Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 716 Attacking Longya Academy

Chapter 716 Attacking Longya Academy
Four celestial lights flew over, and four celestial monarchs of the seventh level landed on the side of the ancient battleship, and bowed their hands to Elder Dijie.

When Palace Master Longxiao saw those four people, his face turned cold. They were the Four Palace Masters of the other four schools.

When Elder Dijie saw the four palace masters, his face showed joy, and he bowed back and said, "The four palace masters, please come to the ancient battleship to speak."

The four masters of the palace flew into the ancient battleship and landed beside Elder Di Jie.

Elder Di Jie asked in confirmation, "Can the master of Yuanzhong be sure that the second master has not left Longya Academy?"

Palace Master Yuanzhong nodded and said, "A vision appeared in Longya Academy a month and a half ago. I came to investigate later, but I couldn't get in. After we left, the other three Palace Masters and I left a vision around each other. , did not see the second master leave."

Elder Di Jie turned sullenly to Palace Master Long Xiao, and shouted angrily, "Long Xiao, what else do you have to say now?"

Palace Master Long Xiao's face was serious, and he said resolutely, "Long Xiao still said the same thing, the second master is not in the academy, if the elder Dijie doesn't believe it, he will ask a star field master to search for it."

Palace Master Yuanzhong said with a sneer, "Palace Master Longxiao, you used to prevent me from entering the academy, and now you dare to block Elder Dijie. Could it be that there are some shady secrets in Longya Academy?"

Elder Dijie looked at Palace Master Longxiao gloomyly and said, "It's not too late for you to let the second master go with me to Yunhai Xianmen to meet the Starfield Lord, otherwise let me search it out, Longya Academy dares to disobey the king's order, you should Know what will happen."

His voice was piercing, making the immortals of all major forces tremble with fear.

Mansion Master Long Xiao said impatiently, "Long Xiao say it one last time, the second master is not in the school, if you want to search, please go and ask for a decree."

Elder Dijie looked at Palace Master Longxiao coldly, and said to the four Palace Masters beside him, "Can you all be sure that Second Master has not left Longya Academy?"

"It's absolutely true." The four masters of the palace replied in unison, and then said furiously, "The master of Longxiao is delaying the time, if the elder Dijie returns to the Yunhai Xianmen to ask for the decree, there may be accidents on his way. "

Elder Di Jie stared at the four masters, as if waiting for them to say something.

The masters of the four major palaces asked for orders at the same time, "Mansion Longxiao disobeyed the emperor's order, and the four major palaces are willing to help the elders break through Longya Academy together."

The four people's voices fell, and one after another fairy light flew towards them, each exuding a powerful aura.

All the forces were frightened, and ten immortals came from each of the four great palaces, plus the four masters, there were a total of 44 immortals.

Such a lineup is enough to destroy Longya Academy.

When Elder Dijie saw the arrival of the immortals from the four colleges, he looked at Palace Master Longxiao with a ferocious expression, and said coldly, "If you don't want to drink a toast, I will break through the Longya Academy and capture the second master back to the Yunhai Xianmen. .”

Seeing that the four colleges also joined the battle, the master of Longxiao Palace knew that today could not be a good day, so he said coldly, "If you want to attack Longya Academy, just let your horse come here."

After finishing speaking, his figure disappeared into the void and entered the Great Formation of Yulong Nine Heavens.

Seeing the resolute refusal of Palace Master Longxiao, all the major forces felt chills down their spines.

Facing the alliance between the Immortal Warship of Yunhai Xianmen and the four universities, what confidence does Longya Academy have to stand in the way?
The four masters also looked at Longya Academy with great concentration.

They helped to rob the elders, just wanting an excuse to destroy Longya Academy in an open and honest manner.

Elder Dijie also wanted to destroy Longya Academy, even if the second master was really in Longya Academy, he could pass on the information to the four masters at that time.

As long as the destruction of Longya Academy is a foregone conclusion, Yunhai Xianjun will not condemn him and the four universities for an extinct force.

Elder Dijie shouted, "Longya Academy openly disobeyed the emperor's order, you all follow me to attack Longya Academy."

hum - hum - hum -

Terrible power surged towards the ancient battleship, and the barrel made by Xianjing gathered the ability to destroy the sky.

All the major forces onlookers shook their heads, they couldn't understand why Palace Master Longxiao was determined not to let Elder Di Jie go in and search.

If the second master has really left, what's the point of letting him go in and search?
Now that the four colleges are taking the opportunity to move, the Longya Academy may be doomed!


In Longya Academy, many teachers and students were terrified in the face of the threat from the elder Dijie and the four universities.

They really couldn't resist.

Some Xianjun elders didn't know the grievances between the second master and the elder Dijie, and they didn't understand why the master of the Longxiao Palace refused to let the elder Dijie come in to search.

Anyway, the second master did disappear, leaving only the black hole on the platform.

Moreover, the star domain master just sent an order for the second master to go to Yunhai Xianmen to meet him. This is an opportunity that many people can only dream of!

Those elders of Xianjun couldn't help but gather in front of Longya Mountain, wanting to ask what happened.

"Old master, why didn't you let the elder Dijie come in and search?" An elder Xianjun asked doubtfully.

The old palace master sighed and said, "Elder Di Jie has old grievances with Mr. If he sees the black hole above the Taoist platform, he will probably destroy it. This black hole should be closely related to Mr. If it is destroyed, I am afraid Mr. come back."

The faces of all the elders of Xianjun sank after hearing this, they have all benefited from the second master, how could they allow the elders to destroy the black hole left by the second master!

For a while, everyone didn't know what to do.

The old palace master comforted, "Elders, don't worry too much, Miss Qingzhu has already become the master of the Yulong Nine Heavens Great Formation, just because they still can't break through it, I will ask him to make a decision when Mister returns."

"Okay, let's help Miss Qingzhu."

All the elders of the immortals sat down cross-legged, and mobilized their power into the Great Formation of Yulong Nine Heavens.

Wu Qingzhu controlled the Great Formation of Yulong Nine Heavens with a serious face, and the power of those immortal kings and elders merged into it, making the power of the formation even stronger.

call out--

The power of silence blasted out from the gun barrel on the immortal ancient battleship, and the power that devoured everything blasted towards the Yulong Nine Heavens Formation.


A dragon chant resounded from the heavens and the earth, and golden lights flashed from the Yulong Nine Heavens Formation, gathering into a golden dragon, roaring and rushing towards the earth-shattering force shot out from the immortal ancient battleship.

With a loud bang, the power fired by the ancient battleship was swallowed by the golden dragon.

The remaining prestige spread out wave after wave, and the void shook.
Elder Dijie's face sank, the power of the immortal ancient warship was comparable to that of an eight-fold blow from an immortal monarch, and it couldn't do anything to the defensive formation of Longya Academy.

Seeing that the ancient battleship failed in one hit, the four masters frowned, and said, "Elder Dijie, let's attack with all our strength and smash the defensive circle in one fell swoop."

"Okay." Elder Dijie sneered coldly, sacrificed his talisman, and the avenue roared, overwhelming the nine heavens.

The four masters also sacrificed their talismans together.

The five natal magic weapons of the immortal kings of the seventh level pressed across the sky, and the sound of thunder roared, and the sky and the earth were darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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