Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 702 Being a Teacher

Chapter 702 Being a Teacher
Longya Academy has a profound heritage and has a total of 26 immortals.

Among them, the master of Longxiao Palace is a high-ranking immortal of the seventh level, and the other six are middle-level immortals of the fourth to sixth level.

The six people who followed them in were the six middle-level immortals.

"Please." Palace Master Longxiao invited Lu Chen to take a seat, and all the immortals also took their seats one by one, only Wu Qingzhu stood behind Lu Chen.

Palace Master Longxiao and the six immortals frowned slightly when they saw Wu Qingzhu standing there.

They already knew that Wu Qingzhu was the second master's maid, but she had already been recognized by Yulong Nine Heavens Formation and became the master of the formation, so it would be inappropriate for her to be the second master's maid.

Wouldn't it make people laugh at Longya Academy if it spread out?

The Master of Longxiao Mansion settled down, now is not the time to change his identity all of a sudden, he asked Huang Xing, "I don't know where the second master's fairy gate is?"

Lu Chen smiled lightly, "As a casual cultivator, the world is his home."

Palace Master Longxiao frowned, generally asking "Where is the Immortal Gate" does not refer to the "sect" on the surface, but refers to his own power, which can be a sect, a dynasty, or a family.

The other party replied that he was a casual cultivator, did he not want to tell his history, or was he really just a casual cultivator?
But how could casual cultivators be so powerful?
Even if he obtained a shocking inheritance, without a certain background, he would not be able to sharpen his temperament.

Compared with the second master's strength, the detached aura about him is even more unpredictable for Palace Master Longxiao.

Ordinary monks are cautious and trembling in the face of Xianjun.

How can he be so calm and calm, and directly humiliate Gao Mo Xianjun!

Facing him, the immortal monarch of the seventh level, he was also indifferent, as if he was just mediocre in his eyes.

The Master of Longxiao Palace said with a smile, "Miss Wu resonated with the formation of Longya Academy, which shows that the two of you are destined to be with Longya Academy. Why don't you stay in the academy and treat this place as your home."

Lu Xing said calmly, "I'll forget it, but Qingzhu can stay in Longya Academy and practice hard for a while."

Wu Qingzhu's foundation is too shallow, if she stays by his side all the time, it will be detrimental to her development.

It's not that Huang Xing can't give her advice.

It's just that all the dharmas he has learned are comprehensive and unfathomable, but with Wu Qingzhu's comprehension, he can't comprehend anything.

Just like last time in Shenyue Mountain, she was taken to understand the magic formation of Shenyue Mountain, but she got nothing.

In terms of the earth, Huang Xing can teach a doctor, but Wu Qingzhu is still a primary school student, and he can't understand anything with him.

It's better to let her stay at Longya Academy and return to him when she grows up.

Wu Qingzhu said anxiously, "Qingzhu should not stay in Longya Academy, Qingzhu should always follow Second Master to serve Second Master."

She heard what Second Master meant, and it seemed that when he left Longya Academy, he didn't plan to take her with him.

Although it is her dream to become a student of Longya Academy, she prefers to stay with Second Master as a maid.

Without the second master, there would be no her now.

The master of Longxiao Palace became anxious, and said, "Miss Wu, just listen to the second master and stay in Longya Academy to practice. The old master will personally teach and teach you all the resources in the academy. You can use all the resources in the academy."

Wu Qingzhu was unmoved, but looked at Huang Xing pitifully, as if as long as he refused to agree, she would cry for him.

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled, "It's not that the second master doesn't want you anymore, but you can't go where I'm going next, so why not stay at Longya Academy and practice hard, and when you break through to the fairyland, the second master will come back to pick you up." you."

Wu Qingzhu felt a sense of loss after hearing what Huang Xing said.

The second master is a high-ranking person, the master of Shenyue Mountain has to salute him when he sees him, his own strength is so low, and he can only serve tea and water by his side, pinch his waist and beat his back, nothing else can help .

If the second master is in danger, not only will he not be able to help the second master, but he will become a burden instead.

She secretly made up her mind that she must practice hard and break through to Xianjun as soon as possible.

After hearing Huang Chen's words, the Master of Longxiao Mansion murmured in his heart, you are thinking beautifully, and you still want to abduct her after she becomes a fairy.

But it doesn't matter to him, it will not happen overnight if you want to cultivate to become an immortal, at least it will take thousands of years, who can say clearly what happened at that time.

As long as Wu Qingzhu stays at Longya Academy now, that's enough.

Palace Master Longxiao changed the topic and said, "I have something to do, I wonder if I can ask Second Master for advice."

Huang Chen took a sip of tea, and said, "It's okay to say, Palace Master."

Palace Master Longxiao asked curiously, "I don't know what is the relationship between the natal magic weapon refined by Miss Wu and the Dragon Yulong Nine Heavens Formation?"

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter."

Palace Master Long Xiao was taken aback, it's fine if you don't want to answer, it's better to be tactful than to open your eyes and talk nonsense.

If there is no connection, how can Wu Qingzhu resonate with Yulong Nine Heavens Formation?
"Second Lord, you should also be aware of our concerns." The next elder Xianjun said, "The two origins are unknown. Miss Wu suddenly resonated with the Yulong Nine Heavens Great Formation and became the leader of the Great Formation. If we don't investigate clearly , I'm not at ease."

What he said was the truth. If it was an ordinary force, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to talk to them so nicely.

After all, the defensive array is equivalent to the lifeblood of a force, and it is impossible to put it on a stranger with unknown origin.

However, they are universities, and they are inclusive of all rivers. At most, they are in competition with the other four universities, and there is no hostile force.

Therefore, Wu Qingzhu became the master of the big formation, and their first reaction was to let Wu Qingzhu stay in the school, rather than giving birth to a desire to compete.

Huang Chen nodded, looked at Palace Master Longxiao and said, "I know the elders are worried, after all, this matter is too bizarre, but I don't think Palace Master Longxiao is worried about your concerns at all."

Palace Master Long Xiao's face froze, and he nodded to the other six people.

He can be very sure that Wu Qingzhu will not harm Longya Academy.

Seeing Palace Master Longxiao's admission, the six people thought in their hearts that he should know something else, so they didn't ask any more questions.

Lu Xing said, "I came to Longya Academy this time, besides wanting to keep Qingzhu here to practice, there is one more thing."

Palace Master Longxiao asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Huang Xing smiled lightly, "Be a teacher for a few days, teaching lessons and solving doubts."

Palace Master Longxiao was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile, "Although the teachers at Longya Academy are at least in the real fairyland, your strength is also comparable to that of a real fairy, so it is no problem to be a teacher in the academy."

He was very puzzled, what kind of medicine was sold in Erye's gourd?Why did he suddenly want to be a teacher at Longya Academy?

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "Not to be the teacher of the students, but to be the teacher of all of you."


Palace Master Longxiao and the six elders of the immortals were all stunned. How could an Earth Immortal be their teacher for this group of immortals?

Huang Chen smiled calmly, "In three days, I will give a lecture in front of Longya Mountain. If you are interested, you can come and listen. If you are not interested, don't force it."

(End of this chapter)

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