Chapter 73
There are two chapters ahead and Mr. Xia's is blocked


Although Xu Shasha scolded him, Huang Xing didn't blame her in his heart, and thought her true nature was a little cute.

Xu Shasha's character is like this, with a hot temper, daring to love and hate.

She thought that Huang Xing was sorry for Ji Ran, so she directly yelled at Huang Xing on Ji Ran's behalf.

Now that he realizes that he has misunderstood Huang Xing, he directly comes out to apologize, never being coy and unable to save face.

Xu Shasha got Huang Xing's forgiveness, so she retracted her head. Ji Ran stood beside her, smiled apologetically at Huang Xing, said good night, and closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, Huang Xing shook his head. He could understand why Xu Shasha chased after Ji Ran when she heard Ji Ran came to see him.

If it wasn't for Xu Shasha's presence, Huang Xing felt that he would have eaten Ji Ran tonight.

There are no bones left to eat.

Back in his room, Huang Xing lay on the bed and thought wildly.

Thinking of the night when I first met Ji Ran.

Thinking of shouting "I love you" with Ji Ran crazily last night.

He also thought of the throbbing when Xia Qingqiu hugged him like a kitten, kissed and licked just now.

I don't know if Teacher Xia will remember what happened just now after she sobers up.

If she remembered that after she was drunk, she hugged her student like a kitten and kissed and licked her, how would she feel?
Early the next morning, Xia Qingqiu called to thank Huang Xing for saving her yesterday, and then asked about what happened after Brother Long came over last night with concern.

Her tone was the same as usual, presumably she didn't remember her ridiculous behavior after getting drunk last night.

Huang Xing thought that this was good, so as not to be embarrassed when meeting Teacher Xia in the future.

For the next two days, Huang Xing took the three girls to play around Linjiang.

Go to the amusement park to play the Ferris wheel and roller coaster during the day, climb up Qixia Peak to watch the sunset in the evening, and spend the night directly on the top of the mountain at night.

The next day they woke up early to watch the sunrise, then went to the aquarium to watch the dolphin show, and finally Huang Xing took them to the food street of Linjiang University to eat all the way.

These two days, Huang Xing took them to play very happily, forgetting all the troubles.

The calm before the storm, the good times always go by so fast.

The morning of the third day was also the day of the Qin family apprentice banquet.

"Be careful, I'll wait for you to come back." Before Huang Xing went out, Ji Ran told him affectionately.

They all know that there is no good banquet, and the Qin family invited Huang Xing to Qin Guanlan's apprenticeship banquet, there must be no good things, and they were all worried about Huang Xing.

Huang Xing supported Ji Ran's shoulder, kissed her forehead, and said with a confident smile, "Don't worry, you can rest assured and wait for me to come back."

"Brother, beat them up." Lu Xiaoke clenched his fists to cheer up Huang Xing.

In her heart, Huang Xing is the best. Although she is worried, she believes that her brother will definitely win.

Huang Xing put his hand on Lu Xiaoke's head, rubbed her hair, and said with a smile, "No problem, I will definitely beat you up. They will take a detour when they see us."

Lu Xiaoke's hair was messed up again, he quickly avoided his brother's clutches, and shouted angrily, "Don't grab my hair."

Xu Shasha also smiled and said, "Uncle Lu, deal with them, and I can pretend to be under the cover of Young Master Lu when I go out in the future. Let's see who dares to bully me, hahaha."

"My female driver, who dares to bully is not impatient?"

After saying goodbye to the three girls, Huang Xing went downstairs alone.

Wang Hu had already been waiting downstairs, and when he saw Huang Xing, he bowed and shouted, "Young Master Lu."

After taking Tiegudan, the plaster cast on his hands has been removed. Although the bones in his arm have not healed completely, he still has no problem driving a car.

Huang Xing threw the Maserati key to Wang Hu, and said flatly, "Let's go."

Wang Hu took the key and respectfully opened the car door for Huang Xing.

He believes that after today, Huang Xing will become the real king of Linjiang, and his Maserati will also become a symbol of Linjiang's smooth flow.

His status as Lord Tiger in Beicheng will also rise, and in the future, those high-ranking Guwu families will give him three points of face.

Qin Family Villa.

There are lights and festoons everywhere in the Qin family villa, and the Qin family has been busy arranging for this master apprentice banquet for several days.

In addition to the major ancient martial arts families in southern Fujian, the guests invited to the master apprentice banquet were also the helmsmen of Linjiang ordinary families.

The second generation of those ordinary families, such as Wang Dongyi, Su Xiu, and Chi Shao, are not eligible to participate in this kind of teacher apprentice banquet. They can only attend Qin Guanlan's birthday banquet in the evening.

Before the banquet, a teacher apprenticeship ceremony must be held.

The apprenticeship ceremony was held in the martial arts arena of the Qin Family Villa.

The Qin family martial arts arena has been arranged solemnly.

Before the apprenticeship ceremony started, many people had already gathered under the martial arts arena. The guests from all parties attending the banquet were almost in attendance, and those families who were friendly with each other greeted each other one after another, chatting happily together in whispers.

Naturally, what they discussed most was the Vientiane Gate and the peerless monster Huang Chen who suddenly appeared.

"I heard that Huang Xing is about the same age as us, but he has already cultivated in the late stage of Anjin. I really don't know how he cultivated. It's too perverted."

A few juniors from good families got together and were discussing about Huang Xing. Among them was a handsome girl in yellow who said with admiration.

Another young man immediately echoed and said with emotion, "Yes, people are more angry than others. I'm not in the mood to practice now. It's too shocking."

Huang Xing's cultivation was beyond their reach. This kind of difference cannot be caught up by any effort, and it gave them a deep sense of powerlessness.

The fattest young man among them said with a sad face, "Shao Peng said so, then I have to jump off the building."

The little fat man continued with a bitter face, "I have just reached the sixth level of Ming Jin, and I don't know if I will have the chance to cultivate Dark Jin in this life."

This group of ancient martial arts juniors are all in their twenties, and most of them are at the late stage of Ming Jin. One of them is older, about 25 or [-] years old, and has already broken through to the cultivation of dark energy. He heard everyone compliment Huang Xing, He said with a gloomy face, "Actually, Huang Xing is nothing special."

As soon as his words came out, everyone looked at him with strange expressions, thinking that his words were too pretentious.

It's fine if he has a cultivation level similar to that of Huang Xing. He is four or five years older than Huang Xing, and he is only at the second level of dark energy. How dare he say that Huang Xing is nothing special?

But they have a good friendship, and that person is the only master among them who has cultivated dark energy, so everyone just looked at him strangely and did not refute.


Seven or eight young people walked towards them, and one of the young people who laughed out loud was Ling Tianqi, who sang dimples with Huang Xing. He walked over with a sneer on his face and asked, "Huan Xing is nothing special, I don't know In Young Master Wang's heart, what kind of talent is great?"

"You?" Ling Tianqi asked sarcastically.

 The first one came a little late
  There must be two more tonight
  Even if it is late, I will finish writing two more sleep

  Thank you for your rewards and recommendations these days
  Many thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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