Chapter 818 Ten Sons of the Golden Crow (Modified)


The fire of Nirvana had been burning for three days and three nights, when Huang Xing suddenly opened his eyes, the avenue roared and trembled.

All the flames visible to the naked eye rushed into his body and disappeared without a trace.

The Absolute Innate Sword Soul on his body also uttered a sword cry, and the terrifying power swept out, covering the entire Saint Academy.

"This is... the young master!"

The evildoers watching the battle in the martial arts arena were overwhelmed by the sudden coercion, their hearts trembled and trembled.

They sensed that it was the young master's aura, and their minds were shaken. Only three or four days had passed, and the young master's aura was much more terrifying.

This rapid speed makes them feel deeply powerless, and they will not be able to catch up in a few lifetimes.

Luo Tianheng's pupils also shrank. She had just fought with the young master three days ago, and she knew the young master's strength best. The aura just now was much stronger than it was three days ago.

The young master asked himself to preside over the martial arts tournament, so it was not because he was too lazy to watch the battle, but because he had another purpose.

Huang Chen withdrew his frightening saber intent, and said to the Yin Division Saint vigorously, "Thank you, Master, for protecting the disciple."

He is now the direct disciple of the sage of the Yin Division in name, so the superficial etiquette still needs to be fulfilled.

The sage of Yin Division nodded in satisfaction and said, "You are even more evil than I imagined for the teacher. You have perfectly refined the Nirvana Pill, and now it is enough to support you to refine the brand of Dao of the three hundred levels of Zhanlong Pagoda."

Huang Chen said confidently, "Master, don't worry, this disciple will do his best to improve himself, and the ranking in the Primordial Monster List in three months' time will definitely not disappoint Master."

"Okay, as a teacher, I will wait for the ranking of the ancient monster list in three months." Yinsi Saint said mysteriously, "If you can enter the top [-], the benefits you will get are definitely beyond your imagination."

There was a fiery light in Huang Xing's eyes, full of fighting spirit.

The sage of the underworld said, "As a teacher, I will go back to the dojo first, and I will pick you up for the apprenticeship ceremony three months later."

After he finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

Huang Xing bowed to the void, "Respectfully send off Master."

Only Huang Xing was left on the top of the peak. At this moment, he had many doubts and worries in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

He knew that although the Yin Division Saint had left, his every move in the Saint Academy must still be under his surveillance, and he could not show the slightest abnormality.

Huang Xing straddled the sky and the earth, and came to the sky above the martial arts field in a blink of an eye.

Although the terrifying sword intent had disappeared, everyone was still immersed in the shock. Only the forty evildoers who were competing were not affected by the sword intent just now because the martial arts stage was an independent space.

When everyone saw Huang Xing appearing, they all came back to their senses, and saluted respectfully and tremblingly, "See young master."

The evildoer who was in the martial arts competition could see Huang Chen coming in person, and the offensive in his hands was more violent, wanting to show himself well in front of the young master.

It is the third day of the competition, and all the evildoers who can advance are the best.

Even if there is an evildoer who is full of luck, he is at least a fourth-level fairy.

With just a glance, Huang Xing basically knew who would win the [-] sets of competitions. He walked up to Luo Tianheng and asked, "How is the martial arts competition going?"

Luo Tianheng looked at Huang Xing with beautiful eyes, full of curiosity about him, and seemed to want to see him. Hearing his question, he replied softly, "The martial arts competition went smoothly, and now the top 48 has been decided. The winner enters the top 24; the remaining 24 places, the [-] people who lose the battle fight for the place, and the two who survive to the end will get the place, and then the top three and the first will be determined."

Except that the first is the Heavenly Cave and the top three can choose an eighth-level immortal method, the other six rewards from No.4 to No.20 are not different.

Huang Chen nodded and said, "I'm going to continue to fight the dragon, and I'll leave the matter of Saint Academy to you."

Luo Tianheng's pupils shrank, and he asked suspiciously, "Didn't the young master say that the foundation should be stabilized first?"

Huang Xing said, "The situation has changed, I must quickly improve my strength within three months; if you can mend your Dao Heart within three months, you may also be among the top [-] on the list."

Luo Tianheng frowned and asked, "What is the top [-] list?"

Huang Xing said, "It's inconvenient for me to say it now, you will know in three months, and you don't have to be too eager for success, just treat it with a normal heart."

The matter of the ancient monster list was told to him privately by the sage of the underworld, and it was inconvenient for him to tell Luo Tianheng directly without the sage's consent.

"Normal heart." Luo Tianheng thought about these three people softly, and if he realized something, he said to Huang Xing, "Young master, feel free to go to the Dragon Tower, and leave the affairs of the academy to me."

Everything in the Saints Academy was done step by step, but she didn't need to deal with anything.

"Okay, you continue the abbot's martial arts competition. I'll go to the Zhanlong Pagoda first." After speaking to Luo Tianheng, Lu Xing explained a few words to the six members of the Lin family, and then flew into the Zhanlong Pagoda and started to break through.

Huang Xing left the martial arts arena, and the martial arts competition continued in an orderly manner.

Until the next day, after the top three were all decided, many monsters gathered in front of the dragon battle list.

Not only do they want to determine the remaining places based on their ranking in the battle dragon list, but they are also curious about how many levels the young master can pass.

When they came to the battle dragon list and saw the ranking above, they were instantly stunned.

The name of the second knife has already ranked first in the history list, and it is already 230 five levels!

The record set by Dongfang Shenkuang, the eldest disciple of the sage of the underworld, was easily broken by their young master.

In less than a day from the Martial Arts Arena to the Dragon Tower, the young master has passed 34 levels again!

This is too perverted!
They gasped, and thought tremblingly in their hearts: The young master should be able to sweep away ordinary low-level fairy kings now!
Immortal king, the supreme existence, many star domain masters in the star domain where evildoers are located are only half-step immortal kings.

Ouyang Chongtian and Shui Wuhen, who came to Tianwu Starfield like Lu Chen, were all in a daze. Thinking of the conflict between the second knife and the Tianwu starfield master, when the second knife returned to the Tianwu starfield, the terrifying Tianwu star The domain master was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy!
Shui Wuhen felt even more depressed, extremely regretful, and thought to himself: If he throws himself into the arms of the second knife on the way to the Saints Academy, the journey is long, maybe something will happen.

She felt that she had missed the opportunity to fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

Huang Xing once again used his destructive strength to kill the beasts in the Immortal King Realm one after another in the Dragon Tower.

In fact, for him, only the first knife is the most important knife. If it can kill, it is a matter of one knife;

He walked on the ground in the Battle Dragon Pagoda, and no one could block his footsteps.

It will only stop at every ten layers of refining rewards.

After Huang Xing's body passed the Nirvana Pill's Nirvana, it improved in all aspects.

The heart of the sword, the bone of the sword, the life of the sword, the soul of the sword, the root of the sword and the innate sword soul of Taichu are perfectly integrated.

The innate sword soul in the early days is no longer manifested outside the body, but uses him as a carrier to truly integrate with him.

At this time, Huang Xing is equivalent to a peerless sword of innate spirit treasure level, and Taichu's innate sword soul becomes his sword spirit.

The soul-devouring knife in his hand let out a ferocious and gloomy sound, screaming like an excited bloodthirsty doll, and kept harvesting beasts in the Immortal King Realm.

A sword matches a hero.

Following a peerless swordsman like Huang Chen is the pursuit of every precious sword.

Although the beasts in the Immortal King Realm in the Dragon Tower are not real flesh and blood, they are law-based phantom beasts without spirits.

But it can imagine that if it leaves Saint Academy in the future, it will follow its master to kill all directions and devour countless souls!

Thinking of this, Soul Eater screamed excitedly.

Level after level of customs clearance.

Huang Xing was like a magic knife, piercing through the void, and everything he passed was unstoppable.

Many evildoers were just going to take a casual look and go back to practice, but when they stopped in front of the battle dragon list, they couldn't move.

Even Yinyue Lengfeng, who had won double crowns in the martial arts competition and the Dragon Battle Ranking, had no intention of going back to enjoy the heavenly cave, but stared intently at the ranking on the Battle Dragon Ranking, afraid that he would miss a moment in history if he blinked.

It only took five days for Huang Xing to reach the [-]th floor of Zhanlong Pagoda.

In fact, it took less than a day to actually climb the tower, and the remaining four days were used to refine and obtain pass rewards.

As soon as Huang Xing stepped into the [-]th floor, his eyes were half-closed by the golden light.

I saw ten divine birds shining with golden light were locked by three feet with black iron chains.

"Three-legged Golden Crow!"

With half-closed eyes, Huang Xing's heart surged with murderous intent.

The ten three-legged Golden Crows chained up in front of them are not ferocious beasts transformed by the law, but real ancient Golden Crows.

"Shan Hai Jing Da Huang Nan Jing": "Beyond the southeast sea, between Gan and Shui, there is the country of Xihe. There is a woman named Xihe, who bathes the sun in Ganyuan. Xihe, the wife of Emperor Jun, gave birth to ten day."

At the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, three great beasts were bred in the year of the sun. This beast is three-legged, shaped like a crow but much bigger than a crow. It has golden feathers all over its body and is born with the real fire of the sun. Jun, and the other two are Taiyi and Xihe.

Emperor Jun established the Demon Court, he is the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Court, and one of the strongest quasi-sages under the Six Saints, his strength is comparable to that of the Chaos Progenitor Dragon Great Qin Tiandi.

The ten Golden Crows in front of them are the sons of Emperor Jun and Xi He, who were unexpectedly locked in the Zhanlong Tower by the sage of Yin Division.

Thick black iron chains locked their three legs and imprisoned them in the Dragon Tower, becoming the guard beasts on the third hundredth floor.

There is only one way for him to get the reward of the [-]th level - kill the Ten Golden Crows.

The real killing will destroy their spirits and souls, and they will never be reborn forever.

This is the real test, the real temptation, for the sage of Yin Division.

Only by killing the Ten Sons of the Golden Crow can he prove that he has nothing to do with the rebels!
"calm down!"

Huang Chen's mood turned like electricity, he forced himself to calm down, and quickly thought of a way to break the situation in his heart.

In Saint Academy, he couldn't summon Invincible to come out to discuss, everything had to depend on himself.

He knew that the sage of the Yin Division must be watching his every move in secret. If he showed mercy to Jinwu Shizi, he would definitely arouse the suspicion of the sage of the Yin Division. By then, he would have almost died, and even if he could escape, it would be difficult for him to destroy the way of heaven in the future. The conspiracy of the saints.

Without giving him too much time to think, the ten sons of the Golden Crow roared violently when they saw Huang Xing appearing, and they all rose into the air and lay horizontally in the void.

The black iron chains only locked them to prevent them from escaping from the [-]th floor of the Dragon Tower, but they could move freely in the space of this floor.

"Ten days turned into the sky."

The light shone on the earth, and the ten golden crows were furious, and they roared ferociously, "Yin Si dog thief, you traitors of the human race, when my father and king return, it will be the time when the heavens will be destroyed, and you false saints will die without mercy!" Burial place, hahahaha."

They looked at Huang Xing and shouted, "You have the aura of a sinister dog thief on your body, it seems to be his descendant, kill!"

Immediately, ten real fires came from the sky, trying to burn Huang Xing out.

Huang Chen's face turned cold, and he shouted, "You prisoners dare to insult my master, you are looking for death."

Facing the real fire of the sun coming from all around, he sneered, "It's such a powerful flame power, it's just enough to forge me."

He didn't dodge or dodge, letting the real fire of the sun burn on him.

But when the real sun fire burned on him, he suddenly let out a horrified scream, and a terrifying saber intent erupted from his body, cutting off his own body and extinguishing the real sun fire on his body.

When the real fire of the sun on his body was extinguished, he was also bloody and bloody from his sword intent, and was burned by the fire, scorched black, looking in a mess.

Huang Chen asked in shock, "What kind of fire is this, how could it be more terrifying than the fire of Nirvana?"

Jin Wuzhen said proudly, "How can the fire of Nirvana be compared with our true sun fire?"

They said with a smirk, "We don't have the strength to kill Lao De, so we will kill Xiao De first today."

"It's because you want to kill me too." Lu Xing said arrogantly, "This young master not only wants to kill you to get rewards, but also uses your real sun fire to forge your body."

"The combination of human and sword cuts the world."

"Ten days across the sky, the real fire will extinguish the world."

The Taichu Innate Sword Soul on Huang Xing's body was activated to the extreme, arousing the strongest power of the Soul Eater.

Huang Xing, Taichu Xiantian Sword Soul, and Soul Eater Sword are three in one.

This knife seems to come from the eternal, cutting off all obstacles in the world.

Shiri Hengkong is also extremely powerful, but the Ten Sons of the Golden Crow have been imprisoned for an unknown period of time, and when their strength is no longer at its peak, they were all horrified when they sensed the eternal sword intent of Huang Chen's sword.


The ten sons of the Golden Crow screamed at the same time, and were cut off by Huang Chen's knife, and fell to the ground with a "bang", dying.

Huang Chen put the saber back into its sheath, looked at the Ten Sons of the Golden Crow and laughed disdainfully, "Ten trash, even I can't stop it with a single blow."

"You!" The Tenth Golden Crow was humiliated by Huang Xing, spat out a mouthful of blood angrily, and said angrily, "If we hadn't been locked up by the chains of heaven, would you have killed us?"

There was a flash of cold eyes in Huang Chen's eyes and said, "The loser has thousands of reasons, but there is only one end - that is 'death'."

"Even if we are dead, you can never use the real fire of the sun to forge your body." The ten sons of Golden Crow mocked with a smirk, "Be careful that you will be burnt by the real fire of the sun, hahaha."

"My young master is not that stupid and directly uses the real fire of the sun to forge his body." Lu Xing looked at the Golden Crow with a sneer and said, "I can't bear the real fire of the sun, but you can."

The ten sons of the Golden Crow trembled all over, what did he want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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