Chapter 68 Teacher Xia
When I got home at night, it was already past nine o'clock.

They ate a super big meal at Chu's house at noon. The third daughter didn't want to eat too greasy at night, so she drank some light preserved egg and lean meat porridge at will, and then the third daughter went to the spa before going home.

After frenzied shopping in the afternoon, Wang Hu has already helped them send them back in advance, and piled up half of the living room.

As soon as the three girls got home, they saw the bags piled up in the living room, and danced excitedly towards the fruits of their labor.

"These are mine, the rest you take care of yourself slowly."

Huang Xing picked up a few bags that were left alone, and said with a smile.

He only bought a few sets of clothes, and went back to his bedroom with them.

The three girls also began to pack up their shopping results with great enthusiasm. They bought too many things, and within an hour or two, they couldn't pack them well.

Ji Ran and the others were still happily busy, Huang Xing came out of the bedroom and said, "Of course, Xiao Ke, I'll go out for a while."

"Brother, why are you out so late?" Lu Xiaoke asked while unpacking the packing bag in his hand.

"Shouldn't you go out and make an appointment with mistress?" Xu Shasha asked suspiciously.

Lu Chen said with a speechless smile, "I still have a date with Xiaosi."

"Really go out to date Xiaosi?"

Ji Ranyan smiled, and suddenly used another magical technique of pinching her waist. With such a hand speed, even Huang Xing was pinched before he could react.

Huang Xing quickly grabbed Ji Ran's slender hand from his waist, rubbed it in his hand, and said seriously, "I'm not joking with you, it's Mr. Xia who seems to be in trouble in the KTV, I have to go there quickly."

Ji Ran stopped fighting, she heard Huang Xing mention Teacher Xia, frowned and asked, "The teacher Xia who recommended you to practice in Chuanglong Group?"

"En." Huang Xing nodded.

Ji Ran gently helped Huang Xing straighten his collar, and said with concern, "Then hurry up and be careful on the way."

After saying goodbye to the three girls, Huang Xing drove the Maserati to the Dream KTV where Teacher Xia was.

Although his driving skills are not as good as Xu Sasha's, his reflexes are too strong, and he almost flies all the way to the dream KTV.

Teacher Xia's name is Xia Qingqiu. He is Huang Xing's English teacher. He is only 27 years old.

She knew that Huang Xing's family was not well off, so she took great care of him, and Huang Xing treated her like a sister.

Just now he received a text message from Xia Qingqiu asking him to pretend to be her boyfriend and call her to call her home.

He called Xia Qingqiu suspiciously, and found that Xia Qingqiu was very noisy, probably at KTV, and then he pretended to be her boyfriend calling her home, only to hear her arguing with a man, and then two voices With the sound of "pop", the phone was hung up, and the phone was turned off after calling again.

Huang Xing was worried, so he immediately rushed to the fantasy KTV where Xia Qing was.

He didn't care about violating the rules and speeding, and it only took more than ten minutes to reach Dream KTV all the way.

Huang Xing walked into Dream KTV and went straight to room 333.

There were two gangsters guarding the door of box 333. Seeing that Huang Xing was about to go in, he stretched out his hand to stop him, and asked, "Boy, who are you? Did you go the wrong way?"

Huang Xing said, "I'm looking for someone, get out of the way."

When the two gangsters heard that Huang Xing was looking for someone, their expressions changed, and they said bluntly, "There's no one you're looking for here, get out of here."

Just now Brother Dafei explained that no one is allowed to enter.

"Go away."

They were not polite, Huang Xing stopped talking nonsense to them, kicked them away, and pushed open the door of the box.

There were more than 333 people in the 20 super big bag. Huang Xing looked around and saw Xia Qingqiu's face was blushing, and the left side of his face was red and swollen, and he could vaguely see the palm print.

She was holding a bottle of red wine in her hand, and only one third of the red wine had been drunk.

Seeing that the door of the box was opened, everyone in the box fell silent and looked over.

Huang Xing turned on the large box light on the wall next to the door, walked to Xia Qingqiu with a gloomy face, took the red wine bottle from her hand, and coldly glanced at the people in the box, and set his eyes on the sofa sitting in front of him. bald man.

Xia Qingqiu's face was flushed from drinking, and she was shaking dizzily. Huang Xing held her shoulders and asked in a gentle voice, "What's going on?"

Her eyes were red, obviously from crying just now.

She didn't expect that Huang Xing would come to KTV, so she said in a panic, "It's okay."

The bald man looked at Huang Xing fiercely, and asked Xia Qingqiu with a smirk, "Is this pretty boy the boyfriend who called you just now?"

Xia Qingqiu nodded, looked at the bald man and said in a low voice, "Brother Fei, my boyfriend is here, can we go?"

"You can leave if you want, just finish drinking the wine before leaving."

The bald Fei brother put his feet up on the wine table, pointed at the five bottles of red wine in front of him and smiled.

Huang Xing's gaze made him very uncomfortable, even if she finished drinking the wine, he didn't intend to let them go.

Just teasing them now.

Two of the five bottles of red wine were empty, and they should have been drunk by Xia Qingqiu.

Including the bottle in his hand, she drank almost three bottles of red wine in one go.

Huang Xing looked at the more than 20 people in the private room. There were twelve office workers who were about the same age as Xia Qingqiu, four women and eight men. Among them, there was a woman that Lu Chen knew very well, and that was his old boss Liu Feifei. These people should be related to him. Xia Qingqiu is a friend who plays at KTV together.

The rest of the ten or so people are all younger brothers of Brother Fei with the bald head.

I also don't know how Xia Qingqiu and the others provoked Brother Fei with the bald head, forcing her to blow away six bottles of red wine in one go.

Huang Chen looked at the bald brother Fei with a half-smile and said, "I'll help her drink these wines."

"You can help her drink." The bald-headed brother Fei was very displeased with Huang Xing's smiling face, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to the younger brother beside him, "Give him another ten bottles."

Hearing this, the little brother took another ten bottles of red wine, uncorked them bang bang bang, and placed them in front of Huang Xing and Xia Qingqiu.

"Lu Chen." Xia Qingqiu saw that they took another ten bottles of red wine, looked at Huang Chen apologetically, and then begged in a low voice to Brother Fei, "Brother Fei, this matter has nothing to do with him, I will continue with the remaining wine just now." drink."

"He slapped you on the face?" Lu Xing looked at Xia Qingqiu's red and swollen face with distress, and asked coldly.

Xia Qingqiu nodded and explained, "I hit him first."

She was worried that Huang Xing would stand out for her and offend Brother Fei, so she said, "I'm fine, after you finish drinking the red wine, you send me back."

After drinking so much red wine in one go, she definitely couldn't go back by herself.

"With me here, don't be afraid." Huang Xing patted her on the shoulder and said softly.

Xia Qingqiu looked up at Huang Xing's face, feeling dizzy, she smiled, feeling a sense of security and heartache, she swayed into his arms.

"I've been around for so long, and I haven't been slapped before. You are the first one." The bald-headed Fei looked at Xia Qingqiu who was leaning against Huang Xing, touched his left cheek with a sneer, and suddenly ruthlessly He said sharply, "Letting you drink is just to tease you, do you think I will really let you go back today?"

 first change

  I have something to do today, the next one will be very late

  Already recommended, ask for a recommendation ticket
  I don't want to be P down, thank you


(End of this chapter)

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