Chapter 755
The Huang family was still guessing who the second master was, when a shocking news reached the ears of the head of the Huang family—the fleet of the mermaid clan appeared on Mirage Star and was heading towards the direction of the Huang family.

The mermaid tribe is a second-rank force, one of the two second-rank forces on Poyang Star, occupying a large area of ​​water in the northern ocean of Poyang Star, and rarely communicates with human forces, and there is basically no conflict. To provoke the shark race.

The people sent by the Huang family to Tianchong Island to investigate the causes of the deaths of Hong Tao and Hong Ze have sent back news that after the second master who killed the two immortals sent off the Yun family, he boarded the boat of the Yuren clan.

The Huang family also suspected that the second master was related to the mermaid race, otherwise, how could such a peerless evildoer appear out of thin air?
Now the mermaid fleet appeared on Mirage Star, heading towards the direction of the Huang family, making them more sure that it was the mermaid who took away the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture", and their purpose of coming to the Huang family is the same as their purpose of going to the Yun family. The purpose is the same, to snatch the other half of the treasure - the Taiyi Diamond Ring.

The Huang family's guess was correct, the mermaid fleet arrived at Mirage Star just to go to the Huang family to snatch the Taiyi Vajra Ring, but the mastermind changed from the mermaid queen to Huang Xing.

Level [-] warships can be used for water, land and air, flying smoothly in the void.

Huang Xing lay on the soft chair peacefully and contentedly, enjoying the service of the two shark girls.

The Merman Queen was still hesitant about Huang Xing's words, and didn't have much confidence in his actions.

But the tremor of Tianchong Island, and Huang Xing's relocation of the people on Tianchong Island to the territory of the Yuren tribe made the queen of the Yuren tribe think of an ancient legend.

This is the secret of the water god Gonggong that was passed down orally by the king of the mermaid tribe, among which is the mention of the ancient mythical beast "Tianchong".

The trembling of Tianchong Island at that time made her feel palpitations clearly, as if the whole island came alive.

Although there were only three short breaths, which made people think it was an illusion, but she is the king of the fairy king, and her Dao heart is extremely powerful, so it is definitely not an illusion.

——Tianchong Island is the ancient mythical beast "Tianchong".

Huang Xing asked everyone on the island to leave, is it to wake up "Tianchong" to fight?
This enigmatic man baffled her, so she also changed her strategy and joined Huang Xing's side in advance.

She understands very well that the benefits of giving charcoal in the snow and icing on the cake are not the same.

At the same time, I also want to follow Huang Xing and see what kind of shocking methods he has.

So the Yuren clan's fleet diverted to go to the Mirage Star Huang's house with Huang Xing to compete for the Taiyi Diamond Ring.

Huang's Chamber——

Facing the approach of the battleships of the Mermaid race, many immortals of the Huang family gathered in the living room and discussed the countermeasures intensely.

One of the elders of Xianjun said, "The Yuren fleet is coming fiercely, and it must be for the Taiyi Diamond Ring."

His words made the atmosphere in the conference hall more solemn, and another elder of the fairy king said, "The queen of the mermaid tribe, Mo Yuan, broke through to the fairy king realm 1000 years ago, so it is not easy to deal with."

Everyone took a deep breath. Although the peak of the Nine-Level Realm of the Immortal Sovereign and the Immortal King Realm were only one step away, their strengths were vastly different. This was the first time their Huang family faced an Immortal King.

An elder suggested, "Patriarch, why don't we ask the Xue family and the Gao family to take action together, with the strength of our three families, we won't be afraid of the shark clan."

One person echoed, "Elder Hong Xiao is right, this is the Mirage Star, not the Boyang Star, and it's not the turn of the Yuren Race to dominate."



The immortals of the Huang family were discussing a lot, and most of them tended to unite the Xue family and the Gao family to deal with the Merman Queen.

This is the home court of the Huang family, and the Merman Queen went deep alone, and with the strength of the three families, they could barely contend.

It's just that the Xue family and the Gao family had to pay a huge price to deal with an immortal king.

The Xue family and the Gao family are also third-rank forces, and the Huang family united with these two to destroy the Bai family.

The head of the Huang family just quietly listened to the discussion, with a calm expression on his face. After everyone finished the discussion, they all looked at the head of the Huang family, waiting for him to make a decision.

"You don't need to worry." As soon as Patriarch Huang spoke, everyone fell silent and looked at him curiously, first to hear what countermeasures he had.

Patriarch Huang showed a smile on his face, and said frantically, "The Queen of the Mermaids came to our door this time, just to make our Huang family famous in a battle."

His words surprised everyone, and a fairy king came to the door, making it impossible for anyone to laugh.

Patriarch Huang said with a defiant smile, "The ancestor broke through not long ago..."


His words stunned everyone. The Huang family can be called the ancestors. Only the three immortal kings who are at the peak of the ninth level can also be called half-step immortal kings.

Their strength is much stronger than that of ordinary Ninth Layer Realm Immortal Monarchs, but they cannot break through to Immortal Kings.

At this time, Patriarch Huang said that the ancestor had made a breakthrough not long ago, which meant that the Huang family also had its own fairy king.

Possessing the Immortal King can become the top power in the third rank, as long as you accumulate a period of time, it will be enough to become a second rank power in a thousand years.

Patriarch Huang said with a cold smile, "The Merman Queen has only just broken through to the Immortal King for 1000 years, and she didn't bring many high-ranking immortals of the Merman Clan here. In this battle, we will not only defeat the Merman Queen, but also take back the "Taiwan King". Yi Xian Jing."

The Huang family has the advantage of being at home, but the head of the Huang clan can only be sure of defeating the Merman Queen, and dare not make false claims that he can suppress and kill her.

In fact, the immortal kings rarely fall, and each has its own means to save his life. Only two immortal kings with a huge difference in strength can live and die separately.

Patriarch Huang's words gave the immortals of the Huang family a reassurance and made the atmosphere in the conference hall more relaxed.

Everyone not only discussed how to deal with the Mermaid Queen, but also began to plan how to expand their strength in the future.



When the Merman fleet arrived at Mirage Star, it immediately attracted the attention of all major forces.

Every move of the Immortal King is related to the changes in the structure of the star field.

The Xue family and the Gao family were all very puzzled. It seemed that the target of the mermaid fleet was the Huang family. Why didn't the Huang family respond at all?
They originally thought that the Huang family would ask the two of them for help, and they were ready for the lion to open their mouths.

"Queen Mo Yuan, you and I go deep into Huang's house alone, are you not afraid of being ambushed?"

The mermaid fleet was on the way to Huang's house, while drinking ice dew, Huang Xing asked the mermaid queen with a faint smile.

Although the merman queen brought thousands of guards, their strength was not outstanding, and the real merman clan's high-ranking elders did not bring them, so it can be regarded as a lonely army going deep.

The merman queen smiled and said, "Even if Mo Yuan doesn't come with me, I'm afraid the young master will go to Huang's house alone to get the Taiyi diamond ring."

Huang Chen smiled frankly, "Smart, I am indeed prepared for this; but since the queen is here, I won't be in the limelight."

He didn't ask how the Merman Queen knew that the Huang family had the Taiyi Vajra Ring, and went to the Yun family to snatch the news of the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture". Naturally, she had her means and plans to become a king of the generation.

These are not important to him, what matters is which side she chooses to stand in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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