Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 738 The Buddha's Enemy

Chapter 738 The Buddha's Enemy
The old monk walked up to Huang Chen slowly, and said in an old voice, "Benefactor, please wait a moment..."

He turned to the Buddhist altar, groped slowly by the dark altar, and said to himself, "It's been too long since pilgrims came to offer incense, and the poor monks have forgotten where the Buddhist incense is placed."

The old monk groped for a while before he found a pack of Buddhist incense.

The packaging bag has been rotted, and a layer of dust will shake off as soon as the hand picks it up.

The old monk grabbed the bag of Buddhist incense, walked to Huang Xing and handed it to him, and said, "Benefactor, please."

Huang Chen took the Buddha incense, there were only about thirty sticks, and said gently, "Is there any more Buddha incense? We want to light a stick of incense in front of each Buddha."

The old monk settled down, then shook his head and said, "There is only this bag of Buddhist incense left in the temple. As long as the donor has a Buddha in his heart, lighting one stick of incense is the same as lighting 88 sticks of incense."

Huang Chen nodded, gave half of the Buddha incense to Xiao Qingchen, and then burned incense from the headless Buddha statue in the middle.

One person only divided more than ten roots, and the two, one left and one right, lit Buddhist incense in front of the Buddha statue one by one, held the incense and worshiped, and inserted it on the niche in front of the Buddha.

The old monk quietly watched them light incense and worship Buddha, his cloudy eyes were slightly narrowed by the incense.

After lighting all the incense sticks, the two returned to the old monk. Huang Chen said, "I came in a hurry, and I didn't bring any incense money with me. Next time I will bring some incense sticks, and I will light a stick in front of each Buddha." incense, and then give the incense money to the master."

The old monk saluted, and said, "The benefactor is very polite. The two benefactors are able to come to Xiaoleiyin Temple to offer incense. They are both people who are related to the Great Buddha. There is no need to give incense money."

Huang Xing bowed back, "Master, why don't you ask me what you plan to use as incense money?"

The old monk shook his head and said, "No matter what it is, it is all outside the body."

Huang Chen smiled faintly, and asked, "What about the hundreds of millions of incense sticks from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Heaven?"

The old monk was startled suddenly, his cloudy eyes flashed brightly, but soon dimmed again, and he said in a low voice, "Daleiyin Temple's Buddha light shines all over the world, enjoying hundreds of millions of incense, how can the benefactors compete with them?"

The old God Huang Chen said, "If you don't try it, how will you know it's okay?"

The old monk was silent for a while, and said slowly, "It's another catastrophe to fight back and forth; my Buddha saves all sentient beings, no matter who is sitting on the Buddha lotus, as long as he does Buddhist deeds and spreads the Dharma, he is a Buddha. "

Huang Chen's voice suddenly became powerful, "I worship Buddha because I respect the contributions made by the Buddhas to the human race, not because I have Buddhas in my heart; I want to let Xiaoleiyin Temple enjoy hundreds of millions of incense again, not for the sake of Buddhism Big and small disputes, just because they stand in my way."

The old monk trembled all over, looked at Huang Xing in shock, and asked in a trembling voice, "Which way did Master Shi take?"

Huang Chen said solemnly, "The most difficult road."

The old monk looked at Huang Xing in disbelief, his body was as stiff as a clay sculpture.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a calm voice, "No one can go to the end of that road; every time you step on that road, there will be another catastrophe, and the luck of the human race can no longer stand the toss."

"You're wrong." Huang Xing said with a confident smile on his face, "The end of that road is the end for others, but it's just the starting point for me!"


The old monk couldn't help but took a breath, and looked at Huang Xing in fear.

Who is he?
where is he from?
What is he doing?
The old monk asked the ultimate three questions of life.

That road is the road of destroying the sky and cutting the road.

This road is full of hardships and dangers, and the human race has never reached the end in countless epochs.

And the man in front of him actually said that this was just his starting point!
What else can you do after killing the sky and cutting the dao?
The old monk didn't dare to think about it.

He stared at Huang Chen, only shocked and terrified in his heart.

Does this lunatic want to make the race eternal?
At this time, Huang Xing was a lunatic in his heart, an arrogant lunatic.

The old monk let out a breath, and said fearfully, "Isn't the benefactor afraid that the human race will be doomed?"

Lu Chenyi asked sonorously, "The luck of the human race is getting weaker, how long can it last? If you don't fight with all your strength in this life, in the next era, you may fall out of the top [-] and become a slave race; It’s truly beyond redemption.”

The deeper he understands the way of heaven, the more Huang Xing feels that the human race is imminent.

The way of heaven is the shackles on the human race, not only limiting the upper limit of the human race's potential, but also constantly seizing the luck of the human race.

Based on his calculations with Emperor Qing, Emperor Qin, and Invincible Qiang, the luck of the human race in the next era will fall below the dangerous line, and no one may be able to break through to the Immortal Emperor.

If this continues, the race ranking will soon drop out of the top [-].

If you become a slave, you will truly never recover.

Therefore, this era is the last chance of the human race, and all the luck of the human race will be gambled in the final battle.

The old monk said in a daze, "The last battle, the last battle..."

He looked at Huang Xing and asked, "The fall of the Heavenly Dao Saint a few days ago was your handwriting, right?"

The old monk lives in the Xiaoleiyin Temple, and he doesn't know the specific situation of the battle between the Great Qin Emperor and the Tianzhao Saint. He only knows from the vision of Heaven and Earth's mournful cry that another Heavenly Dao Saint has fallen.

Lu Chen nodded and said, "The Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin slaughtered the sage Tianzhao, regained the luck of the human race, and recast the Heavenly Court of the Great Qin."

"Forging the Heavenly Court." The old monk murmured in a low voice, "The human race finally has the real Heavenly Court again."

Lu Chen smiled confidently, "The Great Qin Heavenly Court is the first one, but it is by no means the last one. Soon there will be one after another human race heavenly courts established."

The old monk's cloudy eyes regained a trace of clarity, and he said firmly, "Among the human race in this world, only Emperor Qing can carry the luck of the entire human race. Like entering the Heavenly Court of the Great Zhou, enshrining Emperor Qing as the ancestor of all Buddhas."

Whether it is the Great Qin Emperor or other sages of the human race, they do not belong to this era and cannot carry the fate of the human race in this era. Only the Qing Emperor born in this era can carry it.

"There's no need to go to the Great Zhou Heavenly Court." Huang Chen shook his head, looked at Xiao Qingchen who was beside him and said, "She can become the new Patriarch of Ten Thousand Buddhas."

"She—" the old monk looked at Xiao Qingchen in shock, and shouted, "Who is she?"

Lu Chen said with a faint smile, "Buddha's enemy, Xiao Qingchen."

Enemy of Buddha, this is what Xiao Qingchen said when he stepped into the Demon Suppressing Pagoda in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

The earth is the origin of the human race, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is the origin of the Buddha, and Xiao Qingchen is the enemy of the Buddha in the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, so she is the real enemy of all Buddhas.

The old monk stared at Xiao Qingchen closely, as if he wanted to see her through, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see that she was an enemy of Buddha.

He said in disbelief, "If she is an enemy of Buddha, how could she be able to enter Xiaoleiyin Temple!"

Xiao Qingchen looked at the old monk coldly, and with a thought, the demon came to heaven.

The magic instantly enveloped the entire Little Leiyin Temple.

The 87 Buddha statues in the main hall all opened their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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