Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 700 I Will Help You Draw

Chapter 700 I Will Help You Draw

The golden light dissipated.

A golden dragon pattern appeared on Wu Qingzhu's forehead, making her look holy.

"Second Master." She woke up from the resonance, and was horrified by what happened to her just now, and looked at Huang Xing in shock.

Huang Xing said meaningfully, "This is just the beginning. Whether you can get its approval in the future depends on your own good fortune."

"En." Wu Qingzhu nodded heavily and said firmly, "Qingzhu will definitely live up to the second master's expectations."

She knew who the "it" Erye was talking about was.

While resonating with the Yulong Nine Heavens Formation, she saw a sleeping giant dragon.

No one told her the name of the dragon, but a name still popped up in her mind - Zulong.



Everyone was shocked by the vision just now, and they were still immersed in it without recovering.

"Old man Longya Academy Master Long Xiao, what's the girl's name?"

The Lord of Longxiao Palace turned into a ray of fairy light, which landed in front of Wu Qingzhu, looked her up and down, and his eyes fell on the golden dragon totem on her forehead.

Wu Qingzhu's body was full of holy power, and he didn't panic at all when facing the mansion master of Longya Academy, he replied neither arrogant nor humble, "My name is Wu Qingzhu."

Palace Master Longxiao also cast his eyes on Huang Chen, and then said, "Please come to the school with the old man to have a talk."

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "We are not students of Longya Academy, I'm afraid someone will not let us in."

The Master of Longxiao Mansion was taken aback for a moment, he also thought that Lu Xing and Wu Qingzhu were students of Longya Academy.

After all, outsiders will not come to the gate of the school if they have nothing to do.

But even if he wasn't a student of Longya Academy, who would dare to stop him, the palace lord, who even invited him?

He glanced at the Heavenly Immortal Commander and Tuoba Ji who were half kneeling on the ground, and asked without anger, "What's going on?"

Facing Palace Master Longxiao, Commander Tianxian was too frightened to speak, and directly collapsed to the ground.

Tuoba Ji also looked at Huang Xing and Wu Qingzhu in horror, the vision of heaven just now was too terrifying, he had never seen such a powerful vision in his life.

Finally, the golden dragon transformed into golden light and hid itself on Wu Qingzhu's forehead, and a golden dragon totem appeared.

He didn't need to think about it to know that the vision just now had something to do with Wu Qingzhu.

Palace Master Longxiao is one of the supreme giants of the Far East Star, not to mention him, even his master would be trembling in the face of Palace Master Longxiao.

Tuobaji felt uneasy, and said bravely, "Master Hui, they don't know which school's students came to Longya Academy to provoke trouble, not only hurting our students, but also wounding Commander Yang."

He didn't make it clear, but he suspected that the second master was a student from another school, and Wu Qingzhu also came from Tianyuanxing.

The Master of Longxiao Mansion thought that they were all from other schools, and had a clever idea in his heart. Wu Qingzhu had already been recognized by the Royal Dragon Nine Heavens Formation to become the formation master. If it was a student from another school, would it be okay?

No, no matter what the price is, she must be kept in Longya Academy.

Only with her, Yulong Jiutian is truly a rock-solid defense.

Moreover, if she can become the leader of the formation, her aptitude must be unique in all ages, and no one can estimate how high she can grow in the future.

Palace Master Long Xiao automatically filtered out the provocations that Tuoba Ji said, but asked with a smile on his face, "Which school are you two students from?"

He had already made up his mind that no matter which institution they were from, he would snatch them to Longya Academy.

He believed that both of them would agree.

After all, Wu Qingzhu has become the leader of the Dragon Nine Heavens formation, and only in Longya Academy can he exert his greatest advantage.

And he will also give enough conditions to make their hearts beat.

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "We are from Tianyuanxing, not students from other schools."

"Haha." Palace Master Longxiao couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile on his face, "That's the best, that's the best, you two can stay in Longya Academy to practice in the future, and take this place as your home."

He glanced back at Commander Tianxian and Tuoba Ji, his expression changed, and he said sternly, "Commander Yang, report what happened just now truthfully, and there must be no half-deception."

He had already guessed that there must have been some conflict between Lu Xing and Wu Qingzhu and them just now. If they didn't give them a satisfactory explanation, they might have objections to Longya Academy.

Commander Yang trembled all over, his face was ashen, he didn't dare to hide it in front of Palace Master Longxiao, so he could only tell everything about what happened just now, even telling them that he asked them to go to the Doulongtai to resolve the dispute out.

Palace Master Long Xiao's face revealed an angry expression when he heard this.

Although it was the second master who made the first move, the Holy Maiden of Cangyan insulted Wu Qingzhu first, and Commander Yang directly sent the second master and Tuoba Ji to the Doulongtai.

Who is Tuoba Ji?

A true disciple of Scarlet Flame Sect, a leader among the younger generation.

Commander Yang seems to be fair, but in fact he has sinister intentions.

Palace Master Longxiao just focused on Wu Qingzhu just now, and after listening to Commander Yang's narration, shocking waves arose in his heart.

The second master can easily repel Tuoba Ji and suppress Commander Yang just by showing his immortal cultivation.

Moreover, it was under his guidance that Wu Qingzhu comprehended the Yulong Nine Heavens Great Formation and resonated with the Great Formation, becoming the leader of the Great Formation.

Who is he?He actually knew how to become the master of the Great Formation Master of Yulong Nine Heavens!

"Master Long, does Longya Academy want to accept Qingzhu as a student?" Lu Xing looked at Palace Master Longxiao who was sizing him up, and asked indifferently.

Although the word "begging" made Palace Master Longxiao feel ashamed, he had to admit that Longya Academy was indeed begging to accept Wu Qingzhu as a student.

He replied, "Forget it."

After hearing his answer, Huang Xing turned to Tuoba Ji, and said with a half-smile, "Mr. Tuoba, did you hear that, you won't forget what you said just now, right?"


Everyone couldn't help but took a breath and looked at Huang Xing.

He didn't give Tuoba Ji any face at all!

Let him slap himself three times in public.

How can he have the face to practice in Longya Academy in the future.

Although the vision caused by Wu Qingzhu just now was astonishing, the second master's strength is also very strong.

But after all, Tuoba Ji was the true disciple of the fifth-rank power, the Scarlet Flame Sect, and even Longya Academy would not dare to easily offend the Scarlet Flame Sect.

Tuoba Ji's face became very gloomy, he looked at Huang Xing coldly and said, "This time I'm a failure, we will meet later."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to leave directly.

It was enough for him to admit defeat face to face, and wanted him to slap himself.

That's impossible.

"If you don't want to do it yourself, then I will do it for you." Huang Chen suddenly sharpened and said in a cold voice.

Tuoba Ji was so angry that his body glowed, and he said sharply, "Let's see if you have that ability."


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a crisp slap in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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