Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 66 Xiao Ke, beat him up

Chapter 66 Xiao Ke, beat him up

"I am Huang Chen."

Huang Xing glanced at Xie Donglai and Ling Shuiling lightly, and replied calmly.

Then he looked at Young Master Chi and sneered, "I want to see today, will your Chi family sell me the Eternal Heart?"

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

As soon as Huang Xing's name was announced, Young Master Chi was about to cry. If he could challenge the existence of the Qin family by himself, how could their Chi family be offended?

Now that he is riding a tiger, if he continues to refuse to sell the Eternal Heart to Huang Xing, he will only offend this evil star and the Chu family.

If you say sell the eternal heart to Huang Xing now, it's slapping Young Master Xie and Miss Ling in the face.

He couldn't afford to offend both sides, so Young Master Chi could only stand aside shivering, not daring to speak.

He is no longer qualified to decide this kind of matter, he can only wait for his father to decide.

Xie Donglai looked at Huang Xing apprehensively, his face was no longer as calm as before, and he didn't dare to talk about the truth anymore, so he said solemnly, "So it's Young Master Lu, who has heard the name for a long time, disrespectful and disrespectful."

"You also want to buy this eternal heart?"

Huang Xing didn't greet Xie Donglai, and asked with a half-smile.

Xie Donglai's face changed, he really wanted to buy this eternal heart for Ling Shuiling.

He has pursued Ling Shuiling for more than a year, and now the relationship between the two of them has finally been determined with great difficulty.

Usually, he has a refined image of knowing everything in his chest, but now if he admits cowardly when he hears Huang Xing's name, the good image established in Ling Shuiling's heart will be gone.

Xie Donglai suppressed his fear, and with an elegant smile on his face, he said, "Everyone has a love for beauty, this eternal heart is so beautiful, Xie really wants to buy it as a gift."

Ling Shuiling knew that the other party was Huang Xing. She was powerful and knew her younger brother. She didn't want to continue fighting for the eternal heart, but Xie Donglai spoke first, so she could only remain silent.

"Don't you like reasoning? I'll tell you what reason is right now." Huang Xing looked at Xie Donglai who was pretending to be calm with a sarcasm, and said slowly, "In Linjiang, what I say is reason."

The tone is flat and full of domineering, which makes people dare not question it.

It's not that he didn't give Ling Tianqi face, but that Young Master Chi's aggressiveness scared Ji Ran just now, and Xie Donglai's forceful preaching made Lu Xiaoke sulky.

He can let Ling Shuiling go, but Xie Donglai and Chi Shao, he must teach them a lesson.

Xie Donglai's face was swollen very ugly, one part was blue and one part was white.

Huang Xing was a naked humiliation to him, but he didn't have the guts to question whether Huang Xing's words were unreasonable.

"Come east, forget it." Ling Shuiling didn't expect that Huang Xing would be so domineering. If they angered him, they would not be enough for him to crush him with one hand, so he said dissuadingly, "Since it is Lu Shao who first fell in love with the eternal heart, then we don't want it." Beloved."

Xie Donglai was even more unwilling when he heard that Ling Shuiling made him confess, and he boldly said in a cold voice, "At the apprentice banquet three days later, I want to see if what Lu Shao said in Linjiang is true or not."

He already knew that Master Jiusong was going to accept Qin Guanlan as his apprentice, and the Qin family also invited Huang Chen to the master apprentice banquet three days later.

With Master Jiusong around, it's not Huang Xing's turn to be arrogant.

Lu Chen smiled indifferently, "At the banquet of the Qin family apprenticeship, please wait and see, Young Master Xie."

"Then see you in three days and leave." Xie Donglai didn't dare to entangle with Huang Xing any more, and said to Ling Shuiling, "Shui Ling, let's go."

"Did I let you go?" Huang Xing said lightly.

Xie Donglai was startled. Could it be that what he said just now angered Huang Xing, and he still wants to do something to him?
He felt a little regretful in his heart, why did he have to say such cruel words to Huang Xing, it would be fine to see his jokes after three days.

Xie Donglai stopped in his tracks, and asked guiltily, "Young Master Lu, what advice do you have?"

"Didn't Young Master Xie talk about the truth to Xiao Ke just now, and now I want Xiao Ke to tell you, what is the truth?"

After finishing speaking with a faint smile, Lu Xing said to Lu Xiaoke, "Xiao Ke, come and tell Young Master Xie what is the truth."

"Ah?" Lu Xiaoke asked puzzled, "How to tell him?"

"Beat him." Huang Xing said with a smile.

Everyone was a little dazed when they heard this. Huang Xing wanted Lu Xiaoke to beat Xie Donglai.

"Young Master Lu, don't bully people too much!"

When Xie Donglai heard Huang Xing call Lu Xiaoke to beat him up, his lungs almost exploded.

Could it be that Huang Xing wanted to rely on his power to force himself not to move, and give Lu Xiaoke a good beating?
If it was such a humiliation, it would be worse than killing him.

"Young Master Lu, don't go too far, we won't buy the Eternal Heart anymore, what else do you want?" Ling Shuiling also thought that Huang Xing was going to humiliate Xie Donglai, and shouted angrily.

"Don't worry, I won't bully the small with big ones, he's not worthy of letting me take action." Huang Xing said disdainfully.

Xie Donglai's words didn't show any mercy to Xie Donglai. Xie Donglai felt sad and indignant, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with Huang Xing's words.

I really don't deserve to let Huang Xing take action.

"Then what does Young Master Lu want to do?" Xie Donglai asked fearfully.

Huang Xing said lazily, "I just want Xiao Ke to tell you that only big fists are qualified to be reasonable."

"Can I do it?" Lu Xiaoke asked unconfidently.

Although she also thinks that she is a master, she has never fought with others.

Huang Xing touched Lu Xiaoke's head and encouraged, "Believe in yourself."

"Yeah." Lu Xiaoke nodded, and then said apologetically to Ling Shuiling, "Sister Ling, it's not that I didn't give you and Brother Tianqi face, it's just that the way he spoke just now is too embarrassing, I just wanted to beat him up gone."

After Lu Xiaoke finished speaking, he reminded Xie Donglai, "I'm here."

Then, with a movement of Lu Xiaoke's figure, his lotus steps were like the wind, and he punched Xie Donglai with his little pink fist.

Xie Donglai was still listening, but when he suddenly saw Lu Xiaoke flying over like lightning, he was terrified, and he punched Lu Xiaoke hard with all his might.


Xie Donglai was punched back three or four steps by Lu Xiaoke.

Lu Xiaoke only punched once and did not attack again.

"Hands hurt!" She let go of her fist, shook her hands, and grinned, "Fighting is not fun at all, stop fighting."

She was trying to save face for Ling Tianqi, but she was just teaching Xie Donglai a lesson, telling him not to pretend to preach in front of her if he has no strength.

After finishing speaking, she ran back to Huang Xing, and asked with a smile, "Brother, I'm good."

Everyone was stunned by Lu Xiaoke's punch, and looked at her dumbfounded, never expecting that she is also an ancient warrior.

Xie Donglai and Ling Shuiling looked at Lu Xiaoke in amazement.

A master of dark energy, this Lu Xiaoke must be a master of dark energy.

Xie Donglai's strength is the same as Ling Tianqi's, both of which are nine levels of Ming Jin, and his combat power is still higher than Ling Tianqi's, but now he was knocked back three or four steps by Lu Xiaoke's punch.

This is because Lu Xiaoke has no fighting experience, otherwise he could be knocked away with one punch.

These two brothers and sisters are actually masters of dark energy!
(End of this chapter)

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