Chapter 799
The four great immortals and evildoers came together, filling the "Death Knife Peak" with the atmosphere of a great battle.

The heads of the four people's eyes fell on the stone tablet standing on the top of the peak at the same time - "Those who enter the peak will die", and then looked at Huang Xing, their brows were slightly wrinkled, as if they were a little afraid of his strength.

It was the first time for them to come to "Death Knife Peak", but they had heard about it for a long time.

Among the evildoers who died here, some of them were competitors they feared.

As a result, those evildoers were also beheaded by the second knife, which made them extremely horrified by the strength of the second knife, and they couldn't figure it out.

Therefore, they all deliberately bypassed this place, and did not rush into the "Death Knife Peak" rashly.

The four great immortals and evildoers know that the four of them are evenly matched, and if they fight with each other, they will both lose.

Therefore, the four of them all tacitly agreed to occupy one side, and divided the forbidden area into four areas, southeast, north, and west. Each of the four of them swept away one area, and first encircled and suppressed all the other people in the forbidden area.

Originally, they were worried that there would be fish that slipped through the net. After all, some solitary evildoers are powerful and come and go like the wind, so it is difficult for them to track them down.

But what caught everyone off guard was that just one month after the opening of the forbidden area, that is, fifteen days ago, a star map suddenly appeared in the sky above the forbidden area.

After everyone observed, they found that each star on the star map represented a monster in the forbidden area.

According to the position of the stars displayed on the star map, you can find the position of the corresponding evildoer in the forbidden area.

And the brightness of the stars represents how much "death energy" the evildoer has absorbed.

The brighter the stars, the more people they killed, the more "death energy" they absorbed, and the stronger their strength.

As a result, it is conceivable that those evildoers who were originally walking alone were tragic in an instant.

Their biggest advantage is that they come and go like the wind, and their whereabouts are unpredictable. They want to avoid the large forces first, and then wait for the four evildoers to fight to the death before they go to pick up cheap.

With the guidance of the coordinates of the star map in the sky, the four evildoers and their troops quickly wiped out all the evildoers who walked alone.

Now only the four groups of them and the seven people on the "Death Knife Peak" are left in the forbidden area, and it is time for the final battle.

All the stars in the sky gathered together, shining brightly.

There are a total of 110 seven people gathered here, all of them survived in the forbidden area.

There are also 110 seven stars in the star map. Except for six dim stars, every remaining star is very bright and dazzling.

The six people represented by the six stars are naturally the six members of the Lin family.

None of them kill to absorb dead air, so there is no luster.

The other monsters have killed many monks, so they are bright and dazzling.

The four great immortals looked at the star in the starry sky that represented the second knife, which was the brightest star except for the four of them.

He killed only the four of them.

"Now there are only seven of us 110 left in the forbidden area. It's time to decide the final ten places." A young man in purple robes among the four great immortals said in a deep voice.

The one who spoke was Ouyang Chongtian from the fourth-rank Ouyang family, a first-level fairy.

The Four Great Immortal Monarchs and evildoers are all in the first level, and it takes too much power to advance to the second level. Unless all the remaining evildoers here are killed and absorb their dead energy, it is possible to break through the second level.

Everyone raised their spirits when they heard the words, all of them looked solemnly and looked at Ouyang Chongtian nervously.

110 Seven people compete for ten places, and only ten people can survive, which is less than a one-tenth chance.

The battle of life and death has only really begun now, and most of them will be buried in the ten forbidden places.

Wrapped in a short blood robe, the other fairy monarch is only about the size of an eleven or twelve-year-old child, and said gloomily, "This seat, Ouyang Chongtian, Mu Wufeng, and Shui Wuhen are the only ones who have broken through to this place. Immortal Monarch Land, the four of us each have a place; the others compete for the remaining six places."

The person who spoke was Gui Ying, the chief disciple of the Soul Slaughter Sect. When everyone heard his words, their pupils shrank, causing a commotion.

In one sentence, he will go to four places, and the chances of the remaining 110 three competing for six places are even smaller.

Ouyang Chongtian, Mu Wufeng, and Shui Wuhen all looked as usual and did not refute.

Seeing the normal expressions of the other three, the other evildoers immediately understood in their hearts that the four of them should have discussed it long ago.

"Young Master." A half-step fairy behind Mu Wufeng said in a condensed voice, "Didn't it be agreed that as long as we join hands with you to destroy other forces, we will also have a share of the quota?"

In fact, the more than 20 people gathered around the evildoers of the Four Great Immortal Monarchs are not their fellow sects, but are attached to him and join forces to encircle and suppress other evildoers.

Now the Four Immortal Lord Xiang directly withdraw and let them fight to the death, it feels like kicking them away after using them.

Mu Wufeng said coldly, "Without my protection, would you have survived until now? It's very easy to win our quota, as long as one of you can kill us, the quota will naturally be vacated."

The four great immortals are not fools. The situation is already like this. If the four of them fight each other, they will lose both sides. It is better for the four of them to join forces to secure the spot and let the rest fight for themselves.

The half-step fairy was angry and angry, but he was not Mu Wufeng's opponent.

If you want to encourage others to fight together, you will die faster.

After all, the four great immortals and evildoers are obviously on the same front now. Even if everyone joins forces to siege them and kill them with a chance of success, the casualties will definitely be heavy. It is better to compete with others for the remaining six places.

And if he stands up and encourages everyone, no matter what the outcome is, the Four Immortal Sovereigns will definitely kill him first.

The other evildoers also have this idea, and no one dares to object.

Banbu Xianjun could only resign himself to his fate and asked, "Then how will we compete for the remaining six places?"

His problem is also a problem that everyone cares about. There are at least six places to compete for, and they still have a chance.

Mu Wufeng said coldly, "Whoever survives to the end will get the quota."

After he finished speaking, he moved his body and stepped back in the air.

The other three immortals also retreated in the air, and each of them occupied one side, besieging more than 100 other evildoers in the middle.

Guiying said fiercely, "Whoever dares to escape from the battle circle will be killed without mercy."

The eyes of more than 100 evildoers are cold, they have no way out, they can only fight bloody to the end.

They are all evildoers, and they quickly calmed down in a desperate situation.

Everyone has been divided into four camps. In this case, fighting each other will only lead to faster death.

The best way to do that is to join forces with others so you can live longer.

The evildoers of the four camps are all murderous, and a big battle is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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