Chapter 70 Dagger
Everyone hurriedly got up and walked out the door, Liu Feifei looked at Xia Qingqiu and said, "Qingqiu, you should go back with us first."

"Feifei, you go first, I want to be with Huang Xing." Xia Qingqiu shook his head in a daze and said.

Huang Xing came here for her, how could she leave him alone?

If you want to go, you have to go together.

Besides, she felt full of security by Huang Xing's side, and she wasn't afraid at all.

Seeing that Xia Qingqiu was determined not to leave, Huang Chen no longer insisted, and said to Liu Feifei, "Sister Feifei, you and them leave first, and I will take good care of Teacher Xia."

"Then you all pay attention to safety." Liu Feifei couldn't persuade them, so she had to leave first.

She was terrified of what happened today, not only by Brother Fei with the bald head, but also by Huang Xing.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xing, who was an intern under her a few days ago, would be so skilled and so cruel.

Xia Qingqiu's old classmates had all left, only Huang Xing and Xia Qingqiu were left sitting on the sofa in the box.

Brother Fei with the bald head was squatting by the wine table, while a group of young people on the ground were still moaning in pain.

Huang Xing glanced at Brother Fei with the bald head, and asked in a cold voice, "Have you finished drinking?"

The bald Fei brother just finished the phone call and didn't start drinking again. Now that he heard Huang Xing's question, he was frightened out of his wits and shouted, "I'll drink it, I'll drink it right away."

As he spoke, Brother Fei with the bald head picked up a bottle of red wine and poured it into his mouth.

Looking at the redness and swelling on Xia Qingqiu's left face, Huang Chen said distressedly, "Mr. Xia, let me rub it for you to dissolve the congestion and swelling."

Xia Qingqiu is not only his teacher, but more like his sister.

She knew that Huang Xing's family was not well off, so she not only helped him find a job, but also often invited him to eat to improve the food.

The slap from Brother Fei with the bald head was severe, and her face was bloody and swollen.

"Yes." Xia Qingqiu replied in a low voice.

I didn't feel much pain on my face just now because I was afraid, but now I relax and feel the burning pain on my face.

Huang Xing gently put his palm on Xia Qingqiu's face.


Feeling the warmth of Huang Xing's palm, Xia Qingqiu groaned softly, not knowing if it was pain or embarrassment.

"Be patient, it won't hurt later." Huang Xing said softly, rubbing her hot cheeks lightly.

He used internal energy to unblock the meridians on Xia Qingqiu's face, rubbing away the blood, and the redness and swelling on her face quickly disappeared.

"All right."

Not long after, Huang Xing helped Xia Qingqiu get rid of the swelling, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, thank you, Huang Xing." Xia Qingqiu replied in a low voice, her face was flushed, half from shame, and half from the blush after drinking.

The alcohol in the red wine began to slowly erode her nerves. After drinking almost three bottles of red wine in one breath, her head became more and more dizzy.

Xia Qingqiu felt a little cold all over his body, shrank his body, looked at Huang Xing drunkenly, leaned against him slowly, hugged him with both hands, hid in his arms to find warmth, closed his eyes, and was in a daze of drunkenness. fall asleep.

Huang Xing wanted to break away from Xia Qingqiu's hands, but found that she was too drunk to wake up, so he could only let her hug him and sleep soundly in his arms.

As time passed by, the little guy on the ground struggled to get up, stood twisted and looked at Huang Xing, his eyes were full of fear.

They wanted to leave, but they didn't dare to leave. The evil star Huang Xing didn't speak, so they stood there without daring to show their anger.

Brother Fei with the bald head drank a few more bottles of red wine and vomited all over the floor. He was already so drunk that he passed out.

During this time, Ji Ran also called once, and asked him if he was okay.

Huang Xing told her that it was okay, and told them to go to rest if they were tired.

He hung up the phone, and his heart was much calmer.

With the beautiful woman in his arms, there was a wave of turmoil in his heart just now, he was a little flustered, and he had the reaction that a normal man should have.

But listening to Ji Ran's gentle and caring voice, he threw all the distracting thoughts out of his mind.

"Squeak" sound.

The compartment door opened.

A young man with gold-rimmed glasses came in, and a group of thugs rushed in silently behind him, splitting up on both sides.

The young man was wearing a white shirt and glasses, and looked very refined in his whiteness.

He glanced lightly at the group of frightened youngsters and the drunken bald Brother Fei, and his eyes fell on Huang Xing.

The young man walked over with a faint smile on his face, and sat on the soft stool of the mobile sofa across the wine table from Huang Xing.

He took out a pack of cigarettes and put them on the table, took out one, lit it, and took a light puff.

The smoke is a bit thin, like a cold smoke smoked by a woman.

He exhaled a faint smoke ring, pushed the cigarette case, slid to the edge of the table in front of Huang Xing and stopped, and said with a smile, "Would you like a Paramount imported from Germany?"

"Not interested." Huang Xing replied lightly.

"Da Fei is mine." The young man exhaled another puff of smoke ring, extinguished the cigarette and threw it into the ashtray, and said slowly, "My Dongcheng Brother Long can make a name for himself in Linjiang, all thanks to his subordinates These brothers work hard."

Dongcheng Long looked at the bald-headed Fei who fell unconscious on the ground, and said calmly, "No matter what the brothers did is right or wrong, now that something happened, I, the boss, will always help them seek an explanation."

"Well, I just want your palm." Brother Dongcheng Long took out a dagger from his body, pulled out the dagger scabbard, pushed it in front of Huang Chen, and said lightly, "Chop off a palm yourself, and then take it with you." This woman leaves, and that's the end of the matter."

Huang Xing picked up the gleaming dagger and boasted, "Good dagger."

"It's really a good dagger." Brother Dongcheng Long said sympathetically, "Don't worry, this dagger is very sharp. If you cut it hard, it only takes four or five knives to cut off the bones."

Huang Xing played with the dagger, and said casually, "Aren't you afraid that I will cut you with this dagger?"

"You can try?" Dongcheng Long looked at Huang Xing confidently and said with a smile.

"I don't know who gave you such confidence." Huang Xing said indifferently, "Since you didn't do it as soon as you came in, then I won't do it with you either."

Huang Xing threw the dagger on the table, hugged Xia Qingqiu and said, "My name is Huang Chen, I just wanted to tell you when you came here, take care of your subordinates and don't touch my friends, otherwise..."

He looked down at the dagger that he casually threw on the table, and said slowly, "Otherwise it would be the same as this dagger."

Brother Dongcheng Long was stunned when he heard Lu Chen's name. The young man in front of him turned out to be Lu Chen, the young master who had shocked Linjiang these two days.

Sweat began to ooze from his forehead, he stared blankly at the dagger on the table, and let Huang Xing leave with Xia Qingqiu in his arms.

He reached out and picked up the dagger tremblingly.


The dagger was broken piece by piece, leaving only a dagger handle.

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(End of this chapter)

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