Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 664 Huang Chen's Life Experience

Chapter 664 Huang Chen's Life Experience

Hearing this, Huang Xing also concentrated.

For millions of years, the good fortune jade plate never thought of finding its owner again, and returning to the earth to wait for the return of Daozu Hongjun.

Then why did you choose yourself to be their master?
If he is the reincarnation of Daozu Hongjun, this can be explained.

But Wudiqiang also made it clear that he is not the reincarnation of Daozu Hongjun.

This made him very strange.

Huang Xing hasn't been so narcissistic that Good Fortune Jade Plate will recognize him as his master just because he is handsome.

Although he is really handsome!
Invincible Qiang paused for a few seconds, and said, "The master's body is the blood of the Dao ancestor."

"The master is the closest direct bloodline of the Taoist ancestor!"

Huang Xing was shocked.

He searched all over the human gene pool of the earth and couldn't match his own gene, which shows that he is not from the earth, but from outside the universe.

Is he the closest direct bloodline of the Taoist ancestor?
What does it mean?
What is your relationship with Daozu?
Is Taoist ancestor his own ancestor?

Who are his parents?

Where are his parents now?
Why keep him on earth?

One question after another made Huang Xing feel dizzy.

Huang Xing said in disbelief, "I'm a descendant of the Taoist ancestor?"

Invincible Qiang Shi said in shock, "Judging from the richness of the master's blood, the master is the son of the Taoist ancestor."

"I am the son of Daozu?"

Unfortunately, Huang Xing was always calm, so he couldn't help being shocked.

He has always wanted to find his parents, and it has been confirmed that his parents are not from Earth.

The world is vast and boundless, and he has no clue about finding his parents.

Now Wudiqiang tells him that he is the son of Daozu Hongjun!
Huang Chen was stunned, shook his head and said, "Didn't you say that the ancestor disappeared after being involved in the ancient torrent, countless epochs have passed, how could I be his son?"

He paused and said, "If you want to say that I am the reincarnation of Taoist ancestor, or a descendant of Taoist ancestor, I believe it, but you say that I am the son of Taoist ancestor, how is this possible?"

His mind was chaotic and full of thoughts, and he thought of the Mosquito Taoist who was freed from the stone.

Could it be that he himself was buried in stone like Taoist Mosquito, and was not released until more than ten years ago?
"Yes, how is this possible?" Invincible Qiang also said with emotion, "The good luck jade plate was born with the Taoist ancestor and grew up with the Taoist ancestor; the Taoist ancestor was alone until he was involved in the ancient torrent, and he never had a passage. companion!"

Huang Xing was even more confused!

Before the Taoist ancestor disappeared, there was no Taoist companion, so how could there be blood left?

How did I get here?

He doubted, "Could you have made a mistake? Maybe I am not the son of Daozu, but the reincarnation of Daozu myself!"

Wudiqiang said with certainty, "Others can't tell whether it is the reincarnated body or the blood of Daozu, but we will definitely not admit it, unless Daozu deliberately concealed it from us, but what's the point of Daozu hiding it from us?"

The good fortune jade plate was born with the Taoist ancestor, but it is said to be connected by blood.

Master Tongtian and Taoist Mosquito both thought that Huang Xing was the reincarnation of Daozu Hongjun.

Therefore, a person who wanted to take Xiao Qingchen as his disciple felt that it was inappropriate for etiquette.

A respectful kneel that sensed the spirit of good fortune.

Only the invincible spirit and system of the Good Fortune Jade Plate can tell that Huang Chen is not the reincarnation of Daozu Hongjun, but the direct bloodline, the son of Daozu Hongjun.

Is it—

He thought of a possibility—could the Dao ancestor have come out from the ancient flood!
Invincible Qiang also thought of that possibility, and said, "This is the only possibility. Daozu and the six saints may have returned, hidden between the heavens and the earth, and it is not yet time for them to show up; maybe we met the master is also Daozu The arrangement, we want us to help the master grow up."

"The master is still a mortal body, and his physical capacity is limited. That's why the system and I came up with this method to let the good fortune jade plate evolve into the Shenhao system, so that the master can easily accept it and grow up step by step."

"Because we are afraid that we will not be able to bear it, so the system closes its own consciousness. According to the established principles, let the master upgrade step by step. If too much power is given to the master at once, it will harm the master anyway."

After hearing the cause and effect, Huang Chen still had difficulty accepting that Daozu Hongjun was his father.

How many times had he imagined what his father looked like?
I thought that maybe he was forced by life, and he couldn't afford to support himself and abandoned himself.

I also thought that there was some grievance and hatred, so I had to abandon myself.

He never thought that his father was Hongjun in the prehistoric myth!

As for the good luck jade plate to let him upgrade and grow step by step, Huang Xing understands very well.

If he possessed the power to destroy heaven and earth all of a sudden, his xinxing would not become as calm as it is now.

Maybe you've lost yourself.

His current strength is invincible in the same realm.

But the Great Thousand World is still as weak as an ant.

This forces him to constantly sharpen himself and make himself stronger.

Rather than improving one's own strength, it is better to sharpen one's heart and mind.

Huang Xing poured himself three cups in a row to calm himself down.

Anyone who suddenly knows the mystery of his own life experience will feel trembling.

Huang Chen could only temporarily accept that he was the son of Daozu Hongjun, but now he was curious, who was his mother?
People like Daozu Hongjun were all alone in the prehistoric era. After coming out of the ancient torrent, how did they move their thoughts?

He asked Wudiqiang about the magnificent prehistoric era.

What a powerful and immemorial existence Daozu Hongjun was in that era.

The supreme master is the most powerful existence of the ten ancient clans, and Daozu Hongjun unexpectedly won with four enemies and one.

The six great sages of the human race, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Master Tongtian are his direct disciples.

Nuwa, Jieyin Taoist, and Zhunti Taoist also treated each other with teacher courtesy, calling them "teacher" respectfully.

What an astonishingly talented person this is!


When Huang Xing and Taoist Mosquito entered the room of Tianzihao in Qiyun Pavilion, the Wei family also found out their whereabouts.

They didn't deliberately hide their whereabouts. The Wei family was deeply entrenched in Zhentian City, and there were eyeliners everywhere, so it was easy to find out.

When Wei Yunfei received the news, his face showed a ferocious look, and he said to Wei Tianhua, "Father, that second master and Daoist Mosquito are living in Qiyun Pavilion, should we ask the Qi family directly?"

"You don't need to ask for someone from the Qi family." Suddenly a voice came, not Wei Tianhua's answer.

When Wei Yunfei and Wei Tianhua heard the voice, their faces showed joy, and they respectfully saluted to Kongkong, "Welcome to the ancestor."

A group of flames condensed in the void, and the flames shattered the sky, and a person walked out of the flames, as if the god of fire descended.

(End of this chapter)

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