Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 72 No matter what happens in the future, trust me

Chapter 72 No matter what happens in the future, trust me
"I believe that our love can be as eternal as the eternal heart."

Huang Xing's declaration of love still lingers in his ears, and every bit of being with him comes to mind.

Ji Ran seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

The hand stretched out in front of Huang Xing trembled slightly.

She held the Eternal Heart tightly.

She is so scared.

I'm afraid that Huang Xing will really take over the eternal heart.

It was her love, and she was afraid of being taken away.

Her hands were shaking all the time.

Scared to shrink back.

Huang Chen looked at Ji Ran with distress, and domineeringly hugged her into his arms and kissed her.



Both Xu Shasha and Lu Xiaoke quietly retreated into the room.

"Hmph, men don't have a good thing, and neither does your brother." Xu Shasha snorted dissatisfied.

"Don't speak ill of my brother." Lu Xiaoke grabbed the hem of his clothes and muttered softly, seeming a little lack of confidence.

"You saw it yourself. What did you say to find Mr. Xia? You obviously went out on a date with some goblin, but you still have to wait for him to come back before you go to sleep." Xu Shasha complained for Ji Ran with deep resentment.

Lu Xiaoke argued, "Maybe we misunderstood my brother, I believe he is not that kind of person."

"Hehe." Xu Shasha sneered disapprovingly, "Tomorrow I will take Ranran back to the capital, this kind of man is too unreliable."

Lu Xiaoke kept silent, she also wanted to believe her brother, but how to explain the lip marks on his neck?

"Of course, smell it, does my neck smell like red wine?" Huang Xing let go of Ji Ran, and pointed to the lip marks on his neck.

Just now Ji Ran took a breath and smelled it lightly, and it smelled of red wine.

"When I kissed you just now, did you feel the smell of red wine in my mouth? If I really did something wrong to you, how could the hickey on my neck smell of red wine, and my mouth wouldn't have it?"

Huang Xing gently stroked Ji Ran's hair to calm her down.

Ji Ran didn't refute, didn't answer, and let him hug her in silence.

Huang Xing hugged Ji Ran to the sofa. She didn't struggle, she curled her legs, hugged her knees with her hands, and buried her head in it.

The Eternal Heart was tightly held in her palm.

"I was indeed looking for Teacher Xia just now..."

Sitting next to Ji Ran, Huang Xing held her in his arms like a ball, and slowly told the story of Xia Qingqiu from beginning to end.

He didn't add a point, didn't subtract a point, and even the slightest impulse he had at that time, he said it in full.

He is not afraid of Ji Ran's misunderstanding, because he has a clear conscience.

After Huang Xing finished speaking, he didn't ask her if she believed it or not, but just hugged her quietly.

Ji Ran fell into his arms, spread his hands lightly, and said in a low voice, "Lu Xing, can you help me take it?"

Her palms were covered with sweat, and the Eternal Heart radiated a soft blue light in her palms.

That is the testimony of their love.

Huang Xing carefully put the eternal heart on Ji Ran's middle finger, took her hand, kissed the eternal heart affectionately, and said softly, "When we graduate, I will bring the eternal heart to your ring finger superior."

The middle finger represents love, and the ring finger represents marriage.

This is the sweetest love story.

Ji Ran's tears flowed out again, this time tears of happiness.

Huang Xing gently wiped away tears for her, and said, "Fool, no matter what happens in the future, you must trust me."

"En." Ji Ran looked into his affectionate eyes and nodded firmly.

She snuggled into Huang Xing's arms, and said tenderly, "Go and wash off the hickey marks on your neck."

Huang Chen nodded, went to the bathroom to wash off Xia Qingqiu's hickey, and then returned to Ji Ran's side.

Ji Ran hugged Huang Xing tightly, bit his neck hard, and snorted coquettishly, "Don't wash it off before you get up tomorrow."

On his neck, only traces of her can be left.

"I'll take it out without washing it when I get up tomorrow." Huang Xing said with a smile.

This is a testament to their love.

"You are the one who is the best at coaxing people." Ji Ran said coquettishly.

Huang Xing stuck out his tongue, and said aggrievedly, "Hey, you've bitten it all, so it's not slippery anymore."

Ji Ran looked at Huang Xing's tongue that was bitten by her, and felt a little guilty and distressed, but he still pretended not to care and said, "Hmph, you deserve it."

"Please make up." Huang Xing said with a flattering expression.

Ji Ran shyly kissed him, and whispered, "Okay."

"Fool, it's past twelve o'clock, go to rest." Huang Xing smiled happily, touched Ji Ran's little head and said, "Sasha and Xiao Ke also misunderstood me, please help explain to Sasha, I'll go and explain to Xiao Ke."

The two knocked on the door of Lu Xiaoke's room. Xu Shasha opened the door and saw Ji Ran and Huang Xing standing together intimately again. Ji Ran still had the heart of eternity in his hand, so she became angry and hated Iron and steel said to Ji Ran, "However, can you bear this? No, I will go back to the magic capital with me tomorrow. It's like this now. I don't know how to bully you in the future."

Then she yelled at Huang Xing again, "Don't think that you can play with girls' feelings because you have money and power. Let me tell you, we don't care."

"Of course, take off the eternal heart and return it to him, let's go, go out and find a hotel now."

Xu Shasha pulled Ji Ran to leave.

"Sasha, you misunderstood Huang Chen." Ji Ran was used to Xu Shasha's hot temper, so he gave Huang Chen an apologetic expression, and then took Xu Shasha back to the room to explain to her.

"Brother, what's going on?" Lu Xiaoke is still willing to believe in her brother, and Ji Ran has accepted it, so what can she say?

Huang Xing explained Xia Qingqiu's matter to Lu Xiaoke again.

"I know that brother is the best." After hearing Huang Xing's explanation, Lu Xiaoke knew that everyone had misunderstood his brother, so he happily threw himself into his arms to act like a baby.

Huang Xing patted her head and said, "Okay, it's getting late, go to bed quickly."

"Well, good night, brother."

"Good night."

Huang Xing walked back to his room, but before entering the door, Xu Shasha poked her head out of Ji Ran's room, looked at him, and said apologetically, "Xin Huang, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Huang Xing smiled at Xu Shasha and said, "I know you are also worried, but it's normal for people to misunderstand such things."

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(End of this chapter)

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