Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 663 The Origin of Invincible Strength

Chapter 663 The Origin of Invincible Strength
Those sages of the human race held the determination to die before the battle of destroying the sky, and all of them arranged their backs in advance, leaving behind many inheritances.

Therefore, there are still many inheritances of them circulating in the Great Thousand World.

But the Ten Absolute Formation of Returning to the Market was arranged by Emperor Qing, and even Qing Emperor was surprised when Xiao Qingchen met Master Tongtian in the formation.

The plan to destroy the sky that Emperor Qing and Huang Xing seldom mentioned.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Huang Xing, but because they are going to take two different paths, one is bright and the other is dark.

The law does not pass on to the six ears.

The more they know each other, the more flaws they will inevitably reveal when they act, and if they are discovered by the Dao of Heaven, they will fall short.

Huang Xing and Qingdi acted independently, but they came to the same goal by different routes.

Invincible Qiang was silent for a long time, guessing, "Master Tongtian and the other five saints may have returned from resurrection."

Huang Xing's pupils shrank, he also had the same suspicion.

If this is the case, it is a blessing for the human race.

Wudiqiang continued, "But it doesn't feel like it. The six saints signed the ancient covenant with the ten ancient clans with all their own strength, changing the ancient laws so that they cannot personally deal with the human race. If the six saints have been resurrected and returned, then change There will definitely be a change in the ancient laws, and the ancient ten will definitely notice it, and I am afraid that they have already sent troops to attack the human race."

Huang Xing asked suspiciously, "Will the six saints use their supernatural powers to deceive the laws of the ancient times? It's like Emperor Qing buried himself in a copper coffin to suppress the world, and deceived the laws of heaven."

"Impossible." Wudi Qiang said with certainty, "The Copper Coffin of Zhenshi is the most ancient treasure, so it can be concealed from the sky and not detected by the Dao of Heaven; A saint definitely has no such means!"

Invincible Qiang's thinking was a little chaotic and full of contradictions, and he continued, "The six saints have left many inheritances in the Great Thousand World. Almost every era of the human race has people who have received the inheritance of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but those who manifested in the inheritance The Master Tongtian is just an image left behind, you can understand it as a recorded video or a compiled program; but according to Xiao Qingchen, the Master Tongtian who appeared in the Ten Absolute Formation of Returning to the Ruins obviously has his own soul, and taught it personally. The Immortal Execution Sword Formation cannot be the image left in front of him."

He said in confusion, "So now I'm not sure whether the six saints have really returned from resurrection."

Huang Xing said, "No matter what, the Master Tongtian appeared in the Ten Absolute Formation of Returning to the Market. Whether it is really resurrected or not, there must be a glimmer of life."

Invincible Qiang said happily, "Master is right. This life will be a great one. Even if the six saints have not been resurrected yet, when the master leads the human race to become the ancient ten clans, they will surely be resurrected and return."

"Brother Qiang." Lu Chen paused, and then asked, "Is the "Natural Scripture" I practice related to Daozu Hongjun?"

"En." Invincible Qiang replied solemnly, "Now is the time to tell you—"

"In fact, the master should have already guessed that the Shenhao system is a magic weapon. In fact, the system is the Taoist ancestor's ancient treasure jade plate, and I am half of the jade plate, and the other half is transformed into the system's executive program. .”

Huang Xing nodded, it was about the same as what he had guessed.

Invincible Qiang continued, "Ancestor Dao fought with the supreme masters of the four clans, and all five of them were involved in the ancient torrent; Ancestor Dao threw out the jade plate of good fortune at the moment he was involved."

"The good fortune jade plate was severely damaged in the battle, and even the spirit of the tool was split in two. The master can call me Wudiqiang and the system."

"We don't know how many epochs we have slept in, and when we wake up, it is already the last epoch."

"We were wandering in the ancient times, trying to find the traces of the Taoist ancestors, and at the same time slowly collecting the information of the ancient times, we found that dozens of epochs have passed, and several catastrophes occurred in the history of the human race, almost destroyed, but they all survived. .”

"We found that there are many faults in the historical records of the human race, and the brilliant history of the prehistoric era is almost forgotten. If there are not some inheritances left by the prehistoric era that are discovered from time to time, I am afraid that history will have been erased from the history of the human race."

"In the last era, the human race reached its peak and became the No. 11 race in the ancient times. It launched the battle of the ten extinct formations to destroy the sky, but the ten ancient races obstructed it and finally failed."

"In this era, Qingdi, the first emperor of all ages, appeared. Her strength is only one line away from the prehistoric sage, and she can be called the strongest quasi-sage; the plan to destroy the sky in this era was leaked before it was launched. She has preserved most of the strength of the human race by herself."

"There is a definite number in the dark. Although the plan to destroy the sky has been postponed, but waiting for the appearance of the master, the way of heaven will be destroyed in this life."

After listening to Wudiqiang's introduction, Huang Xing knew that he woke up in the last era, so he understood why he had a clear understanding of what happened in the prehistoric era, the previous era and the current era, but what happened in the dozens of eras in between? What is not well understood.

Emperor Qing's strength has been overwhelming for thousands of years, and he has not yet reached the realm of a prehistoric saint!

How strong should the six great sages of the prehistoric era, and Daozu Hongjun above the sages be?
Both Huang Xing and Wudiqiang were silent for a while. He poured himself a cup of tea, put down the teapot, and asked before drinking, "Have you found any news about Daozu?"

Invincible said sadly, "No, there is no news at all, and it has even been erased from the history of the human race; the Taoist ancestor did not leave a legacy, and now in the world I am afraid that few people know that there once appeared in the human race a powerful Taoist ancestor of the ten ancient clans .”

Huang Xing drank the tea, and asked three times, "How did the myth of the prehistoric world pass down? Did you find other masters before me? Why did you choose me to be your master?"

Invincible straightened out his thoughts, and said in a low mood, "I once told the master that the earth is a very special planet. It is the place where the human race originated. Daozu and the six saints all came from the earth."

"The prehistoric myths on Earth are compiled and passed down based on the information we can collect in the Great Thousand World, because I don't want Daozu and the six saints to disappear from the history of the human race and be forgotten."

"The myth of the Great Desolation has been passed down from generation to generation, and then it has been adapted into various stories. The true and the false will become what you see."

"Before we met the master, we didn't think of recognizing the master, because we firmly believed that the Taoist ancestor would be able to return alive from the ancient torrent."

"We have been searching for millions of years, and we have searched all over Taikoo, but we have not found any traces of Taoist ancestors, so we returned to our mother planet, Earth, and waited for the return of Taoist ancestors until we met our master."

When Wudiqiang said this, his voice sank slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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