Chapter 739

"Nangbu! Svasti, Susti, Siddikara! Raja Juyan! Senu Mosili! Asen Mesti! Sapoha!"

The sound of Buddha is everywhere.

Except for the headless Buddha statue in the main hall, the remaining 87 Buddha statues not only opened their eyes, but also chanted Buddhist scriptures together.

Vajra glared, the Dharma subdued the demons, and saved the immortal king with one word.

Even the invincible fairy king couldn't bear the Dharma of the 87 Buddha statues in the Little Leiyin Temple, but Xiao Qingchen stood calmly in the hall, allowing the boundless Dharma to suppress her.

There is a lot of magic in her body, and the magic flame is lingering, making the Buddha Dharma sizzle.

But her face didn't change, her face was still as cold as frost, without any hint of evil.

The old monk looked at Xiao Qingchen in horror, speechless in shock.

Being able to make 87 Buddha statues glared and opened their mouths with a single thought is definitely a demon among demons.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is an enemy of Buddha.

But at this time, she only has magic thoughts and no magic posture.

It seemed to be full of magic, appearing out of thin air, and had nothing to do with her.

The Dharma permeates, and the Buddha's voice is transformed.

At this time, Xiaoleiyin Temple is no longer a ruined temple, but a Buddhist holy place.

Countless devout believers bowed in the direction of Xiaoleiyin Temple, asking for the protection of the Buddhas.

The Buddha Dharma rising from Xiaoleiyin Temple shocked all the Buddhas in the sky.

On Lingshan Mountain, Daleiyin Temple, Tathagata Buddha is spreading Buddhism on the Buddha lotus.

The next bodhisattva and arhat listened to the Dharma, so drunk.

The Tathagata Buddha sensed the Dharma rising from the Xiaoleiyin Temple, paused slightly, and stopped teaching the Dharma.

Looking at it with a discerning eye, I saw that the Little Leiyin Temple was permeated by Buddhism and magic, and I couldn't see half of it.

"Amitabha." Tathagata Buddha withdrew his wisdom eyes and proclaimed a Buddha's name.

A Bodhisattva sat down and asked, "My Buddha, the Buddha's light in Xiaoleiyin Temple soared to the sky, what happened?"

The Tathagata Buddha said majestically, "The Buddha's enemy appears, and the Buddha's realm changes."

All the Buddhas were startled, whispering and discussing.

The Bodhisattva was startled, and asked for orders, "The poor monk is willing to go to Xiaoleiyin Temple to suppress the Buddha's enemies."

The Tathagata Buddha shook his head, and said calmly, "Everything has a definite number, so you don't need to panic. Pass on my Dharma decree, open the gate of Daleiyin Temple, and welcome the Buddha's enemies."

When all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats heard the words of the Tathagata Buddha, their faces were full of puzzlement?
The enemy of the Buddha is the devil among the demons, the enemy of ten thousand Buddhas, why did the Buddha welcome him into the Great Leiyin Temple?

The Bodhisattva asked, "My Buddha, the enemy of the Buddha is the source of all demons, why not suppress it?"

The Tathagata Buddha said with a smile, "All living beings are equal. Whether it is a Buddha or a demon, a friend or an enemy, all of them can be transformed into my Buddhism by the Dharma."

The Bodhisattva said happily, "My Buddha is merciful, and the poor monk has a picture."

The Tathagata Buddha continued to speak the Dharma with a smile on his face.

The sound of the Buddha reaches the nine heavens, the Dharma is turbulent, everyone is full of divine light, flowers are falling from the sky, and golden lotuses are gushing from the ground.



Little Leiyin Temple——

After the 87 Buddha statues finished reciting Buddhist scriptures, the hall returned to calm.

Xiao Qingchen was still standing there calmly, with demonic flames lingering around her body, it seemed that the Buddhist suppression just now had nothing to do with her.

The old monk looked at Xiao Qingchen in despair, his body trembling uncontrollably, and he kept muttering, "The Buddha is invincible, the Buddha is invincible——"

The soaring Dharma disappeared, but the magic still enveloped the Little Leiyin Temple.

The 87 Buddha statues closed their mouths and eyes, and restored to ordinary clay sculptures without the slightest Buddha nature.

Tears slowly dripped from the Buddha's eyes.

Tears are vermilion, like blood.

The Buddha's enemy is invincible, and the gods and Buddhas shed blood and tears.


There was a slight cracking sound from the main hall, and a crack appeared in the clay sculpture of the headless Buddha statue in the center, as if it was about to burst.

Seeing this scene, Huang Chen smiled lightly at Xiao Qingchen, "Qingchen, don't scare them."

The sound fell, and the magic dissipated.

The magic flame surrounding Xiao Qingchen's body was also extinguished, replaced by the circle of Buddha's light.

The circle of light is like ten billion three thousand great thousand worlds, and in the circle of light there are ten million million nayutas of the Ganges River Sand Transformation Buddha.

The Buddha light of Xiaoleiyin Temple soared into the sky again, more golden and brighter than before.

The blood and tears of the 87 Buddha statues stopped abruptly.

The golden body of the headless Buddha also stopped cracking.

Xiao Qingchen is like a Buddha walking in the human world, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and overcomes all hardships.

The distraught old monk also calmed down instantly, looked at Xiao Qingchen dully, then clasped his hands together, and proclaimed the Buddha's name: Amitabha.

He has faded away from the twilight breath, exuding dazzling Buddha light, no longer a dying old man, but a stalwart vajra protector.

The 87 Buddha statues shed tears again.

What was shed was no longer tears of blood, but clear tears.

The cracks on the headless Buddha statue also healed up again.

Fate is created by oneself, phase is born from heart, everything in the world is transformed into phase, the heart does not move, everything does not move, the heart does not change, and everything does not change.

Between the Buddha and the devil.

Xiao Qingchen became a demon with a single thought, and a Buddha with a single thought.

When he becomes a demon, he is the enemy of ten thousand Buddhas.

When he became a Buddha, he was the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas.



Great Leiyin Temple——

The Buddha's light soared to the sky again, and the Tathagata Buddha stopped teaching the Dharma again.

He looked in the direction of Little Leiyin Temple, his face became silent.

The Bodhisattva asked, "My Buddha, the Buddha's light this time seems to be different from just now?"

Tathagata Buddha nodded and said, "The enemy of the Buddha has become a Buddha."

The Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats all turned pale with shock.



Little Leiyin Temple——

The 88 Buddha statues raised their right hands together, and the Buddha palms slapped Xiao Qingchen.

The 88 Buddha seals merged into her Buddha light and turned into a deep force.

Xiao Qingchen dissipated his Buddhist thoughts, and became that cold and watery girl again.

Xiaoleiyin Temple returned to calm, it was still a ruined temple in the deep mountains and old forests, only occasionally there were one or two calls of insects.

The old monk also returned to his old look, standing respectfully beside Xiao Qingchen.

"Let's go, let's go to Lingshan to see all the Buddhas in the sky, are they Buddhas or demons?" Lu Xing said to Xiao Qingchen with a half-smile.

The two left Xiaoleiyin Temple, crossed mountains and walked out of the deep mountains, came to the prosperous land, and walked towards Lingshan.

The temples that can be seen everywhere are full of incense, which is in sharp contrast with the Xiaoleiyin Temple.

Huang Chen smiled sarcastically, "No one asks about the real Buddha, but the demons wear cassocks."

The two walked all the way to Lingshan and saw more and more devout believers.

They also all went to Lingshan.

Not everyone can approach Lingshan, only those who have the fate of the Great Buddha can approach.

As long as you are one step closer to Lingshan, it means that the Buddha's fate is a little bigger.

The closer you get to Lingshan, the fewer people there are.

When many people can no longer get close, they choose to practice directly on the spot and understand the Buddhadharma.

When Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen arrived at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, there were already two arhats waiting for them.

"My Buddha has been waiting for a long time, two benefactors, please." They saluted and invited the two to go up the mountain.


Xiao Qingchen suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath, two bloody lights flew up, and the two arhats were decapitated.

(End of this chapter)

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