Chapter 69

The bald-headed brother Fei gave a signal with his eyes, and more than a dozen younger brothers surrounded Huang Xing and Xia Qingqiu.

"Brother Fei." A young man with glasses stood up tremblingly and pleaded to the bald-headed Brother Fei, "Give me some face, let Teacher Xia go, and I'll make her drink up the rest of the wine and apologize to you. "

Shen Liming regretted it very much. Today was a gathering of some of their old classmates. He happened to meet Brother Bald Fei at KTV, because their company's business had some overlap with Brother Long, the eldest brother of Bald Fei, and he knew him.

In order to pretend to show off his wide network in front of his old classmates, he invited Brother Fei with the bald head to come in for a drink or two.

As a result, the bald Fei brother took a fancy to Xia Qingqiu and kept pestering her.

Only then did Xia Qingqiu send a text message to ask Huang Xing to pretend that her boyfriend called to let her get away, but the bald-headed brother Fei insisted on not letting her go, and even touched her, and was slapped in the face by her in a rage.

She was also slapped severely by Brother Fei with the bald head.

Shen Liming came out to intercede and asked Brother Fei to let Xia Qingqiu go.

This is how the bald-headed Fei brother asked her to blow six bottles of red wine in a row to make amends.

But Brother Fei didn't really want to let Xia Qingqiu go, he just wanted to get her drunk and play with her.

"For your face?" Bald-headed Fei Fei glanced at Shen Liming disdainfully, and said, "I, Da Fei, came in to have a few drinks with you just to save your face. This stinky bitch dared to hit me without knowing what to do. Let her go today. How can I mess around on the road in the future?"

"And this kid, why don't you drink for her?" The bald Fei brother smiled cruelly at Lu Chen, "If you don't finish the ten bottles of red wine today, I will let you watch me play with your woman. "

When Huang Xing saw the bald-headed brother Fei uttering obscenities, his expression changed, and he blushed angrily and smashed the red wine bottle in his hand hard on his face.


The red wine bottle exploded on Bald Fei Ge's face.


The bald Fei brother was hit with blood all over his face, he screamed, covered his face with his hands, and shouted sharply, "Get rid of this kid, get rid of him."

No one expected that Huang Xing would suddenly attack. Xia Qingqiu's old classmates were all stunned by his blow.

When the bald-headed Brother Fei's younger brothers saw the boss being beaten, they all rushed over to attack Huang Xing fiercely.




With a livid face, Lu Chen hugged the drunken Xia Qingqiu with one hand, picked up the wine bottles on the table with the other, and smashed them one by one, more than ten times in a row, every time he smashed a little boy's head to bloom.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen young people were knocked to the ground, screaming and struggling on the glass shards of red wine bottles all over the floor.

A piece of mourning.

Brother Fei with the bald head saw that his subordinates were knocked to the ground by Huang Xing in an instant, clutching his broken forehead, he asked fearfully, "You, who are you?"

It was the first time he had seen such a powerful person.

"You don't need to know who I am." Huang Chen said coldly, "You just need to know that if you don't blow away these thirteen bottles of red wine today, I will make you lie down and drink for the rest of your life."

The thirteen bottles of red wine that brother bald Fei let Huang Xing and Xia Qingqiu drink just now were still on the table, and when Huang Xing hit those little guys, he deliberately didn't touch them.

Brother Fei with the bald head looked at the thirteen bottles of red wine, and said in a deep voice, "Boy, I'm going to die today, take them away, and I'll pretend nothing happened."


Huang Xing picked up a bottle of red wine and smashed it on the elbow of Bald Brother Fei's right hand. This time he shot with strength, and the bottle directly broke Bald Fei's right hand.


"Kacha", the bald Fei brother seemed to hear the sound of bones breaking, and covered the elbow joint of his right hand with his left hand in pain, screaming in pain.

"You drink this bottle, there are still twelve bottles." Huang Xing said expressionlessly.

Just now, Brother Fei slapped Xia Qingqiu with this hand.

He believed that if Xia Qingqiu hadn't come here by himself, Xia Qingqiu would definitely not be able to escape his murderous hands tonight.

If it wasn't for his own strength, Brother Fei with the bald head would really have acted like a beast to insult Xia Qingqiu in front of him.

So Huang Xing's attack was very ruthless, and he didn't show mercy at all.

"You, do you know who my boss is?" Brother Fei roared angrily.

"I don't know." Huang Xing replied lightly.

As he spoke, he picked up another bottle of red wine and smashed it at the bald-headed Brother Fei's right knee joint, and said slowly, "There are still eleven bottles."


Brother Fei with the bald head screamed again, and his right foot was also broken.

"Brother Long won't let you go!" the bald-headed Fei screamed.


Huang Xing smashed another bottle on his left knee joint, and counted, "There are still ten bottles."

Cruel, so brutal.

Brother Fei, a ruthless man, was also frightened by Huang Xing's ferocity, crying for his father and mother, "I drink, I drink."

He scrambled and fell down by the wine table, picked up a bottle of red wine with his left hand, stuffed it into his mouth and drank it.

"Is your boss called Brother Long?" Huang Xing asked lightly.

Brother Fei with the bald head just finished drinking a bottle of red wine, and nodded in fright.

"You call and tell him that you were beaten by me, and ask him to bring someone over." Huang Xing said in a cold voice.

"Ah." The bald brother was taken aback, thinking that Huang Xing was going to settle accounts with him again, he quickly shouted, "Don't dare, I won't dare again."

"I told you to call, so just call." Huang Xing reprimanded coldly.

He was worried that Brother Long would not know good from bad in the future, and would seek revenge from Xia Qingqiu and the others, so he simply called to solve it together.

"Okay, okay, I'll make a call right now." The bald-headed Fei brother repeatedly shouted, already overjoyed in his heart.

He looked at Huang Xing secretly, and thought bitterly in his heart: You are the one who wants to die, wait for Brother Long to bring someone over, and see how you die.

The bald-headed brother Fei hurriedly called Long Ge, crying miserably that he was beaten in the dream KTV333 box, and asked him to bring someone to take revenge.

Huang Xing helped Xia Qingqiu to sit on the sofa, and poured her a glass of plain water to hangover.

"Let's go quickly, otherwise Brother Long will not be able to leave when he comes." The young man with eyes who spoke just now said in fear.

Huang Xing is very good at fighting, but he knows Brother Long's power better, and he doesn't understand why Huang Chen still asks Brother Fei, the bald head, to call and ask Brother Long to bring someone to take revenge.

"Is this Brother Long very powerful?" Huang Xing asked lightly.

Shen Liming said with lingering fear, "Brother Long is a big boss who can take both black and white. You can't beat him to the one-sided boss in the Linjiang DC area. Before he comes, hurry up and go with us."

Huang Xing lazily leaned on the sofa, and said, "If you are afraid, go quickly, I will stay for a while Brother Long."

"It's good for young people to have the guts, but if you mess with Brother Long, you're beyond your control. You'd better go with us." Shen Liming persuaded again.

The corner of Huang Chen's mouth smiled and said, "Don't worry, if I'm not sure, I won't stay and die, you have to go on your own."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all decided to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, and said, "Then let's go first, and you are careful."

"Mr. Xia, you go back with them first." Huang Chen helped Xia Qingqiu to get her up.

"If you don't go, I won't go either." Xia Qingqiu looked at Huang Xing drunkenly and said.

 Our Huang Chen is so cruel

  I hope you are cruel too
  Beat me to death with rewards and recommendation tickets
(End of this chapter)

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