Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 754 Ancient Divine Beast "Tianchong"

Chapter 754 Ancient Divine Beast "Tianchong"

"This..." Han Xun hesitated, looking very embarrassed.

Tianchongmen took root in Tianchong Island, and now they are suddenly moved away, what should they do?
Moreover, there are countless forces, large and small, on Tianchong Island. It will be a huge project to get them all removed, and how can it be completed in three months?

Seeing Han Xun's hesitation, the ancestor in the black coffin said angrily, "Master, you are kind enough to give you three months to move out, otherwise you will all die by then without a place to bury you."

Han Xun was startled, and turned to look at the second master. He still hasn't figured out what's going on?

He said to Huang Xing with trepidation, "Second Master, there are hundreds of millions of people on Tianchong Island, and hundreds of forces, big and small. If they were all moved away suddenly for no reason, I'm afraid they would find it hard to accept."

Han Xun carefully looked up at Huang Xing, as if he wanted to know the reason for their migration from him.

Huang Xing said lightly, "I have notified in advance, whether you do or not has nothing to do with me."

"You can do whatever the young master asks you to do. Hurry up and make arrangements." The black coffin exuded a terrifying aura, and said angrily, "You all step back first."

Han Xun turned pale from the aura emanating from the black coffin. It was the aura of an immortal king.

The ancestor of the Immortal King of the Han family was furious, how could he dare to refute, and quickly confessed, "The unworthy descendants will retire first."

He took the butler out of the meeting room, and a cold sweat broke out on his body.

"Sect Master, what's going on?" A lot of strong Han family members had already gathered outside the conference hall. They saw Jiu Coffin flying into the conference hall from the ancestral land, and they knew that something important had happened, so they all gathered here.One of the elders of Xianjun asked.

"The Nine Patriarchs are talking with the Second Lord inside, and no one is allowed to go in and disturb them." Han Xun took a breath, and said without anger, "The order continues, and everyone is not allowed to leave Tianchongmen for half a step. You and I Come."

Thinking of the Jiuzu's promise to the second master to let everyone move out of Tianchong Island, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle; especially the old ancestor also said that if he didn't move out, he would die and there would be no place to bury him.

Could it be that someone will bloodbath Tianchong Island three months later?
Or is Tenchon going to sink?

No matter what, the nine ancestors had all spoken, so he could only follow suit.

Only Huang Xing and the nine black coffins were left in the conference hall——

An excited voice came from the black coffin on the far left and asked, "Master, you plan to wake up Tianchong in three months?"

Tianchong, a mythical beast in the Bohai Sea, has feet like pillars of heaven and a shape like a giant tortoise.

Tianchong Island is not a real island, but the ancient mythical beast "Tianchong".

Not to mention ordinary people, even the head of Tianchong Sect doesn't know this secret, and only their nine ancestors know this secret.

Just now, when Huang Xing uttered the truth, it was because Tianchong was seduced and his body trembled that Tianchong Island was suddenly shaken.

The Ninth Patriarch of Tianchongmen flew out of the ancestral land just because he sensed Tianchong's tremor.

The second master asked everyone on Tianchong Island to evacuate within three months, the only possibility is to prepare to wake up the beast Tianchong.

Huang Chen nodded, sighed and said, "In three months' time, the nine ancestors will also be asked to help."

The Ninth Ancestors of Tianchongmen used blood energy longevity stones to continue their lives, and when they got out of the coffin, they might run out of energy and blood and die.

A voice came from the black coffin and said, "The nine of us have been waiting for a long time, and we will be at your command when the time comes."

They said proudly, "If the young master doesn't show up, I'm afraid the nine of us will die like those old immortals. If we can fight with the young master before the end of our lives, we will have no regrets in this life."

Huang Chen said with emotion, "The prosperous age of the human race is coming, this is the joint efforts of countless sages, Huang Chen respects you."

He got up with a cup of tea, looked at the nine black coffins solemnly, and drank the tea in his hand.

"The prosperous age of the human race!" Hei Coffin sighed, "Although we can't see it with our own eyes, we can all rest in peace after hearing the promise from the young master."



After discussing some details with Huang Xing, the Ninth Patriarch of Tianchongmen flew back to the ancestral land again.

At the same time, a breaking news began to spread on Tianchong Island-Tianchong Island was about to sink.

It only took a few days to spread throughout Tianchong Island.

The whole news came from Tianchongmen at first, they didn't believe it at first, but all the strongholds of Tianchongmen were dismantled one after another, people had to believe it was true.

Tianchong Island's resources are not rich, except Tianchongmen is a rank-[-] force, and the rest are only rank-[-] forces.

Tianchongmen can be said to be the only one on Tianchong Island, a dominant existence.

He issued a convening order to let the major forces discuss the relocation.

It is said to be a negotiation, but it is actually coercive.

There were also some opposing voices in the middle, but they were all suppressed by Tianchongmen.

Huang Xing also pointed out a clear way for Tian Chongmen to temporarily relocate to the territory of the Yuren tribe.

The mermaid tribe is a second-rank force, and the resources of the habitat are much richer than those of Tianchong Island. Being able to attach themselves to the mermaid tribe is also a good way out.

The Merman Queen heard Huang Xing's request, although she was not very willing, but thinking of the big event that was about to happen in three months, she agreed.

The migration work was carried out in an orderly manner, but Huang Xing had already left Boyang Star and came to the ninth-level planet in the deep sea sky - Mirage Star.

A ninth-level planet, vast and boundless.

The master of the deep sea domain sits on Mirage Star and rules the entire deep sea sky domain.

There are also many factions on Mirage Star, and there are battles among the major forces.

As long as the major forces pay tribute on time, the general deep sea domain masters will not care about their disputes.

The Huang family, a third-rank family.

Even in Mirage Star, the third-rank powers are second to none big powers.

The third-rank forces have at least a few peak immortals of the ninth level. If they are placed in ordinary star fields, they can control a star field like Yunhai Xianmen.

There are even some third-rank forces that have low-level immortal kings in command. Such third-rank forces are not even willing to be easily provoked by some second-rank forces.

The news of the deaths of Hong Ze Xianjun and Hong Tao Xianjun was sent back to the Huang family, which shocked the entire Huang family.

This is a provocation to the third-rank family. If they don't regain their face, how can the Huang family gain a foothold in the Mirage Star in the future?

Moreover, the two of them went to Yun's house to retrieve the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture". They thought it was a matter of hand and hand, but they didn't expect such a change.

The Huang family was furious at first, but soon calmed down, and couldn't help guessing the origin of the second master.

The other party seems to be heading for the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture", could it be that other forces have also heard the news?

But no matter what the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" is of great importance, if the Huang family can regain it, they can even be promoted to a second-tier family in the near future.

They have already won the Taiyi Vajra Ring, and they understand the power of the "Taiyi Immortal Sutra" better than others. It is not an eighth-level middle-grade exercise on the surface, but it is probably the Supreme Immortal Sutra passed down in ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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