Chapter 71
Huang Chen walked out of the box leisurely with Xia Qingqiu in his arms.

Wherever they passed, the group of thugs retreated one after another.

Brother Long in Dongcheng didn't speak, and his group of thugs didn't dare to move rashly, they just stared at Huang Xing with full vigilance, waiting for Brother Long's order.

Those thugs didn't know what the name "Lu Xing" represented, but he, Brother Dongcheng, knew it very well.

Even the Guwu Qin family, the first family in Linjiang, did not dare to confront him head-on, so they needed Master Jiusong from the Vientiane Sect to frighten him.

Three days later, Master Jiusong of Wanxiang Gate sat in Qin's house and invited Huang Xing to attend the apprentice banquet three days later, but it didn't mean that he would be trampled to death.

Everyone understands that the power behind a peerless evildoer like Huang Xing must be the powerful ancient martial arts sect.

The Vientiane Sect didn't dare to do anything to Lu Xing, at most it was to frighten him, let him restrain himself a little in Linjiang, and let all the major forces know that the Qin family is the spokesperson of the Vientiane Sect in Linjiang, and in Linjiang they would say Only after that.

One person, one city.

Brother Dongcheng Long was glad that he didn't fight Huang Xing as soon as he came in.


He looked at the broken dagger, the cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and the white shirt on his body was drenched in cold sweat.

Huang Xing walked out of the fantasy KTV with Xia Qingqiu in his arms, and put her in the passenger seat of the Maserati.

She vomited, but didn't spit it out.

Huang Xing patted her on the back lightly, let her sit back on the seat, and carefully fastened her seat belt.

The passers-by all looked at it and discussed it in low voices, probably thinking that it was some rich second generation getting the girl drunk and doing bad things.

Xia Qingqiu was drunk and in a daze, so Huang Xing drove her home directly.

She once invited Huang Xing to her home for dinner, so Huang Xing knew the address of her home.

Xia Qingqiu lived alone and rented a single apartment.

The Maserati parked downstairs at her house, and Huang Xing carefully carried her out of the car.

The cold wind blew past, and Xia Qingqiu faintly woke up.

With a "wow", she put her arms around Huang Xing's waist, allowing him to hug her, shrunk her body, and enjoyed the warmth of his arms.

Huang Xing carried her home and put her on the bed.

Xia Qingqiu hugged her hands tightly, not wanting to let go.


His heartbeat became disordered, he gently pushed Xia Qingqiu away, sat on the side of the bed and said, "Mr. Xia, you are drunk."

"I'm not drunk." Xia Qingqiu half stood up, looked at Huang Xing with blurred eyes, hugged him, and whispered seductively, "Don't call me teacher."


Xia Qingqiu's concern for him and the sweetness of being with Ji Ran emerged in his mind.

In the end, reason prevailed over desire.

Huang Chen gently pulled Xia Qingqiu's hand away, and said calmly, "Mr. Xia, you are drunk, go to bed early, I will go back first."

He didn't want to take advantage of others, and he didn't want to be sorry for Ji Ran.

If it continues, it will not only hurt Xia Qingqiu, but also Ji Ran.

Huang Xing wants to leave here immediately, if this continues, he may not be able to control himself.

After Xia Qingqiu was pulled away by him, he lay on the bed with messy hair, whispered Huang Chen's name, instinctively stretched out his hand to hold Huang Chen, but failed, struggled a few times, dropped his hand, and began to faint again fall asleep.

Huang Xing helped her cover the quilt, looked at her sleeping soundly, shook his head, and thought bitterly in his heart: "Alcohol is really a harmful thing."

Teacher Xia, who is usually reserved and prudent, becomes like this when she is drunk.

If he didn't have Jiran in his heart, maybe he couldn't resist the temptation just now.

Fortunately, I didn't make a mistake, otherwise, when Teacher Xia woke up, I wouldn't know how to face her.

Huang Xing left Xia Qingqiu's house and drove back to Jingsheng Garden alone.

It was almost twelve o'clock when we got home, Huang Xing opened the door and walked into the hall, where the three girls were playing Doudizhu together.

As soon as Lu Xiaoke saw Huang Chen walk in, he called out aggrievedly, "Brother, hurry up and help me, sister Ran and sister Shasha are teaming up to bully me."

"Who told you to grab the landlord?" Xu Shasha smiled contemptuously.

Huang Xing walked towards them and asked, "It's so late, why are you still not sleeping?"

"Sister Ran said that we will wait until we come back with you, so we'll just fight the landlord." Lu Xiaoke played a card, glanced at Huang Xing and said.

Huang Chen was inexplicably moved, and looked at Ji Ran tenderly.

Ji Ran looked at him, and asked in a soft voice, "How is Teacher Xia? Are you okay?"

Suddenly, her gaze was fixed on Huang Xing's neck, and it dimmed instantly.

Her mind went blank, she threw the cards in her hand into the pile, got off the sofa, and walked back to her bedroom like a walking dead.

She saw a faint lip print on his neck.

Her tears couldn't stop pouring out.

Xu Shasha and Lu Xiaoke also found the lip marks on Huang Xing's neck, Xu Shasha shouted disappointedly and angrily, "Xu Xing, I misread you."

She thought Ji Ran was the happiest woman to be with Huang Xing.

Now it seems that men with money and power are not good things, and the eternal heart bought today is like a satire.

Maybe in the eyes of these rich men, having a girlfriend is like keeping a pet.

Lu Xiaoke didn't know what to say, she must have been disappointed in her heart, she stared at Huang Xing in disbelief, without saying a word.

Huang Xing looked at the three girls in a daze, not knowing why he had provoked everyone's anger.

Seeing that Xu Shasha and Lu Xiaoke's eyes were fixed on his neck, he touched his neck with his hand, and realized what happened.

It is estimated that there are marks left by Mr. Xia on the neck.

Ji Ran came out of the bedroom in a daze, holding the jewelry box of Eternal Heart in her hand.

She looked at Huang Xing, but couldn't bear to look at each other.

Close your eyes, more tears flow.

She didn't know how she got in front of Huang Xing.

"However, listen to my explanation, things are not what you think."

Huang Chen took Ji Ran's hand with a heartbroken heart, and said in a panic.


Fortunately, he held the bottom line in the end and did not do anything to apologize to Ji Ran.

Otherwise, maybe he will lose her forever.

Ji Ran broke away from Huang Xing's hand, took out the eternal heart from the jewelry box in a daze, handed it to Huang Xing tremblingly, and said dumbly, "Give it back to you."

The eternal heart exudes a soft blue light under the light.

Looking at it, Ji Ran's heart ached to stop beating.

 the second
  This is not a sad story, please feel free to read

(End of this chapter)

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