain the most perfect laws of the Dao. Even the lowest-grade first-grade immortal artifacts start at a thousand low-grade immortal stones.

Wei Wuji looked at Jinlun, trembling with excitement.

The golden wheel exudes the mysterious laws of the golden system, which fits perfectly with his way of cultivation.

He felt that his body was resonating with the golden wheel.

This is the fairy artifact prepared for him.

This is a fairy artifact born for him.

What a poor boy!

This is blatant slander!

I am the chosen one!
"Hahaha..." Wei Wuji laughed heartily, the haze of being attacked by Huang Xing was swept away, he looked at Huang Chen proudly, and said arrogantly, "See, this is the perfect gold-type attacking fairy weapon, heaven and earth The congenital artifacts given to me, even your golden marrow elixir are prepared for me, I am the real chosen one, the king of luck."

Everyone listened to Wei Wuji's presumptuous and unruly laughter, without ridicule or contempt.

They only have deep envy, jealousy and hatred!

This luck is too bad!

They looked at Huang Xing as if they were watching a tragedy.

There was no chance of winning.

Now the other party opened the Xiantian Immortal Artifact again, and it was a final decision, and there was no chance of turning over.

The loss was miserable.

They want to see how the second master, who has always been flattered and humiliated, will lose his composure when facing the innate fairy weapon.

It's just that Huang Xing disappointed them all.

Seeing that Wei Wuji had unwrapped the Xiantian artifact, Huang Chen didn't panic or panic, he still smiled calmly and said, "I haven't finished untying the stone yet, what's the rush for you unlucky boy? Innate treasure is nothing but a simple matter."

Wei Wuji laughed loudly, pointing at the stones in the hands of the eight stone interpreters and mockingly said, "If you can solve a treasure that surpasses my innate fairy weapon, I will eat all the stone chips you remove."

The other party only had eight stones left to be solved, and it was absolutely impossible for treasures beyond the golden wheel to appear.

Everyone looked at Huang Xing with mockery in their eyes.

Could this kid have lost his mind?

Such a big talk when you are about to die.

Fascinated by self-confidence?
Yan Guangqi also shook his head in disappointment. He originally thought that the second master had such confidence because he kept his secrets.

Now it seems that he is nothing more than an arrogant person.

With his way of dissolving stones, it is natural to see that the eight half-dissolved stones are all ordinary grades.

The second master has already lost this bet.

Wei Wuji glared at Huang Xing defiantly, held the congenital golden wheel in both hands and handed it to Yan Guangqi, and said, "I invite Immortal Yan to appreciate it."

Yan Guangqi took the congenital golden wheel as if it were a treasure, his eyes were full of love, and he carefully appraised its grade and price.

It is rare to see a congenital artifact in Donglin Shifang for thousands of years, and he has never personally identified it.

The golden wheel's celestial light shone, and Yan Guangqi's face gradually showed shock and excitement.

After half a sound, the immortal light of Xiantian Jinlun disappeared.

After Yan Guangqi's appraisal was completed, he held the congenital golden wheel fondly, and said in an excited voice, "This is a first-class congenital treasure, which contains the perfect golden way and the law of killing—"

Everyone was shocked, it turned out to be an innate treasure, and it also contained two perfect Dao laws!
Yan Guangqi took a deep breath and appraised, "Evaluate a high-grade fairy stone."

The amount of a high-grade fairy stone is very small.

But the celestial power contained in a high-grade fairy stone is equal to the celestial power of 1 yuan low-grade fairy stone.

If it is exchanged, it is difficult to exchange 5000 yuan for a low-grade immortal stone into a high-grade immortal stone.

That is to say, the price of this golden wheel surpassed the third-level fairy artifact made the day after tomorrow.

Yan Guangqi said sincerely, "I am willing to offer a piece of high-grade immortal stone and 1000 yuan of low-grade immortal stone to buy this golden wheel."

He didn't buy it in the name of Donglin Shifang, but in his private name.

The price is also quite reasonable.

He is practicing the golden way, and the congenital golden wheel is more suitable for him than the third-grade fairy weapon he is using now.

If the congenital golden wheel is refined into a magic weapon of life, his combat power can be increased by [-] to [-]%.

Wei Wuji was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, grabbed the golden wheel excitedly and shouted, "Not for sale—"

When he got the golden wheel, he realized that he had lost his composure. Looking at Yan Guangqi, whose expression sank slightly, he quickly explained, "Immortal Yan, please don't get me wrong. to decide."

Ancestor Taiyan is the ancestor with the highest level of cultivation in the Wei family, and he is the eighth level of immortality.

He is not stupid.

Although the temptation of top-grade immortal stones is great, as the son of the Wei family, he will never lack resources for cultivation.

When I cross the catastrophe and become an immortal, the congenital golden wheel is just suitable for refining the magic weapon of life.

The starting point is much higher than that of ordinary earth immortals, and the upper limit will be higher in the future.

He couldn't afford to offend Yan Guangqi himself, so he could only use the ancestor of the Wei family as a shield.

Seeing that he moved out of Wei Taiyan, Yan Guangqi felt a little unhappy, but he had no excuse to force him to buy.

Although the Wei family is not as good as Donglin Shifang, it is also an established family in Zhentian City, and its strength should not be underestimated.

He knew that Wei Wuji was just making excuses, so he said without giving up, "Such a treasure should be determined by Taiyan Patriarch. I will visit Taiyan Patriarch again tomorrow."

Wei Wuji's expression changed, he was afraid that Taiyan Patriarch would sell the Xiantian Golden Wheel to Yan Guangqi.

But thinking about how much the ancestor loved him, and the fact that this innate golden wheel was solved by himself, he probably wouldn't agree to sell it.

He didn't want to get entangled in this issue any longer, so he looked at the stone interpreters who helped Huang Chen analyze the stone.

When Yan Guangqi appraised the congenital golden wheel just now, the remaining eight stones were all solved, and there was no miracle.

Wei Wuji looked at Huang Xing with a smirk, and yelled wildly, "You've already lost, why don't you hurry up and kneel at my feet, slap yourself and say you're an unlucky boy."

Looking at Huang Chen's handsome face with a slight smile, he wanted to punch him.

At this moment, he felt very happy, as if he saw the scene where the second master knelt at his feet and slapped his face while saying that he was an unlucky child.

This is simply more exciting for him than getting the congenital golden wheel!

The stone gamblers onlookers all looked at Huang Xing gloatingly, and they were also unhappy with this second master for a long time.

If you step on dog shit until you are a congenital sword fetus, you don't know your own name.

You deserve it now, right?

The two hundred low-grade immortal stones were lost in a blink of an eye, and they would be severely humiliated.

Master Yu also looked at Huang Xing with a sneer, and thought to himself: It seems that I don't need to kill him right away, let him live a few more days, and when he appears in the future, someone will point and say, see, this is The unlucky boy who slapped himself at the feet of Mr. Wei!

This is better than killing him.

"Who said I lost?" Huang Xing's mocking voice reached everyone's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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