Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 800 You Only Have 3 Places

Chapter 800 You Only Have Three Places
The four camps surrounded the "Death Knife Peak", and Huang Xing just watched indifferently.

As long as he didn't enter the range of the mountain, he didn't bother to care about it.

The four great immortals withdrew from the battle circle, and watched coldly the remaining evildoers preparing to go shopping, and their eyes could not help but fall on the calm and breezy Second Knife.

Faced with the arrival of their four great immortals, the other party was actually so calm.

Originally, they also wanted to give it a try. Even if they stepped into the "Death Knife Peak", what would the second knife do to them?
He even wanted to kill the second knife directly.

But after some hesitation, none of them wanted to take the risk.

They can already firmly occupy the spot, why bother to challenge the unfathomable second knife?

If other evildoers want a place, they will naturally take the second shot.

Maybe they all use them to attack, and the second strike will be surrounded and killed by everyone.


I don't know which evildoer shouted angrily, and the scuffle between the four camps started.

There are almost 27 or [-] people in each camp, and each of them is at least a true immortal of the seventh level.

Under the leadership of the half-step immortals of their respective camps, a fight began.

They all shot with all their strength, trying to kill more enemies.

As long as the enemies are killed, their cultivation can be improved, and the hope of surviving to the end will be higher.

Those half-step immortals are even more fierce and deadly. They want to kill the opponent quickly, let themselves absorb the "death energy", and even break through to the fairy realm.

After all, the current opponents are all true immortals above the seventh level, and killing one can add a lot of death energy to them and improve their cultivation base.

The bombardment of the magic weapon, the strangulation of the law.

The void trembled with the celestial power hitting one after another, and monks were beheaded and killed from time to time.

Quartet scuffle, extremely cruel.

Swish, swish—

Suddenly a blade of light cut out, splitting one into two, and beheading the two evildoers.

The pupils of the four evildoers who watched the battle shrank, and two evildoers strayed into the range of the mountain because of the melee, and were directly beheaded by the second knife.

Of those two, one was a true immortal of the seventh level and the other was a true immortal of the eighth level, and they were beheaded without any resistance!

Even if they wanted to kill those two evildoers, it was not as light as the second knife.

It was the first time for them to see the strength of the second knife, so they knew that the rumors were not exaggerated at all.

The second sword hadn't broken through to Xianjun, yet they had such a strong strength, which made them feel very afraid.

That mountain can indeed be called "Death Knife Peak"!
The four of them were all thankful that they were cautious enough and did not provoke the second knife.

Now let others fight for the second knife.

In fact, the evildoers of the four camps fought each other and did not attack the "Death Saber Peak" because they were afraid of the strength of the second sword.

Now the two evildoers who entered by mistake were killed with a single knife, which made them even more fearful.

Everyone was more careful to avoid the range of the "Death Knife Peak" during the battle, so as not to accidentally stray into it and die unclearly.

"Boom", suddenly a tyrannical breath rose into the sky.

"Hahaha, I have also broken through to the realm of the fairy king." After killing several people, a half-step fairy king's evildoer, the accumulated death energy broke through his strength to the fairy king realm, he flew out of the battle circle, defiantly He smiled and said, "I want a quota, if you don't want to die, get away."

Breaking through to the Immortal Monarch Realm, one is eligible to monopolize the quota. If others compete with him, it is better to compete with other true immortals.

After he broke through to the Immortal Monarch Realm, he withdrew from the battle circle and did not continue to kill and plunder.

Because he knew that the four great immortal monarchs and evildoers would not sit back and watch him continue to plunder the death energy and improve his cultivation base to pose a threat to them.

The four great celestial lords cast a glance at the celestial lord who had just broken through, and did not object, acquiescing that he got a quota.

After the four of them broke through to the Immortal Monarch Realm, they plundered a lot of dead energy to increase their strength, and they knew the details of those evildoers relatively clearly, so they were not very afraid of the newly promoted Immortal Monarch, but the mysterious second The knife made them fear the most.

The killing continued, and three evildoers successively killed and plundered enough dead energy to break through to the Immortal King Realm, and they also withdrew from the battle circle.

There are already a total of eight monsters in the Immortal Monarch Realm, and only twelve people are still fighting.

Twelve of them are already half-step fairy kings, maybe they can break through to the real fairyland if they kill one or two more people.

The four great immortals and evildoers glanced at each other, and then shot at the same time, each using magical powers to kill the remaining 12 people.

Those 12 people were fighting, how could they have thought that the four great immortal kings and evildoers would suddenly make a move, and they would all be beheaded soon.

The four evildoers each killed three of them tacitly, while the four evildoers who had just broken through to the realm of the immortal monarchs stayed in the void without plundering their dead breath.

They have already got the quota, and there is no need to provoke the four great immortals and evildoers.

In the melee of one hundred and six people, only four evildoers who had broken through to the Immortal Monarch Realm were left.

Their faces were filled with the ecstasy of the rest of their lives. In just one and a half months, they broke through from the Heavenly Wonderland and the True Wonderland to the Immortal Monarch Realm.

Such a breakthrough speed, no one would dare to believe it.

It was also during this month and a half that only the last 15 of the tens of thousands of Tianjiao monsters who entered the ten forbidden places remained.

There are only fifteen stars left on the star map in the sky, nine are bright and bright, and six are dim.

The eight immortals and evildoers looked at the second knife of "Death Knife Peak".

Only ten people can leave the Ten Forbidden Lands alive, and five more people need to be killed among them.

Ouyang Chongtian said to Second Sword, "Second Sword, you kill five of them, and the assessment is over."

In their view, the six members of the Lin family are nothing but useless, ready to be sacrificed at any time.

The six members of the Lin family felt tense when they heard this, and couldn't help but look at the second knife.

Especially the five of Lin Zongkuang were all pale. If the second strike really wanted to kill five people, Lin Zongming must be the one who survived.

They also did think the second cut would kill them straight away.

After all, the other party is the Eight Immortals, so it is impossible to fight against the Eight Immortals in order to save them.

The eight great immortals all looked at the second sword, waiting for him to kill five people. They were very excited at this moment, the assessment was about to end, and they would become disciples of saints. This is the supreme honor!

They are already in the realm of fairy kings before they are 50 years old, and they can definitely become fairy kings in the future.

Huang Chen shook his head, and said expressionlessly, "You only have three places."


The five of Lin Zongkuang looked at Second Dao in shock, they didn't expect that he would offend eight evildoers in the Immortal Monarch Realm in order to save them.

The faces of the Eight Great Immortals and evildoers froze with excitement, and their eyes gradually became cold. Guiying said coldly, "We have already reserved one more spot for you. You don't want to toast or eat fine wine."


The Eight Great Immortal Monarchs mobilized the law at the same time, and the Immortal Monarch's aura suppressed the world.

(End of this chapter)

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