Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 715 You Are Not Qualified to Search Longya Academy

Chapter 715 You Are Not Qualified to Search Longya Academy
When the old palace master heard Wu Qingzhu's words, his face became serious, and he asked, "Sir, do you have any old grievances with Yunhai Xianmen?"

Wu Qingzhu nodded and told the story of Shenyue Mountain.

The old Palace Master's expression was serious, he never thought that the Second Master and the Elder Di Jie would have such a grudge!
He has a lot of knowledge, and he knows the fairy ship of Elder Dijie.

That is the seventh-level top-grade fairy treasure of the Yunhai Xianmen - the ancient battleship.

The higher the level of the fairy treasure, the greater the gap between each level.

There is a town treasure in Longya Academy, and it is only a seventh-level low-grade fairy treasure.

It will not be used lightly until life and death are at stake.

The old palace master couldn't help feeling worried for the second master.

Although the second master is well-versed in Taoism, his cultivation level is still low. If Yunhai Xianmen seeks trouble with him, it may be very dangerous.

Now that the second master has disappeared for 45 days, if the elder Dijie really came to find the second master, he would definitely inspect the Longya Academy when he was not there. When he saw the black hole on the Taoist platform, he would definitely be suspicious.

He couldn't figure out this black hole, but it was definitely related to the disappearance of the second master. If it was destroyed by the elder Di Jie, it might cause accidents.

The old palace master frowned and said, "Miss Qingzhu continues to control the Dragon Yulong Nine Heavens formation, and the old man asked Long Xiao to go outside the palace to receive the orders. Let's wait and see what happens."

Longya Academy is under the jurisdiction of Yunhai Xianmen, and now the decree of Yunhai Xianjun has arrived, and they have no choice but to accept the decree.

Wu Qingzhu nodded, looking worriedly at the black hole on the platform.

Only then did she realize that she had an indescribable sense of security by the side of Second Master, as if she was not afraid of the sky falling.

Now that the second master is not here, she feels a deep sense of powerlessness.

But soon, her eyes became determined.

Looking at the black hole on the platform unswervingly, she made up her mind: Now that the second master is not here, no matter what, she will not let people get close to the black hole on the platform.

Elder Dijie came to Longya Academy to pass the decree, which shocked the entire Far East Star.

The Yunhai Xianmen governs the Yunhai Starfield, and Yunhai Xianjun's decree is the will of the entire Yunhai Starfield, and no one dares to violate it.

Under normal circumstances, the major planets are autonomous, and the Yunhai Xianmen will not participate in the disputes between the major forces of other planets.

The edicts of Yunhai Xianmen rarely appear.

The news quickly spread to all the major forces, all of them rushed to Longya Academy to wait and see.

Elder Dijie stood on the immortal ancient warship, followed by the four generals, rows of sergeants were majestic and breathless.

Seeing that Longya Academy didn't withdraw the defensive array immediately, his eyes were gloomy and cold: "Well, you Longya Academy, how dare you ignore my words?

The atmosphere at Longya Academy suddenly became chilling.

The Xiangu warship was like a sky-swallowing beast, staring at Longya Academy covetously.

Yulong Nine Heavens' celestial light is golden, and golden dragons swim and take off on the defensive celestial light.


A person flew out from Longya Academy, stood in front of the ancient battleship, cupped his hands and said, "Longya Academy, Long Xiao has met Elder Dijie, and respectfully commanded the master's decree of the star field."

"Longya Academy is so majestic." Elder Dijie yelled coldly, "I came here to deliver the decree, and dare to block me from the academy."

The prestige is like waves, deafening and frightening.

The hearts of all the immortal monarchs of the major powers who were watching were also trembling, and they didn't understand what the operation of Longya Academy was.

The major powers of their seventh-level planets are only obedient to the will of the elders of the immortal sect.

But the law handed down by Yunhai Xianjun, even if they had ten guts, they would not dare to disobey.

Palace Master Long Xiao replied neither overbearing nor humble, "Long Xiao is the Palace Master of Longya Academy, and he has come out to receive the decree. I don't know what decree the Starfield Master has?"

"Hmph." Elder Dijie snorted coldly, unfolded the silk yellow decree in his hand, and read out, "By the order of the Lord of the Star Region, I call the Second Master to visit the Immortal Gate of Yunhai."


With the unfolding of the silk yellow decree, the heaven and earth are full of immortal light, the avenue roars, and an unstoppable kingly power suppresses the entire heaven and earth.

The Lord of Longxiao Palace frowned, thinking in his heart that something was wrong, and he really came here for Second Master, he said, "Second Master has already left Longya Academy, and Long Xiao has no whereabouts either."

Elder Dijie yelled angrily, "You are so brave, you dare to deceive me and disobey the decree of Starfield Lord."

Palace Master Long Xiao said calmly, "Long Xiao's words are true, Second Master has indeed left Long Ya Academy."

He was telling the truth, the second master disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know where he went.

Elder Dijie's eyes flickered coldly, and he said, "Close the defensive formation, and I want to personally verify whether the second master really left Longya Academy."

The Lord of Longxiao Mansion said in a deep voice, "Elder Dijie wants to search Longya Academy?"

Elder Dijie said, "I have the order of the king, and only after confirming that the second master is really no longer at Longya Academy can I go back and return."

Palace Master Longxiao said without giving an inch, "The Master of the Star Region's decree is only for Second Master Xuan to visit, but he did not let Elder Dijie search Longya Academy."

He said in a majestic manner, "Longya Academy is a fifth-rank academy ordered by the Starfield Master. I am afraid that he is not qualified to search as an elder of the Earth Tribulation. If you want to search Longya Academy, you can go back and ask for a piece of the Starfield Master's decree." Come."


Everyone gasped when they heard Palace Master Longxiao's words.

What is Longya Academy doing?

Want to rebel?
The identity of the elder Dijie is not qualified to search Longya Academy, but he came here under duress, representing the Yunhai Xianmen.

Palace Master Longxiao actually used a loophole in the text to prevent Elder Di Jie from going in and searching.

Who gave him the guts?
"Okay, okay, okay..." Elder Dijie laughed angrily, "I want to see today, whether the defensive formation of Longya Academy can stop the ancient battleship."

The Lord of Longxiao Palace raised his brows coldly, "Elder Dijie stormed Longya Academy, have you thought about the consequences?"

"Consequences?" Elder Dijie sneered, "I haven't asked you about the consequences of Longya Academy's resistance to the decree, but you asked first!"

He shouted loudly, "This seat will tell you now, if you dare to disobey the decree of the main star field, Longya Academy will be delisted."

The master of Longxiao Palace said in a deep voice, "Long Xiao has already said that the second master is not in Longya Academy. If he lies, he can be punished by the star domain master; but the identity of the elder Dijie is not qualified to search Longya Academy. If you want to search , go and ask for a decree from the Starfield Lord, and then Longya Academy will naturally welcome the Elder Di Jie to search."

Elder Dijie heard Palace Master Longxiao's sophistry, and his seven orifices were filled with smoke. With his qualifications, he was indeed not qualified to search Longya Academy. If the second master was still in Longya Academy, Palace Master Longxiao would be unforgivably guilty of lying. But if the second master is really not in Longya Academy, there will be no excuse to convict him.

He is now in a dilemma. Although he has the ancient warship, with the troops he brings, he has little chance of winning the attack on Longya Academy, and if the second master is really not inside, he can't afford the crime of attacking the fifth-grade academy.

But if you let the army surround Longya Academy first to prevent the second master from escaping, and then go back to ask for an order, I'm afraid it will become a laughing stock.

While Elder Dijie was hesitating about something, a voice suddenly came from beside his ear, "Elder Dijie, don't be fooled by Palace Master Longxiao, the second master never left Longya Academy."

(End of this chapter)

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