Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 662 Prehistoric Era

Chapter 662 Prehistoric Era
Lu Chen laughed loudly and said, "As expected of the largest inn in Zhentian City, the value of these six low-grade immortal stone flowers."

The shopkeeper laughed and said, "Does the second master have any other orders?"

He laughed secretly in his heart: Waiting to offend the Wei family, do you think everything will be fine if you hide in Qiyun Pavilion?If the Wei family and the Qi family reached an agreement behind the scenes, it would be unclear what happened behind the scenes.

The activities behind the major forces are just like that.

But at least on the surface, the Wei family will not force their way in to attack Huang Xing and Taoist Mosquito.

Otherwise, where will the face of the Qi family behind Qiyun Pavilion go?

Huang Chen waved his hand and said, "No, the shopkeeper will go to work first."

"The little one is leaving first, and if there is anything to do, just give an order through the sound transmission array in the room."

After the shopkeeper's resignation, Taoist Mosquito bowed respectfully to Huang Xing and walked back to his room.

Huang Xing also entered his room. The room was spacious and bright, filled with strong immortal energy, and it was an excellent environment for cultivation.

He had no intention of cultivating, so he poured himself a cup of tea, poured it himself, and said to Wudiqiang, "Qi of Creation, Master Tongtian, Daoist there still the Primordial Heavenly Venerable, Laozi...and Hongjun..."

Xiao Qingchen inherited the Zhuxian Sword Formation of Master Tongtian in the Ten Jue Formation of Returning to the Market, and the Master Tongtian originally wanted to accept her as a disciple, but later he said to himself that it was not suitable for etiquette, so he only inherited the Sword Formation of Zhuxian .

When Xiao Qingchen told Huang Xing about this, he felt strange.

Isn't the leader of Tongtian religion a character in the mythology of the prehistoric?
He thought to himself that there are immortals and gods in the world, so it is normal for the characters in myths and stories on earth to exist.

For those myths to be passed on, there must be traces to follow, and they are passed down as stories from generation to generation.

The incompatibility of etiquette that Master Tongtian said made Huang Xing suspicious. After returning to Earth, he deliberately searched for information on the legend of the wilderness.

Daozu Hongjun, the master who discovered the Master of Tongtian, possessed a treasure of primordial origin—the Jade Plate of Creation.

What he practiced was the first of the twelve heavenly scriptures - "The Heavenly Scripture of Creation".

The Heavenly Scripture of Good Fortune and the Jade Plate of Good Fortune are both named after "Good Fortune". Is there any relationship between them?

If he is the reincarnation of Taoist ancestor Hongjun, and Xiao Qingchen is his woman, and according to her seniority, she is the teacher and wife of the leader of the Tongtian Church, it is naturally out of courtesy to want to accept her as a disciple.

This is the relationship between the explanations.

But Wudiqiang also said that he is not someone's reincarnation, and he probably didn't lie to him.

And I don't want to mention more about the Master Tongtian.

Huang Xing still has a question.

Who are his real parents?

He knew very early on that he had no blood relationship with Lu Xiaoke, and was a child picked up by Lu's father.

After he returned to Earth from the world of comprehension, he also tried to find his biological parents.

However, the most advanced genetic testing on the planet was used, but no relatives close to his blood were found.

His genes are not even found in the entire human gene pool.

Originally, he thought that the reason for his cultivation had changed the genetic structure, so he couldn't detect it.

But he took the blood of the ancestors from the cultivation world to compare it with the gene pool of human beings on earth, and it was possible to detect the same genes.

Only the genes of the blood god ancestor and Miyamoto Musashi, two people outside the sky, could not be compared.

That is to say, I am not a human from Earth.

His parents are also from Great Thousand Worlds.

This time, it was also a coincidence to free Taoist Mosquito from the stone on Tianyuanxing.

He made a bet with Wei Wuji at Donglin Shifang, and when he checked the stone, he found the blood-winged black mosquito inside.

Originally, he only noticed the power of the blood-winged black mosquito, but he didn't know his true identity.

It was Wudiqiang who took the initiative to remind Huang Xing that what was sealed in the stone was the blood-winged black mosquito, a fierce beast in the wilderness who claimed to be a mosquito Taoist.

The Holy Mother of Guiling, one of the four direct disciples of the Lord Tongtian, is the turtle shell left after being sucked by the Taoist mosquitoes.

The Twelve-Rank Golden Lotus, the treasure of Western teachings, was absorbed by him for the third-rank, and became a ninth-rank Golden Lotus.

Although this is just a prehistoric myth and legend circulating on the earth, it also shows the ferocity and strength of Taoist Mosquito.

Hearing Huang Xing's question, Wudiqiang was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "The characters in the prehistoric myths circulating on the earth are the sages of the first era of the human race. The human race in that era was just born in the ancient times. The clan has grown into a race that can threaten the ten ancient clans."

"The Primordial Era is the first era of the human race, and it is also the most prosperous era. The most powerful figure in the history of the human race appeared - Hong Jun, who was honored as the Taoist ancestor by the human race."

"Although the human race is only ranked No.11 on the ancient list, its real strength is far beyond that, and it is only bound by the shackles of heaven."

"At that time, Hongjun Daozu could destroy the way of heaven by himself. His strength and potential of the human race were feared by the ten ancient tribes. Among them, the supreme masters of the four tribes joined forces to attack him when he was cutting the way of heaven."

"Hongjun Daozu defeated the four supreme masters with one enemy and four strengths, and dragged them into the ancient torrent, disappearing between heaven and earth."

"The four major clans have lost their supreme master, and their strength has declined. The ten ancient clans check and balance each other, giving the human race time to breathe."

"At that time, there were still six saints in the human race, Lao Tzu, Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, Nuwa, Zhunti Taoist, and Jieyin Taoist. They were all truly immortal saints, not the lackeys of the Heavenly Dao who donate their careers like now. saint."

"The six saints signed an ancient covenant with the ten ancient clans with their great supernatural powers. They used their own lives as a guide to change the ancient laws, so that the ten ancient clans could not take action to destroy the human race."

"After Hongjun Daozu and the six saints all fell, the ranking of the human race is still No. 11. It is conceivable that if it were not for the shackles of heaven, the ranking would not be able to enter the top ten in ancient times. The human race in the prehistoric era is enough to rank in the top three in ancient times."

"Afterwards, generations of sages of the human race wanted to destroy the way of heaven and break free from the shackles. Only then did the method of destroying the heavens of the Ten Absolute Arrays come into being, the battle of the Heavenly Tribulation of the Qing Emperor."

"Because the ten ancient clans were bound by the ancient covenant, they couldn't personally deal with the human race. They could only let their subordinate races interfere with the human race's battle to destroy the sky and suppress the human race, causing heavy losses to the human race."

"Don't think that the human race can sit back and relax if they don't fight the battle of destroying the sky and survive in peace."

"If it weren't for the desperate struggle of the sages of the human race generation after generation, the human race would have become a vassal of the ten ancient races and sacrificed their own fire to them.

Huang Chen quietly listened to Wudiqiang's report.

The history of the human race is full of disasters and disasters. Among the ten ancient clans, four are dead.

Of the other six races, four are neutral, and two are slightly friendly with the human race.

They are afraid of the potential of the human race and keep suppressing the development of the human race.

Thinking about Wudiqiang's words, Huang Xing asked inexplicably, "Taoist Hongjun and the six saints have fallen, so why can Qingchen still see the leader of Tongtian in the return to the market?"

(End of this chapter)

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