Chapter 740

The two golden arhats saluted solemnly and invited them to go up the mountain, which aroused the astonishment of the pious believers at the foot of the mountain.

The believers who can reach the foot of the Lingshan Mountain are all those who have the fate of the Great Buddha, great perseverance, and the people who have reached the sky.

They were shocked when they heard that the Buddha had been waiting for the young couple for a long time.

Who are they?
Can let the Buddha approach?

Countless people felt envious of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen.

Being able to go to Lingshan is already a shocking fate, not to mention being interviewed by the Buddha himself.

But no one thought that Xiao Qingchen would draw his sword and kill the golden arhat without saying a word.


Everyone took a breath.

she!What do you want to do?
"Bold witch, how dare you come to Lingshan to act fiercely." Those believers and monks surrounded and attacked the two of them, with the tendency to swallow them alive.

Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen ignored those believers and monks, but directly set foot on Lingshan.


Their attacks directly bombarded the Buddha's light on Lingshan, and the smoke disappeared, and they could only watch helplessly as Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen climbed up Lingshan.

"Why? Why can't we enter the Lingshan Mountain while worshiping Buddha devoutly? Why can these two demons go up the mountain?"

"My Buddha will definitely punish them and send them to the [-]th hell, where they will never be reborn."

"Buddha blasphemers will go to hell forever."


Those devout believer monks looked at the backs of the two leaving with disbelief in their eyes.

They looked at the body of Arhat lying on the ground, cursing frantically that the Buddha would punish the two blasphemers.

clang - clang - clang -

As Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen stepped onto the Lingshan Mountain, a distant bell sounded from the Daleiyin Temple.

Xiao Qingchen held the Phoenix Blood Sword in his hand, pointing obliquely to the ground.

The blood of the two arhats still remained on the sword, slipping down drop by drop.

The Phoenix Blood Sword can drink blood, but it cannot drink their blood.

When the blood spurted from their bodies, it was bright red, but when it dripped from the Phoenix Blood Sword to the ground, it turned dark black.


The dark blood dripped on the steps of Lingshan, like water dripping into a hot pot, and it was sizzlingly evaporated.

Daleiyin Temple opened its doors to welcome visitors, but Xiao Qingchen went directly to Lingshan.

In Lingshan, her combat power can no longer be measured by realm.

Buddhism is boundless.

Xiao Qingchen became a Buddha with one thought, and the Dharma of the 88 Buddha statues in Xiaoleiyin Temple are all protected on her body.

In the realm of Buddha, she is an invincible Buddha.

As the bell of Daleiyin Temple rang, Dharma Protector Arhats and Vajras kept rushing towards them, trying to prevent them from going up the mountain.

Boundless Sea of ​​Buddha·Thousands of Tribulations
The phoenix blood sword turned into a golden color, exuding Buddha's light, like a Buddha's sword.

Slaughtered all the way, blood stained Lingshan.

The Vajra Arhats of Daleiyin Temple flocked to them, as if they were coming to die.

Halfway up the mountain, the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas of Daleiyin Temple also began to block them from going up the mountain.

But they also only slowed down Xiao Qingchen's footsteps a little, and died under her sword.

Buddha mourns, Buddha weeps.

The Buddha statues enshrined in countless temples in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Tianyu were broken one by one.

Buddha died!
There is a sad Buddha's breath everywhere.

The devout believers felt that the sky had collapsed and wailed bitterly in front of the broken Buddha statue.

Those monks at the foot of Lingshan watched Bodhisattvas and Buddhas being slaughtered by Xiao Qingchen with their own eyes, their beliefs continued to collapse, and they all looked like crazy demons.

These bodhisattvas and Buddhas who were slaughtered are all their beliefs that they worship, and they are the supreme existence in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Heaven.

They are at least fairy kings, and some are even fairy kings.

In their eyes, these bodhisattvas and Buddhas are more noble than immortal emperors, and now they have fallen one by one in front of them, making them almost collapse.

Huang Chen followed Xiao Qingchen like a spectator, watching her sword up and down, slaughtering all the Buddhas in the sky.

Boundless sins gathered on Xiao Qingchen's body, turning the Buddha light she radiated into blood red.

Step by step to the top of the mountain, the Buddhist gate of Daleiyin Temple opened.

Arhats from the Five Hundred Guardian Temple rushed out and besieged them.

Xiao Qingchen just looked at them coldly, straight as a sword.

The air seemed to condense, making it suffocating.

The blood-red Buddha's light is still full of compassion and majesty.

Wind blows.

Blowing Xiao Qingchen's clothes and blue hair.

The light of Buddha (blood) shines everywhere.

The sword energy soared.

Suddenly, streams of sword energy condensed in front of the Great Leiyin Temple, criss-crossing.

The terrifying sword intent broke through the sky, changing the color of the situation.


The five hundred arhats from the temple protectors shot at Xiao Qingchen together.

The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and there were deafening roars and screams.

The killing resumes.

The Five Hundred Guardian Arhats could not stop Xiao Qingchen's footsteps and were slaughtered by her.

Looking at the arhat who kept falling down, Huang Xing shook his head with a mocking smile.

After killing five hundred arhats, Xiao Qingchen calmly returned the sword to its sheath, tied the Phoenix Blood Sword to his back, and then stepped into the gate of Daleiyin Temple with Lu Xing.

There was no sound in Daleiyin Temple, and the two walked straight in without encountering the slightest obstacle.

When I came to the Great Hall of Great Heroes, the inside was empty, only the Tathagata Buddha sitting on the Buddha lotus, and the rest of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats were all killed when they blocked Xiao Qingchen.

Tathagata Buddha looked at Xiao Qingchen, smiled lightly and said, "Buddha's enemy."

Xiao Qingchen just quietly looked at the Buddha on the lotus platform, without answering.

Tathagata Buddha smiled slightly and said, "The way you are now is just like what I used to be."

He raised his hand, looked at the shining sleeves of the Buddha, and laughed loudly, "I put on a cassock, live in a temple, eat the Buddha's food, and break the Buddha's precepts and laws;"

"I enjoyed hundreds of millions of incense from the Buddha, established new laws and precepts, and became a Buddha myself."

"I want to destroy the Buddha, but in the end I become a Buddha."

"I win and I lose."

"I became a Buddha and enjoyed hundreds of millions of incense, but I started to practice Buddhist deeds, spread the Buddha's teachings, and save all living beings."

"It turns out that the Buddha was not destroyed, but I was the one who was destroyed."

After Tathagata Buddha finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Qingchen, his face became distorted.

The golden Buddha lotus he was sitting on turned into a black magic lotus, the Buddha light on his body dissipated, the cassock also turned black, and his face changed.

The Buddha in black looked at Xiao Qingchen and said, "One thought becomes a demon, one thought becomes a Buddha, you want to become a Buddha, but I want you to become a demon."

"I lost to the Buddha, but you won the Buddha." He smiled ferociously, "In the end, I won."

Xiao Qingchen shook his head and said, "I am me, not a Buddha or a demon."

"No, you will become a demon." The Buddha in black laughed and said, "You will become a real demon."

Laughter echoed in the Daxiong Palace.

The Buddha cloud above Lingshan was torn open a black hole, a hand was grabbed from the black hole, pierced through the Daxiong Palace, and grabbed Xiao Qingchen.

That palm tore apart Tianyu, tore apart the law.

This is an eternal power, and no one can stop it.

The Buddha in black looked at the palm falling from the sky, and laughed loudly, "Go to the Heavenly Demon Realm and become a real demon."

(End of this chapter)

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