Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 67 Huang Xing's Power

Chapter 67 Huang Xing's Power

When did Anjin become so easy to break through?

Even a girl like Lu Xiaoke who is eighteen or nineteen years old is a master of dark energy!

Xie Donglai and Ling Shuiling felt bitter in their hearts. They were both over 23 years old and hadn't become masters of dark energy yet, so naturally they weren't so-called geniuses.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Xie Donglai looked at the monster-like Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke, and could only smile wryly.

He is a waste of nine levels of bright energy, what qualifications does he have to lecture an eighteen-year-old genius with dark energy.

That's right.

Xie Donglai felt that compared with Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke, he was no different from a waste.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, and we're not unreasonable people." Lu Xiaoke reprimanded Xie Donglai softly, "I only know that you should pay attention to the four words of first come, first served in everything, and you must know how to be a human being." The principle that a gentleman does not take what others like."

Xie Donglai cupped his hands and said modestly to Lu Xiaoke, "Thank you, Ms. Lu, for your advice."

Then he looked at Huang Xing and asked, "Young Master Lu, can we go now?"

After being hit by Lu Xiaoke, Xie Donglai's face no longer had the previous arrogance.

There was loss, unwillingness, jealousy, and resentment in his heart.

Several emotions were intertwined and struggling in his heart, which made him look a little depressed.

He didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face, he just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Huang Chen nodded and replied, "Young Master Xie, please go ahead."

For Ling Tianqi's sake, he just asked Lu Xiaoke to vent his anger on Xie Donglai. If he personally vented his anger on Lu Xiaoke, it would not have ended so easily.


Xie Donglai turned around and left with Ling Shuiling. Today's humiliation is something he will never forget.

Young Master Chi looked at Huang Xing with trepidation from the side, not daring to take a breath.

Huang Xing glanced at him lightly, frightened him out of his wits, and quickly slapped his own ears and begged, "Young Master Lu, it's because I have blind eyes, please forgive me this time .”

He had heard that because Lei Yun offended Young Master Lu, not only his hands were crippled by Master Tiger of Beicheng, but he was also prevented from touching women in the future.

Master Lu's fierce reputation shocked Linjiang.

Looking at Young Master Chi who kept slapping himself, Huang Xing asked lightly, "Young Master Chi, can you sell the eternal heart to me now?"

"Lu...Young Master Lu." Song Ruiqing was beside Young Master Chi, tremblingly answering for Young Master Chi, "Boss Chi told you on the phone just now that he wants to give the eternal heart to Young Master Lu to make amends, please raise your hand and let Young Master Chi go. One horse."

Song Ruiqing called Boss Chi just now to tell Boss Chi about the situation in the store. Boss Chi pondered for a while and decided to sell the Eternal Heart to Young Master Xie.

Before she could tell Boss Chi's decision in front of everyone, Boss Chi called and asked her in a flustered tone if she had said what he just said.

After learning that Song Ruiqing did not reveal his decision just now, Boss Chi heaved a sigh of relief, and urged her to politely give the eternal heart to Huang Xing to make amends, and begged him to let Young Master Chi go. horse.

Song Ruiqing looked at Huang Xing in front of him, feeling very afraid in his heart.

What is the identity of this young man? Boss Chi actually wants to send him 5200 million eternal hearts to make amends.

When Chi Wenqiu received a call from Chu Tianxiong, knowing that the other person who wanted to buy the eternal heart was Huang Xing, who was in the limelight these days, he was terrified.

This Huang Xing is powerful, has a mysterious identity, and treats the Qin family as nothing, plus the Guwu Chu family, this is not something his little Xiaochi family can offend.

Young Master Chi slapped himself not lightly at all, his face was swollen, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, he quickly shouted, "Yes, yes, this eternal heart will be given to Young Master Lu to make amends , I beg Lu Shaogao to raise your hand and spare me this time."

"Get out." Huang Xing scolded Young Master Chi disdainfully, thinking that he was an eyesore in front of him.

As if being pardoned, Young Master Chi shouted gratefully, "Thank you, Young Master Lu, for your kindness. I'll get out right away, I'll get out right away."

After finishing speaking, Master Chi ran out of Liushun Jewelry Store without daring to stay for a second.

Before he knew it, Huang Xing's reputation had shaken Linjiang.

Just hearing his name, the Chi family was terrified. Chi Wenqiu took out 5200 million eternal hearts to make amends, and Chi Shao slapped his face until his face was swollen.

The direct descendants of Gu Wu's Xie family and Gu Wu's Ling family also shunned him when they encountered him.

This is the deterrence brought by absolute strength.

In Linjiang, he can already be described as powerful.

It's just like what Huang Xing said to Ling Tianqi: Turn your hands into clouds, and turn your hands into rain.

"Shop Manager Song, tell Boss Chi that I accept his apology." Huang Xing pulled Ji Ran's left hand with the eternal heart, looked at the bright light of the diamond, and said, "This is what I gave to my girlfriend." The token of love, it is only commemorative if I buy it myself."

Song Ruiqing looked at Huang Xing in disbelief. Boss Chi wanted to give him 5200 million eternal hearts, but he refused.

Just because it was bought as a token of love for my girlfriend, I had to pay the 5200 million by myself.

She looked at Ji Ran enviously, having such a young, rich, powerful and powerful boyfriend, and most importantly, such a caring boyfriend, it made people mad with envy.

Ji Ran also looked at Huang Xing with a happy face, 5200 million, just to make the token of love given to him more meaningful.

Huang Xing swiped his card to pay the bill, and left Liushun Jewelry with the three girls.

"Brother, let's find a place to eat before going back."

After leaving Liushun Jewelry, it was past six o'clock, and it was time for Lu Xiaoke, a greedy cat, to eat again.

Huang Xing asked the three girls, "What do you want to eat?"

"I can do it." Ji Ran was still immersed in happiness, and answered absent-mindedly.

Xu Shasha looked at Ji Ran with envy and hatred, and teased, "You are full if you have an eternal heart, and you still need to eat?"

Ji Ran blushed, and did not refute, it is enough to have an eternal heart, even if he does not eat for a few days and nights.

"I don't have an eternal heart, I want to eat." Lu Xiaoke pouted and said pitifully.

She also wanted her brother to give her an eternal heart.

Her brother was so kind to Ji Ran that she began to feel a little jealous.

Huang Xing said with a smile, "If you want a big diamond ring, quickly find a boyfriend and let him give it to you."

He said so in his mouth, but he was thinking about what kind of man would be suitable for Lu Xiaoke, and he couldn't think of it after much deliberation, for fear that that man would make Xiaoke feel wronged.

No matter what, that man must treat Xiao Ke as his life, and Xiao Ke must like him.

"I don't want to find a boyfriend, my brother is enough." Lu Xiaoke pouted and said coquettishly, "Even if I want to find a boyfriend, I must find a boyfriend as good as my brother."

With Huang Xing as the standard, Lu Xiaoke felt that all the other boys he met looked down on him.

"Then you will be miserable, and you will be single for the rest of your life." Huang Chen said narcissistically, "A man as outstanding as me is the only one in the world, and there is no other one."

"Then I'll be a bachelor for the rest of my life." Lu Xiaoke snorted, raised his mouth, and said proudly, "Anyway, I have my brother doting on me, so it doesn't matter if I'm a bachelor for a lifetime."

 Third update today
  I have the confidence to ask for rewards and recommendation tickets
(End of this chapter)

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