Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 727 Beimang Immortal King

Chapter 727 Beimang Immortal King
Yunhai Xianjun fell, and the three major legions lost all fighting spirit. The head of the Yaori Army and the Tianxiong Army shouted in fear at the same time, "We are willing to surrender to the Great Qin Heavenly Court, please spare us."

"I surrender!"

"Do not kill me!"


There were voices of surrender and begging for mercy one after another, and the soldiers of the three major legions surrendered and begged for mercy one after another.

Left Prime Minister Lu Buwei raised his hand, and all the Black Armored Army led by the Eighth War General stopped attacking.


The soldiers of the three major armies knelt down in the direction of Longya Academy.

The hidden patriarchs of all major forces onlookers were already trembling with fright, and the master of the Sea of ​​Clouds star field died just like that.

Everyone has already been wiped out by the Longya Academy under the conquest of the three legions.

But Immortal Yunhai came in a menacing way, but he was suppressed and killed without causing any disturbance.

It's a one-sided battle.

The three major legions of Yunhai Xianjun have no resistance in the hands of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

The head of the Yaori army and the head of the Tianxiong army were seriously injured under the siege of the four great generals. Both of them knelt in front of Longya Academy in a state of distress, completely without the look of a fairy king in the Ninth Level Realm.

The expressions on the faces of the teachers and students of Longya Academy froze. Looking at the soldiers of the three major legions kneeling outside the academy, it was like a dream.

Old Mansion Yaoxin, Mansion Longxiao, and 25 elders of Xianjun also stared blankly at the soldiers of the three major legions kneeling down. They helped the Black Armored Army just now. Reinforcements were arranged on the periphery, so they were only injured and did not fall, and their minds were blank for the rest of their lives.

In the fierce battle just now, the Black Armor Army only lost thousands of people, while the three armies lost tens of thousands of people, killing them to the point of fear.

The two prime ministers of the Great Qin Heavenly Court just glanced at the three major armies that surrendered, and then looked up at the sky.

The national teacher Xu Fu and the eight generals also all looked up at the void.

Huang Xing also raised his head, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A light hole suddenly opened in the void, and with a loud "boom", endless power erupted from the light hole.

In an instant, fairy light filled the sky and the earth, everyone looked up, and everywhere they saw was fairy light flowing.

In a short moment, the boundless fairy light seemed to cover the entire Far East Star.

"This—what kind of vision is this?"

"Has a hole been poked in the sky?"


The hidden ancestors of the various forces looked at the light hole above the sky in horror, and they couldn't breathe due to the suppression of the terrifying force.

The sky seemed to be pierced through a hole, and endless power poured down like a torrent.

Immortal King Jingtao shrank his pupils, and the power gushing out of the light hole made him somewhat familiar.

He suddenly remembered that this was the aura belonging to the Lord of Beiman Tianyu.

A person walked out of the light hole, and the power exuded from his body was like avenues and rivers, galloping above the sky.

Immortal King Jingtao prostrated himself on the ground, and he guessed right that the person who came was the Lord of Beiman Tianyu, the peak of the Nine Layers Realm Beimang Immortal King.

Immortal King Beiman looked down at the Black Armor Army and the three major armies of Longya Academy, as if looking at a bunch of ants.

Everyone looked at Immortal King Beiman and felt a sting in their eyes. His divine power made people dare not look directly at him.

Beimang Immortal King set his eyes on Longya Mountain, and said in a mighty voice, "Your era is over, and the world should not reappear."

This kind of thing was also said by Yunhai Xianjun just now, but when he said it, it was like the truth of the Dao, and there was no room for doubt.

The world was silent, as if waiting for Longyashan's response.

There was no response from Longya Mountain. Left Prime Minister Lu Buwei and Immortal King Beimang stood facing each other, his aura not weaker than him, and he replied, "The Great Qin Heavenly Court was born only to seek a future for the human race. Who dares to block the future of the human race? It is the enemy of the Great Qin Heavenly Court."

His voice was icy cold, "Kill without mercy."

The eyes of the Immortal King Beiman froze: Great Qin Heavenly Court, what an ancient name!This name is so ancient that only a few words have been handed down, and ordinary fairy kings may not have heard of this name.

He said in a deep voice, "You have been proven wrong countless times throughout the ages; if you insist on going your own way, you are not seeking a future for the human race, but ruining the future of the human race."

Lu Buwei said sonorously, "The fate of this life has changed, and the human race will surely succeed."

The pupils of the Immortal King Beiman shrank. Various visions in this life have proved the change of the number of days.

The Qing Emperor failed in the battle to destroy the sky, and everyone thought that this era would pass peacefully.

But not long ago, the Qing Emperor returned, chaotic days, beheaded saints, and conquered the two great heavens, all of which heralded the coming of troubled times again.

Now even the ancient Great Qin Heavenly Court has reappeared in heaven and earth.

This life is destined to be a great world, a turning point in the future of the human race.

Seeing the silence of the Beimang Immortal King, Lu Buwei asked loudly, "The fate of the human race has been suppressed for countless epochs, are you willing?"

Immortal King Beiman's complexion changed, and he said, "The way is different, we don't conspire with each other, whether it's right or wrong, let's use our strength to speak."

Lu Buwei looked at him intently, and with a wave of his hand, the Black Armored Army retreated to the sides, and he, Li Si and Xu Fu also retreated to the side.

There was no one in front of Immortal King Beiman, facing Longya Mountain directly.

There was a loud "boom", and the fairy light suddenly shot up from behind the Beimang Immortal King, and a gloomy and quiet world appeared behind him.

This world is like a mass grave, filled with the breath of death.

Beimang, the land of the dead.

The boundless eerie silence covered the sky, covering the entire Far East Star.

Hundreds of millions of living beings on the Far East Star felt as if they had died in an instant.

Immortal King Beiman looked at Longya Mountain and shouted coldly, "Emperor Qin Tiandi, let me see how much strength you still have."

roar - roar -

Countless dragon chants sounded.

Nine black dragons flew out of Longya Mountain, and the black dragons pulled the king's throne, on which sat a unparalleled man.

He was like an emperor who ruled the nine heavens and ten earths, as soon as he appeared, he attracted countless eyes from heaven and earth.

The gazes of countless supreme giants in the 36 heavens of the Great Thousand World all looked through the heavens and the earth to the unparalleled Great Qin Emperor on the throne.

Daqin Tiandi just sat there, and the aura on his body made Immortal King Beimang tremble.

He looked up at Immortal King Beimang, and said dismissively, "It's just a clone, I can kill you with one hand."


After the Great Qin Emperor finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab the Immortal King Beiman above the sky.


His hands pierced through the void like the claws of a black dragon, tearing apart the blockades of the avenues, causing loud bangs one after another.

Immortal King Beiman looked at the Great Qin Emperor coldly, and at the same time, endless laws of the great way spewed out from his body. Each law of the great way was like cutting off a piece of heaven and earth. Even a trace will disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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