Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 753 Nine Ancestors of Tianchongmen

Chapter 753

When Huang Xing returned to the main city of Tianchong Island, Tianchongmen noticed his whereabouts.

Such a peerless evildoer who killed two eighth-level true immortals of the Huang family can't be ignored by anyone.

What's more, he just boarded the battleship of the merman tribe. Although he didn't know what the purpose of the merman tribe came to Tianchong Island, the seventh-level warship was guarding the eighth-level main ship.

There is little communication between the Merman Race and the Human Race. The Merman Race fleet docked at the port and did not notify Tianchong Island, but only told them to stop temporarily.

When Huang Xing left, the battleship of the Yuren tribe also set sail and left the port of Tianchong Island.

Huang Xing entered the main city and flew straight to Tianchongmen.

The master of Tianchongmen was terrified, he didn't know what purpose Huang Xing came to Tianchongmen, so he sent a butler to greet him at the door.

"Second Lord." As soon as Lu Chen came to the gate of Tianchongmen, the butler greeted him with a smile and asked, "I don't know what the Second Lord is doing when he comes to Tianchongmen?"

Huang Xing said calmly, "Take me to meet your sect master."

"The head of the door is already waiting in the living room, please, Second Master." Seeing that Huang Xing's face was calm, and he didn't look like he was looking for trouble, the housekeeper's heart sank.

He brought Huang Xing to the living room, opened the door and said, "Second Master, please, the door master is inside."

When Han Xun, the head of Tianchong Sect, saw Lu Chen coming in, he quickly stood up and greeted him with his arms folded. He greeted him with a smile on his face, then pointed to the chair beside him and said, "Second Master, please sit down. Butler, serve tea."

He was full of doubts about Huang Xing's arrival, Tianchongmen had nothing to do with him; but the second master was able to kill two eighth-level real immortals, and his strength was stronger than him, so he had to deal with it cautiously.

He asked anxiously, "Second Lord, what advice do you have for visiting Tianchongmen?"

Huang Chen took a sip of tea lightly, and said lightly, "I don't dare to give advice, I came here to let the noble family move away from Tianchong Island."

"This..." Han Xun's face changed drastically. Could it be that the second master wanted to occupy the magpie's nest?He said with a serious face, "Tianchongmen has been rooted in Tianchong Island for countless epochs, and the request of the second master is too strong."

The history of Tianchongmen is longer than that of the Lord of the Deep Sea, and it is unknown which era it dates back to.

A million years of the human race is an era. It does not mean that the power of the previous era will disappear when the era changes, but that many forces will be passed down.

It's just that people from the previous era will have their vitality cut off in the next era, making it difficult to improve their strength.

There are also many forces that have disappeared in the long river of history, and there are also countless generations like Tianchongmen.

On the surface, Tianchongmen is only a fourth-rank force, but its background is profound. It is unknown how many hidden ancestors are hidden in the gate. Ordinary third-rank forces dare not easily provoke them.

Of course, unless those hidden ancestors encountered disasters of extermination, they would not be born easily.

Because they do not belong to this era, the price of birth is very high.

The old God Huang Chen said, "You can't decide this matter, let your ancestors come out and talk to me."

Han Xun's pupils shrank, and he said in a cold voice, "I am the head of the Tianchong Sect, and I am in charge of all matters in the Sect. If the second master came here for this matter, then there is no need to talk about it. Butler, see off the guests."

Although Huang Chen killed two immortals in the eighth level, he still couldn't make waves in Tianchongmen.

Letting Tianchongmen move away from Tianchong Island is a naked humiliation to them. If it is not for the identity of the second master, he will make him look good now.

"Second Master, please." The housekeeper said unceremoniously when he saw that Master Han and Second Master were torn apart.

Huang Chen took a sip of tea calmly, and said, "You can't do this, if Master Han doesn't report to your ancestor, then I can only let him come out myself."

After he finished speaking, he recited the mantra silently, and the sky and the earth shook suddenly, and the whole Tianchong Island trembled.

Tian Chongdao just trembled three times before stopping.

"What sorcery did you perform?" Han Xun asked in shock.

Tianchong Island is as stable as a mountain. Even in the face of raging waves and storms in the sea, it will not waver a bit, and it has always stood in the sea.

Just now the second master just read a few mantras that he didn't understand, and the whole Tianchong Island was shaking.

If Erye hadn't stopped so soon, I'm afraid Tianchong Island would have felt like an earthquake.

Lu Xing smiled lightly, "It's just a trick, since you don't understand, it means you really can't make the decision."

Han Xun looked at Huang Xing with fear, the man in front of him gave him too much mystery, he asked solemnly, "What is your purpose in coming to Tianchongmen?"

Lu Chen said calmly, "You will know when your ancestor is born."

Han Xun frowned. Could it be that the movement just now would really lead to the birth of their ancestor?
The patriarch of the Han family buried himself with a blood life longevity stone, so that his blood energy would almost stand still in the long river of time, but as soon as he was born, his blood energy would be wiped out for thousands of miles. If it weren't for the disaster of family annihilation, he would definitely not be born.

This is the way that the ancestors of ordinary forces want to protect their descendants and use blood energy stones.

The method of sleeping the entire legion like the Great Qin Heavenly Court is a method that penetrates the heavens and the earth. After reappearing in the world, the blood will be the same as before. This method is only possessed by a very small number of supreme powers.

When Han Xun was doubtful, nine black coffins flew out of the Han family's ancestral land. Everyone in the Han family was shocked when they saw this scene.

Nine black coffins flew into the meeting hall, and an old voice came from the first black coffin on the left, "I didn't know that the young master came to visit, and I was far away from welcoming you. Please forgive me."

Han Xun and the housekeeper stared blankly at the nine black coffins lying in the conference hall, their eyes filled with disbelief, and they quickly knelt down and said, "Han Xun pays homage to the nine ancestors."

There was a storm in his heart, he didn't expect that the second master really alarmed the ancestors of the Han family, and even nine ancestors flew out of the ancestral land together.

Lu Chenan sat on the chair, looked at the nine black coffins and said, "Are there only nine of you ancestors left in Tianchongmen?"

A voice came from the black coffin and replied: "Young Master Hui, the other people have lost their lifespan and have fallen one after another."

Blood Qi Shoushi only minimizes the flow rate of blood Qi and longevity, not immortality.

Huang Xing said, "Within three months, you will evacuate everyone on Tianchong Island."

"My lord is preparing..." A terrified voice came from the black coffin.

Huang Xing nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

Han Xun was terrified when he heard it. Could it be that the ancestor would really agree to move Tianchongmen away from Tianchong Island?
The voice in the black coffin quickly interrupted his thoughts, "Are you the head of Tianchong Sect of this generation?"

Han Xun replied respectfully, "The unworthy descendant Han Xuntian is the head of Tianchongmen."

An unquestionable voice came from the black coffin, "Do as you say, and let everyone evacuate Tianchong Island within three months."

(End of this chapter)

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