Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 728 Great Qin Emperor

Chapter 728 Great Qin Emperor
"Dang-dang-dang--" sounded.

The laws of the Great Dao that erupted from the Beimang Immortal King intertwined together, and then with a "boom", they were instantly swallowed by the huge land of the dead behind him.

Immediately afterwards, boundless death aura spewed out from his body, and wherever the death aura passed, it was wiped out.


There was still a sneer of disdain on the corner of the Great Qin Emperor's mouth, the claws of the black dragon penetrated into the dead air, and the flesh and blood were swallowed instantly, turning into bone claws.

But the power of the bone claws did not diminish, and the speed was even faster, continuing to penetrate the dead air and grab the Immortal King Beimang.

This claw is simple, without any changes, going straight.

However, it is such a straight claw that brings unstoppable power, as if no matter who is in front of him, he cannot dodge under this claw.

Immortal King Beiman's face changed drastically, and before he could resist, the bone claw grabbed his neck.


The sound of breaking spread all over the world, and even the supreme giants far away in other heavens seemed to hear it.

The bone claw pinched heavily, and the Immortal King Beiman couldn't make any sound, only heard a "click" when his neck was twisted, and his head drooped.

Beimang Immortal King's eyes were wide open, and at the moment of his death, he couldn't believe that his neck was so easily cut off by a claw.

Although he was just a clone, the clone of the Immortal King of the Nine Layer Realm was so powerful that he still had no resistance at all.

After the avatar of Immortal King Beiman lost its breath, the light hole behind him also closed, and Sen Luo's land of the dead was broken with cracks and shattered between heaven and earth.

The hermit patriarchs of all the major powers onlookers were terrified to the point of suffocation. The power of Immortal King Beiman just now seemed to destroy the entire Far East Star, but he didn't even have the strength to resist under that claw.

Immortal King Jingtao was scared out of his wits, but luckily he didn't save Immortal Yunhai just now, otherwise, let alone his avatar, I'm afraid he might not be able to keep his real body.

The real body of the Immortal King Beiman, who was hundreds of millions of miles away, spat out a mouthful of blood. He felt a chill on his neck and broke out in a cold sweat, as if he was like a chicken in front of the Great Qin Emperor.

He couldn't help but tremble all over, the coercion brought to him by the Great Qin Heavenly Emperor can only be compared with the arbitrary and eternal Qing Emperor back then.

Beimang Immortal King swallowed, the number of days has been chaotic, and I don't know how many ancient forces will appear in the world.

He, the Immortal King of the Ninth Realm, commanded the Northern Mang Heaven Territory, and seemed to have infinite scenery, but in the eyes of those real giants, he was just a pawn.

This life will be very tragic. If I stand on the wrong team, I am afraid that I will be wiped out at any time.

He felt his scalp tingle, and now he has two choices, the first one is to gather all the power of the Beiman Tianyu to destroy him while the Great Qin Heavenly Court has just reappeared and its strength has not yet returned to its peak.

But no one knows what kind of background the Great Qin Heavenly Court is hiding. How much chance does he have to attack the Great Qin Heavenly Court now?
The second option is to live in peace with Great Qin Tianting and let him recover his strength.

But is a Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield enough for the Great Qin Heavenly Court?When the Great Qin Heavenly Court recovers its strength, then he will have no chance of winning.


The Great Qin Heavenly Court reappeared in the world, and the first battle shocked the world.

The supreme giants of the Great Thousand World are contemplating the future situation.

It's nothing more than the Qing Emperor's return, and now the Great Qin Heavenly Court, which is so far back in time, has also reappeared in the world, and no one knows how many ancient forces will reappear in the world.

In the countless epochs of the human race, some sages chose to fight against the heavens, and some chose to live in seclusion, preserving their strength and waiting for the right time to be born.

This life is still a failure like the countless battles against the sky, or is there a glimmer of hope?
Those supreme giants couldn't help but think about where they should go.

Among the supreme giants, there are also some people who don't need to consider choices.

They are heavenly saints, they have no choice.

Seeing the reappearance of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, the fourteen heavenly sages all became very ugly, and sneered in their hearts, "The countless battles to destroy the sky have proved that the more happy you are now, the more miserable you will die when you wait for the liquidation. "


After killing the clone of Immortal King Beiman with one claw, the Great Qin Emperor sat on the throne, inspecting the Heijia army with his eyes, and said in a mighty voice, "I'm back."

This sound officially announced the return of the Great Qin Heavenly Court to heaven and earth!
The earth trembled and the mountains shook, as if the sky and the earth were about to be destroyed.

The earth split open, and black air spewed out one after another.

Although the black air is black in color, it is not evil, but carries Weilong's luck.

The fate of the Great Qin Dynasty is water virtue, and the color of water virtue is black.

The endless black air seemed to be gushing out continuously for a long time, following the rise of buildings.

Half a minute later, the location of Longya Academy, with a radius of several thousand miles, has changed the world and turned into a magnificent city.

On the gate of the big city are engraved with two large characters - Xianyang.

"hold head high--"

A black dragon condensed in the sky above Xianyang City.

The black dragon's luck is tumbling, cruising in the sky, favoring all the teachers and elders left behind by the Black Armor Army and Longya Academy.

For a moment, everyone felt that they had an extra force of luck.

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven, long live, long live!"

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven, long live, long live!"

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven, long live, long live!"


All the Black Armored Army knelt down to the Great Qin Emperor and shouted in unison.

The teachers and elders of Longya Academy also bowed and shouted together with You Rongyan excitedly.

From now on, they are not only members of Longya Academy, but also subjects of Great Qin Heavenly Court.

"Congratulations to the Great Qin Heavenly Court for reappearing in heaven and earth."

"Congratulations to the Great Qin Heavenly Court for reappearing in heaven and earth."

"Congratulations to the Great Qin Heavenly Court for reappearing in heaven and earth."

"Congratulations to the Great Qin Heavenly Court for reappearing in heaven and earth."

Four voices came from the void, and four figures appeared in the void.

The supreme giants who paid attention to this place were all shocked. The emperor thoughts of the four great emperors came together, congratulating the Great Qin Heavenly Court for its reappearance.

Their congratulations were regarded as recognition of the orthodox status of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

The intention is intriguing.

Daqin Tianting looked at the figures of the four emperors who appeared in Di Nian, and said calmly, "Are you the immortal emperors of this life?"

He shook his head and said, "That's all."

The faces of the four emperors froze, and the atmosphere became frozen.

Everyone was dumbfounded. The four great emperors came to congratulate and had already given Great Qin Tiandi great face. In the end, he directly opened his mouth to sarcasm and offended all the four great emperors at once.

One of the emperors said, "The human race has continued to this day, and countless battles have consumed countless luck. Emperor Qin may not be able to recover to his former strength in this era."

The repeated battles of exterminating the sky have seriously injured the vitality of the human race, and their luck has also been weakened again and again, and the potential of the human race has also been restricted.

It's not that they are weak, but that the upper limit of the human race as a whole has become weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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