Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 817 Becoming a Saint in Advance

Chapter 817 Becoming a Saint in Advance
Luo Tianheng had the feeling that the little white rabbit was being watched by the big bad wolf, but the young master had already said just now that he would not force her to sleep with her.

She still believed in the young master's character very much, and calmly followed Huang Xing back to his cave.

The two walked into the cave, the lonely man and the widow shared the same room, Luo Tianheng couldn't help but feel nervous again, his nerves were tense.

Huang Xing turned around and smiled at her, "Why are you so nervous? I don't know how to eat people."

Then he said, "The gathering speed of the heavenly cave is enough for the two of us to practice together, and you will stay here to serve me in the future."

"Yes, young master." Luo Tianheng replied weakly.

The Dongfu does not stipulate a few people to practice, but no matter how good the relationship is, friends will not share the Dongfu.

Because no one wants to be found out about their state of cultivation, and if they are disturbed during cultivation, it is easy to go crazy.

The young master is not afraid of being seen or interfered with by her in his cultivation, so what is she afraid of?
Her life and death are only in the young master's thought.

Huang Chen leaned lazily on the chair, closed his eyes for a nap, and said, "Come and give me a shoulder squeeze."

Luo Tianheng walked slowly behind Huang Chen, and stretched out his Qianqiansu hands to knead his shoulders.

"Hiss—" Luo Tianheng had never been pinched by anyone before, and the strength in his hands was quite heavy. Lu Xing took a breath of pain and scolded, "You hit so hard, do you want to murder the young master?"

"I'm sorry young master, this is Tianheng's first time serving someone." Luo Tianheng felt a little proud when she saw Lu Chen being pinched by herself. It was the first time she saw the young master suffer a loss. She wished to pinch him again. One, but I just dare to think about it, if I really do this, who knows if the young master will punish herself with this, she lightened the strength in her hand and asked softly, "Is this okay, young master?"

"En, the strength is just right." Huang Xing nodded in satisfaction and said, "Turn to the left... Yes, that's it... As expected of the proud girl of heaven, she learns to serve people very quickly..."

Huang Xing praised Luo Tianheng a few words, then closed his eyes and enjoyed her service.

He is not in a hurry to improve his cultivation now, and he is very relaxed and comfortable.

He knew that if his cultivation stagnated, the sage of Yin Division must be more anxious than himself, and would try every means to make him improve his cultivation.

His reason is also very good, it is to consolidate the foundation, and this method is the suggestion given to him by Luo Tianheng.

The sage of Yin Division will not suspect him.



Soon after the night, more than 700 evildoers all gathered in the martial arts arena, waiting for the young master to arrive.

All of them have fighting spirit in their eyes, and they want to show off in front of the young master.

In the anticipation of everyone, Huang Xing did not appear, only Luo Tianheng walked over, stood in the sky above the martial arts field and said, "The young master has ordered you to compete on your own according to yesterday's number, and the time limit for a martial arts competition is one hour. If the winner cannot be determined within an hour, the one with the lower realm wins; if the realm is the same, I will decide the winner."

After hearing the rules, everyone did not object.

If the realm is higher than the opponent, and the winner cannot be determined for an hour, it can only mean that the opponent has more potential than him.

Luo Tianheng judged that the realm was the same, and they had nothing to say. Luo Tianheng's strength was obvious to all, and he had completely conquered them.

But the young master didn't come to watch the battle in person, which made them all regret.

But think about it, they are not the young master's one-shot enemy, so what's so interesting about the contest between them?
Seeing that everyone was ready, Luo Tianheng said, "The martial arts tournament has officially started, and we will fight their opponents as soon as No. 20 arrives."

Following her voice, the martial arts field fell silent instantly, and forty monsters flew out of the crowd and landed on the martial arts stage.

There are a total of [-] martial arts arenas in the martial arts arena. Although the martial arts arenas are of ordinary size, they are all an independent space.

As long as the competition starts, it will become a huge space, enough for Immortal Monarch Realm to display its supernatural powers to its heart's content.

The martial arts competition officially started, and forty evildoers fought on the martial arts stage.

Some have great disparity in strength, and the battle will soon end.

Some were similar in strength and fought very fiercely.

Under the auspices of Luo Tianheng, the Saints Academy's martial arts tournament proceeded in an orderly manner.

It's not because Huang Xing looked down on those evildoers that he didn't come to the martial arts arena to preside over the competition, but because he received a summons from the sage of Yin Division early in the morning.

He suddenly remembered the sound transmission of the sage of the underworld, and was taken aback. He didn't expect him to come to him so soon.

He even wondered if he had shown his feet somewhere?
He went over his actions, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He made up his mind that if he came, he would be at peace, go to see him according to the sage of the underworld, and then adapt to the situation according to the situation.

Huang Xing came to a peak in the south of the college, and when he climbed to the top, he saw an old man in black with his hands on his back, his back turned to him, and he looked into the sky.

The old man in black was not imposing, and his thin figure looked like an ordinary old man.

"Greetings to the saint." Huang Chen walked over without being humble, bowed his hands and said to him, "I don't know if the saint sent me here, what orders do you have?"

The old man in black turned around, shot at Huang Xing with sharp eyes, and shouted in a deep voice, "Are you guilty?"

His eyes are like the eternal light, which can illuminate the sky and the earth, and illuminate yin and yang.

Under his gaze, there is nothing to hide under any disguise.

Huang Chen's heart trembled, as if he was under boundless pressure, the saber intent burst out from his body, resisting the majesty of the sage of the underworld, and said neither humble nor humble, "I don't know what crime I have committed? Please ask the sage to clarify."

With the blessing of death energy, he broke through to the second-level fairy king, and the sage of Yinsi is only a half-step fairy emperor. He is confident that his disguise will not be seen through.

The sage of Yin Division glanced at Huang Chen, but he didn't see anything unusual. He said in a cold voice, "Changing the rules of the academy without authorization, and being disrespectful to me, these two crimes are enough for me to kill you."

"Hahaha." Huang Chen smiled back without fear, "I thought that saints are at the top of the world, and they are all people with a big heart. Unexpectedly, saints in the underworld are just ordinary people, and they have no tolerance for others."

The sage of Yin Division was ridiculed by Huang Xing, his face became even more gloomy, and he looked at Huang Xing coldly.

Huang Xing was not intimidated by the aura of the sage of the underworld, but said boldly, "The sage said that I changed the rules of the academy without permission, which one did I change? I didn't change anything, I just followed the rules set by the sage, and then made a decision. My own rules. And when do I disrespect the saint? If it refers to the dispute between me and Luo Tianheng, I actually support the way of the saint."

He had a tyrannical sword intent, and said proudly, "Does the saint want to accept a puppet disciple who can only promise promises, or do he want to accept a monster who has the heart of an immortal emperor? There are fifteen saints in the world, but only five immortal emperors." , if I become an immortal emperor in the future, wouldn’t it be beautiful for a saint to have the title of emperor teacher?”

"I don't think that what I have done violates the way of saints at all, and I don't know where the crime comes from."

Hearing Huang Chen's remarks, the sage of the Yin Division withdrew his coercive aura, and said with a smile on his gloomy face, "It's been a long time since I've met such a bold and arrogant evildoer as you. You didn't say anything, and those obedient trash You are not qualified to be the true biography of this sage. Only a monster like you with arrogance and ambition can stand on the pinnacle of the avenue. I just tried you just now, and the real purpose of coming to you is to tell you that three months later, this sage I want to officially accept you as a direct disciple."

Huang Xing was puzzled, he couldn't understand why the sage of Yin Division accepted him as a sage so soon.

According to his calculations, it will take at least five years before the official biography of the saint is finalized.

Could it be that the external situation has changed, so that the sage of Yin Division has to act in advance?

He was puzzled in his heart, but his face showed surprise, his attitude took a 180-degree turn, and he respectfully bowed to the sage of Yin Division, "Greetings, Master."

The sage of Yin Division nodded with a smile, very satisfied with the fact that the second knife was on the way so quickly.

This is not only a rebellious evildoer, but also a smart evildoer.

He dared to contradict himself not because he was really stupid, but because he was clever. If he really blamed him, he must punish him in full view as an example to others.

Seeing him alone, how could it be just to blame him?
The sage of the underworld went on to say, "My sage has announced to the world that the disciple acceptance ceremony will be held in three months. At that time, all major forces will come to watch the ceremony. Don't let me down."

Lu Chen said confidently, "Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely not let everyone know that Master's insight is like a torch, and he has accepted a peerless personal disciple."

"Hahaha, it's best if you have such self-confidence." The sage of Yin Division laughed heartily, and then said seriously, "There is one more thing I can tell you in advance, I have received the news as a teacher, and three months later, the list of ancient monsters will be released. Open the list, if you can enter the top [-], the teacher will respect you and reward you."

Huang Chen's mind was shocked, but his face showed doubts and he asked, "Prime Ancient Monster List?"

"You don't know that the ancient world is also normal." Yinsi Saint explained, "The ancient ten thousand races, the human race is just one of them, the ancient evildoer list is determined by the ancient rules, and it includes all the ancient ten thousand races within 3000 years. To measure cultivation, but to synthesize all aspects of talent, aptitude, and potential."

Lu Chen's eyes lit up, and he said confidently, "Master, don't worry, this disciple will not only enter the top [-] on the list of ancient monsters, but also enter the top ten, and compete for the top spot."

The Yin Division Saint shook his head and said, "It's not that easy to get into the top 20 of the ancient monster list. There are ten most powerful races in the ancient times, known as the ten ancient races, and the human race is only ranked No. [-] and four. The ten ancient clans are all monsters, so don’t think about the top ten, you can only get into the top [-], and you can get endless benefits.”

Hearing the words of the sage of the underworld, Huang Xing's face became serious, and he seemed to have no confidence in the top ten, but he still said proudly, "I am confident that I will not lose to any evildoers. After three months, how many times will I be ranked? Please wait and see, master."

The sage of Yin Division said, "With your current strength, it is still a little bit reluctant to enter the top [-]. If you can pass the [-]th floor of the Dragon Tower within three months and refine the imprint of the Dao Law that I left inside, you should be eight or nine. It's a sure thing."

The design of the Zhanlong Tower can perfectly match the Dao Law that can be refined at each stage of strength. If he directly passes the Dao Law to the second knife, the second knife may not be able to bear it.

Huang Xing said worriedly, "I found that my cultivation breakthrough was too fast, and my foundation seemed to be a little unstable. I originally wanted to spend three to five years to consolidate my foundation before going to the Dragon Pagoda, otherwise I was afraid that I would go crazy."

Cultivation is like building a house. If the foundation is not laid well, and the height is pursued blindly, it will collapse when the foundation cannot bear it.

The sage of Yin Division said, "You don't have to worry. I have already deduced it as a teacher. The law of the Dao left on the three hundredth floor is just the limit you can bear. It will not be too late to stabilize the foundation when the time comes."

He took out a elixir, and suddenly the sky was glowing brightly, as if the sky was on fire, and said, "This one is called Nirvana Pill, and it is an innate elixir. It can make your talent and aptitude go further, and your foundation will be more stable."

If the Nirvana Pill is used by an ordinary evildoer, it can directly rebirth him from Nirvana, transform him into a peerless evildoer.

But if it is used by a peerless evildoer like the second knife, the effect is very weak, and it can't exert one percent of its effect.

Looking at the Nirvana Pill, with excitement on his face, Huang Xing stretched out his hand to take the Xiantian Spirit Pill, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Master, for giving me the Pill. This disciple promises to reach the [-]th floor of Zhanlong Pagoda for refining within three months." The law of the avenue inside."

The sage of the Yin Division said, "The innate elixir is no small matter, you take this elixir now, and protect you as a teacher."

"Yes, Master." Lu Xing sat down cross-legged on the peak, put the Nirvana Pill into his mouth and swallowed it, and suddenly felt a ball of flames in his body, as if he wanted to burn him into ashes, he quickly circulated the immortal power to refine the pill to guide the fire of nirvana to forge his foundations.

The sage of Yin Division stared at Huang Xing closely. He used Nirvana Pill not only to improve the foundation of the second knife, but also to use the fire of Nirvana to test the second knife.

Although there is no abnormality in the second knife, but the direct disciple cannot make any mistakes, he has to be careful.

The fire of Nirvana is an innate fire that can burn all falsehoods.

If the second knife is still okay in the fire of Nirvana, then it can be sure that he is really not abnormal.

Huang Xing endured the fire of Nirvana, and his whole body turned into a ball of flames, but he still maintained the appearance of the second knife, constantly refining his alchemy.

The talent, aptitude, and foundation he displayed at this time belonged to himself.

That is to say, even if Huang Xing hadn't met Wudiqiang and practiced the "Fortune Scripture", he himself was a home-grown monster just like Xiao Qingchen!
Although the fire of Nirvana is an innate fire that can burn falsehoods, what it burns is the foundation of talent and aptitude, and has no effect on the disguise of the Thousand Illusion Mask.

And what Huang Xing showed at this time was his true talent, without borrowing any external force, there was nothing abnormal about using the fire of Nirvana to refine his body.

The sage of Yin Division was really relieved when he saw that Huang Xing remained the same in the fire of Nirvana.

(End of this chapter)

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