Chapter 701 Three Slaps
The crisp sound of slaps reached everyone's ears.

Hearing a scream, Tuoba Ji flew out backwards.

"how can that be?"

Everyone was shocked, Tuoba Ji was a Level [-] cultivation base in the Immortal Realm, and when his aura reached its peak, he was actually slapped away by the second master?

Even many students of Longya Academy haven't seen Huang Xing's movements clearly.

Palace Master Long Xiao's pupils shrank, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

He is a strong person in the seventh level of Xianjun, so he can see clearly how Huang Chen can make a move.

It was just a moment ago that the second master had an invincible force in his hand, he directly tore apart Tuoba Ji's defense with his bare hands, and slapped him on the face to blow him away.

This kind of strength, not to mention the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal, even the evildoers of the ninth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm would find it difficult to achieve.

Tuoba Ji's combat power can be regarded as top-notch in the same realm, even against the ordinary Ninth Layer of Heavenly Immortal Realm, he has a chance of winning.

The aura emanating from Second Master's body was nothing more than a fairyland, and it could blow him away so easily.

The master of the Longxiao Mansion has never seen such an earthly fairyland with such combat power even after tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

Lu Chen's slap made Tuoba Ji dizzy, he stood up staggeringly, his mind went blank, he didn't understand how he was slapped away.

"There are still two slaps." After finishing speaking with a faint smile, Huang Xing stretched out his hand and slapped it out.

A crisp slap sounded again.

Tuoba Ji, who hadn't stood still, spat out another mouthful of blood, screamed and flew out and hit the ground with a "bang", smashing a big hole in the ground paved with fairy stones.

"One more slap." Huang Xing looked at Tuoba Ji who fell on the ground with a faint smile, as if waiting for him to get up, and then slapped him one last time.

His two slaps not only stunned Tuoba Ji, but also stunned all the onlookers.

Everyone felt chills in their hearts, Second Master's strength was too terrifying.

Among the students, there are some old demons from the Heavenly Immortal Realm. Although they can defeat Tuoba Ji, they will never be able to slap Tuoba Ji away with a slap like Second Master.

Huang Chen's strength shocked everyone, and only Wu Qingzhu and Shen Lie's son were not surprised.

They have all seen the second master kill the six ancestors of the Wei family with one arrow in Qiyun Pavilion. What is even more frightening is that the second master chased the soul with one arrow, leaving the sixth ancestor of the Wei family in the ancestral hall of the Wei family. Kill together.

The Wei family still had a True Immortal Patriarch sitting in town, but it didn't stop him.

It can be said that the second master wanted to kill Tuoba Ji, and he could be wiped out with a snap of his fingers.

"Stop." An angry shout sounded, and a person flew down from the sky of Longya Academy and landed beside Tuoba Ji, looked at Huang Xing coldly and said, "Forgive others and forgive others, Tuoba Ji has already surrendered, this matter That's all."

Everyone felt terrified when they saw the aura emanating from that person.

With the aura of a fairy, the elders of the fairy from Longya Academy stood up for Tuoba Ji.

Longya Academy maintains neutrality in the Far East Star, and has some friendship with all major forces.

The elder Xianjun who appeared in front of Lu Chen was named Gao Mo, and he had some friendship with Tuobaji's master Chilian Xianjun.

Tuoba Ji was able to promise the son of Shen Lie to give Wu Qingzhu a place because of the backing of Gao Mo Xianjun.

Huang Chen asked with a faint smile, "What's the name of this elder?"

Gao Mo Xianjun said proudly, "I am a high demon."

Lu Chen said with a smile, "Elder Gao Mo must be a great teacher in Longya Academy."

After listening to the flattery, Immortal Gao Mo was very pleased, and his expression eased a lot.

Huang Chen shook his head regretfully, pointed to Tuoba Ji who had stood up staggeringly, and said, "He said that if Longya Academy begs to accept Wu Qingzhu as a student, then he will slap in front of everyone." I slap myself three times."

He looked at Immortal Gao Mo with a half-smile and said, "Now Elder Gao Mo wants to stop this matter. Could it be that you, a famous teacher, usually teach students how to keep their promises?"


Everyone took a breath, the second master didn't give Gao Mo Xianjun any face at all, and even satirized him in public.

"Looking for death..." Being so humiliated by a junior made Gao Mo Xianjun furious, his face was gloomy, his eyes turned cold, and the Xianjun suppressed Huang Chen.

If it wasn't for the presence of Palace Master Long Xiao, I'm afraid he would have slapped that second master to death.

Elder Gao Mo is an immortal monarch of the third level, his coercion can be suppressed by a real immortal, let alone an earth immortal.

The old god Lu Chen stood still, and when Elder Gao Mo's Xianju coercion was about to suppress him, a voice sounded, "Elder Gao Mo, let's not interfere with the younger generation's affairs."

It was Palace Master Longxiao who spoke, and there was no other movement, but he followed his words, and Elder Gao Mo's pressure from the Immortal Monarch dissipated immediately.

Immortal Gao Mo's face changed, and Palace Master Longxiao supported the second master, and Tuoba Ji was caught, so he couldn't continue pestering him, so he just said, "Of course what Tuoba Ji said must count. Let him slap himself."

He turned to Tuoba Ji and looked at him, the meaning was self-evident, he wanted him to slap himself to end the matter.

If that second master is allowed to take action again, God knows what will be done to Tuoba Ji.

Tuobaji was dizzy, and regained some willpower a little bit. Seeing that the second master was still looking at him with a faint smile, he trembled all over, clenched his teeth tightly, hesitated a few times, and finally raised his hand and slapped himself , Then he was so angry that he passed out directly.

Immortal Gao Mo looked at Huang Chen coldly, grabbed the fainted Tuoba Ji and disappeared in front of everyone.

As soon as they left, Cangyan Saintess was so frightened that she shuddered and sat down on the ground.

Prince Shenlie and several other students who were traveling with him were also trembling with fear, for fear that the second master would also slap them away.

Huang Xing obviously didn't mean to be as knowledgeable as them, so he said to Palace Master Longxiao, "It's still the Palace Master who understands righteousness."

"The old man will deal with this matter according to the government's regulations. The two of you will follow me first." Palace Master Longxiao gave Lu Xing and Wu Qingzhu a promise, and led them to disappear in front of everyone.

The elders of the Xianjun above the Longya Academy also went back separately, and the remaining students who were watching had not recovered for a long time.

The strength of the second master left them with lingering fears. The true disciples of the Scarlet Flame Sect smoked whenever they said they wanted to, and the elder Xianjun didn't give him any face, and even made sarcastic remarks.

The vision caused by Wu Qingzhu just now shocked them even more.

They had never seen the "Dragon Nine Heavens Great Formation", or even heard of it, and they didn't know that Wu Qingzhu became the leader of the formation.

But it didn't prevent them from feeling the terrifying power of the formation.

Commander Yang slumped on the ground, staring blankly at the gate of Longya Academy, his future is over.

The son of Shenlie was terrified, and warned himself that he must not provoke that second master again.

But the second master is so arrogant, I'm afraid Scarlet Flame Sect will not let it go, there will be a good show then.

He didn't have the courage to provoke the second master himself, so he could only pin his hopes on others.

The head of Longxiao Palace brought Lu Chen and Wu Qingzhu to the conference hall of the school, and at the same time, six elders of the immortal monarch followed.

(End of this chapter)

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