Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 822 Apprentice Acceptance Ceremony

Chapter 822 Apprentice Acceptance Ceremony

The Oriental God Maniac is very crazy, and always thinks that he is the number one evildoer in the Yin Division Tianyu, and his talent and aptitude are unsurpassed.

Now there is no need to compare to know that the talent and aptitude of the second knife far exceeds him.

He could only comfort himself in his heart, the second knife relied on the power of death energy to be so powerful, and relying on external force would not be the long-term solution after all.

Yinsi Saint's second disciple "Burn" stared at Huang Xing closely with a pair of crimson eyes, with a strange light shining like blood flowing in his eyes, making people creepy.

Countless pairs of eyes focused on Huang Xing, and he became the most dazzling protagonist today.

Some of these immortal monarchs and immortal kings have been reminded by the disciples of saints in their forces, knowing that the second knife is far more terrifying than imagined, and even hinted that there will be an earth-shattering change today.

The sage of Yin Division looked at Huang Chen seriously, and asked in a loud voice, "Second knife, I will accept you as a personal disciple, are you willing?"

Huang Xing bowed his hands to the sage of Yin Division, "I am willing."

He said he was willing, but he was shouting in his heart: Bah, bah, bah, if I didn't want to destroy you, the devil would be willing to be your disciple.

In his heart, he was extremely reluctant to participate in today's teacher apprenticeship ceremony, and when he formally apprenticed to the teacher, he would inevitably have to bow down.

He knelt on his knees and knelt down to his parents all his life, and never knelt down to anyone else. (Heaven and earth are not equal to heaven)
Could it be that his virgin kneeling will be cheap, the sage of the underworld?
Absolutely not, I have to find a way to avoid kneeling.

But kneeling and worshiping is a matter of course when you are apprenticed to a teacher, and you can't hide from it.

Can't I be so rebellious that I deceive my master and exterminate my ancestors, worship my master and then arrogantly say that the sage of the underworld is not qualified to make me kneel down?

This is not rebellious, it is crazy.

Huang Xing raised his head and looked at the oriental madman behind the sage of Yin Division. He had already thought of a way to deal with it, and said with a sneer, "But I want to ask senior brother to give some advice before formally apprenticeship, so that everyone can witness it with their own eyes. The second knife is qualified to become the master's direct disciple."


Everyone was stunned by Huang Xing's words. What does he mean?Want to challenge the Oriental Gods?

"It's coming." The faces of some immortal monarchs and kings who vaguely knew the news were all shocked!They were just vaguely guessing at first, but they didn't expect it to be true.

This is indeed an earth-shattering accident!
The sage of Yin Division had a calm face, as if he had expected it, and did not answer in a hurry.

Dongfang Shenkuang's face turned gloomy, and the second sword dared to challenge himself, wanting to step on him to get in the ranks.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was worried that he would not have the opportunity to educate the second knife, so he sent it to the door himself.

Do you think that if you absorb a little dead energy and become invincible in the Saint Academy and run unimpeded in the Dragon Tower, you are qualified to challenge him?
Today he wants to let the second knife know what a real fairy king is, and it is a fairy king of the sixth level.

He wants to clean up the second knife severely, to see how he has the face to continue apprenticeship.

Dongfang Shenkuang said with a smile on his face, "Senior Brother is eager to prove himself, and Senior Brother will naturally not stop him, but swords have no eyes. If you hurt Senior Brother, please don't blame Senior Brother."

Lu Xing smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely not blame you, because I will definitely be hurt worse than my brother."

A haze flashed across Dongfang Shenkuang's face, and he said with a sneer, "I hope my junior brother is as powerful as his mouth."

"It's good for you to have a sparring session, so that other fellow Taoists can take a good look at the strength of this holy disciple." The sage of Yin Division interrupted the bickering between the two, and said lightly.

Dongfang Shenkuang heard that the sage of Yin Division also agreed with their contest, and jumped out.

The two flew into the void and stood facing each other. The atmosphere in the square fell silent instantly. Everyone looked up at them, waiting for their contest.

Everyone shrank their pupils when they saw the aura of a fairy exuding from Huang Xing.

Huang Xing didn't show his aura just now, they thought that the second knife had plundered enough dead energy to break through to the Immortal King Realm.

Unexpectedly, he is still only in the fairyland!

The Immortal Monarch Realm dared to challenge the oriental madman of the Sixth Layer Realm of the Immortal King, is he crazy?

Or do you really just want Oriental Gods to give you advice?

After all, he only has the Immortal King Realm. Even if he loses, as long as he can survive a few tricks in the hands of the Oriental God Madness, it will be enough to prove his strength!

But just now the second knife called the name, he didn't really ask for "advice", but wanted to make Dongfang God's mad injury even worse!

Dongfang Shenkuang was also taken aback when he saw the fairy aura on Huang Xing, then his pupils shrank, and his face showed a bit of fear.

It stands to reason that the lower the cultivation level of the second knife, the happier he should be.

But the second knife has passed the three hundred levels of the Dragon Tower, and the lower the cultivation base, the more it represents his unparalleled combat power!
Back then, even my half-step Immortal King could only break through level 230, the gap between them is obvious!
Even if I can defeat the second knife today, what will happen after he breaks through to the Immortal King?

Will he still be an opponent?

No, absolutely not let him grow up.

Murderous intent arose in Dongfang Shenkuang's heart, and he wanted to kill the second knife in the cradle.

Seeing Huang Xing's immortal cultivation, "Ban" had a blood-colored light in his pupils and smiled with interest.

Dongfang Shenkuang suddenly exploded the power of the Immortal King Realm on his body, suppressing the world, which shocked many veteran Immortal Kings.

Before the appearance of the second knife, Dongfang Shenkuang was known as the number one evildoer in the Yin Division Tianyu. He was already a sixth-level fairy king at the age of less than [-] years old, and his combat power was comparable to that of a high-ranking fairy in the seventh and eighth levels. king.

Huang Xing was about to suffocate under the suppression of the terrifying power of the Immortal King, and the saber intent on his body soared into the sky, earning a space of his own under the overwhelming pressure.

He waved his knife and pointed at the Oriental God with a domineering smile, "Heaven gave birth to my second sword, and the way of the eternal sword is as long as night; now that I have been born, you can give up the position of the holy son, the number one monster of your shit."

Everyone was shocked. The second strike was not only to challenge Dongfang Shenkuang to prove himself, but also to compete for the position of his holy son.

This second knife is only 30 years old, how can He De be compared with Oriental God Madness?

If he was given another thousand years, he might still have a chance, but it would be too arrogant to fight for the position of the Holy Son now.

"Hahaha." The Eastern God was furious and laughed back, "You are also worthy of competing for the position of the Holy Son?"

He caught a glimpse of the indifferent face of the sage of the Yin Division, and guessed that the second sword had obtained his acquiescence in the competition for the position of the Holy Son at the ceremony. Your Majesty allows me to do my best."

He was speaking tactfully. He wanted to tell the sage of the Yin Division that it was a second strike to challenge online, and he would not be merciful when he made a move later. He also hoped that the sage of the Yin Division would not stop him from teaching the second strike.

The sage of Yin Division said indifferently, "The battle for the Holy Son depends on the means. You all use your strongest strength to fight, and the winner will become the new Holy Son."

Dongfang Shenmaniac knew the character of the Yin Division Saint, so what he said meant that he would not intervene in the dispute for the Holy Son, and he looked at Huang Chen coldly and said, "Let the senior brother see what skills the younger brother has to compete for the position of the Holy Son. "

"The sky is turbulent—"

The Oriental God spoke wildly, and a pair of divine swords appeared in the void, spinning round and round like waves around Huang Xing.

The sword of a sixth-layer fairy king is enough to kill a half-step fairy king.

The saber intent on Huang Xing's body also seemed insignificant among the thousands of swords, like an insignificant little wave.

"——Millions of Swords Extinct"

Dongfang Shenkuang waved his hand, thousands of swords were sent out, and at the same time, a terrifying sword intent burst out and pierced towards Huang Xing.

Under the siege of thousands of swords, Huang Xing only held the sheath of the Soul Eater tightly, and did not draw the sword out of the sheath. His sword, will, will, and heart were integrated into one.

At this time, everyone looked around and couldn't feel his existence.

Among the thousands of swords is not a person, but a knife.


Ten thousand swords flew together, ten thousand swords were extinguished together, ten thousand terrifying sword intents erupted at the same time, continuous, continuous roaring sounded, and Huang Xing was swallowed by the sea of ​​swords.

The sword intent was raging in the sky above the ceremony square, and the second knife had no counterhand power in the sea of ​​swords.

Wan Jian dissipated, the cloud and smoke dispersed, and the figure of the second sword appeared in the void.

He was bombarded by Wan Jian, and he had already suffered serious injuries. His face was icy and cold, his eyes were dark, blood was hanging from the corner of his mouth, and there was a deep bone-deep sword wound on his left chest.

With just one move, the second strike was wounded by Dongfang Shenkuang.

Some immortal monarchs and kings who watched the battle were horrified by the invincible sword intent of the Oriental God Maniac, and shook their heads. The second sword was still too young and too urgent.

If he can grow to the Immortal King Realm and then challenge the Oriental God Maniac, he may still have the strength to fight. The current challenge is beyond his control.

The evildoers of the Saint Academy shrank their pupils and felt nervous when they saw that they suffered a second blow.

"Third brother, you still said that the second sword will win, I don't see ten moves, Dongfang Shengzi can suppress the second sword." Among the crowd participating in the ceremony, a young man in blue said to the young man in black beside him.

The young man in black was Yinyue Lengfeng who had been killed by Huang Xing a hundred times. From his initial resentment, he slowly became full of reverence for the second knife.

Their Yinyue family was originally close to Dongfang Shenkuang, and it was he who came back and urged his father, Immortal King Yinyue, to visit Second Knife in Beilingyuan and show his affection to him.

And Dongfang Shenmaniac originally wanted to find out the bottom line of the second knife first, knowing that Yinyue Lengfeng was also in the Saints Academy, it was like asking what the second knife was so good about in the Saints Academy, and was so valued by the Yin Division Saint!

Although Immortal King Yinyue didn't listen to Yinyue Lengfeng's words to show his favor to Second Swordsman, he also reasoned that Yinyue Lengfeng didn't want to tell him about the academy and didn't disclose the situation about Second Swordsman to Dongfang Shenkuang. offend.

Yinyue Lengfeng shrouded in black mist, said in a hoarse voice, "One knife."

The young man in blue said disdainfully, "Whatever one knife or two knife, you can only be suppressed in front of Dongfang Shengzi."

Immortal King Yinyue didn't speak at the side, but frowned, staring at the battle in the void thoughtfully.

"Being able to take over Wanjianzhan really has some strength. But even with this little strength, you dare to challenge me, and you are far from qualified." The Eastern God smiled arrogantly, "I want to see if you can take it. I have a few swords."

As soon as the words fell, Dongfang Shenkuang raised his hand and struck another sword.

Thousand Peaks Sword Shadow.

A giant sword as huge as a mountain smashed down.

This kind of sword can't have exquisite swordsmanship, and the giant sword alone can crush people to death.

The mountain-like giant sword kept falling down, but Huang Xing just stood still, the celestial energy on his body was pounding.

After smashing down all the thousand mountain swords, Huang Xing's face was already pale, his body collapsed in many places, blood kept flowing out, and his body was also crumbling in the void, but he still didn't draw his sword.

"Why didn't you use the saber?" Dongfang Shen said with a manic smile, "Do you not even have the courage to use the saber in front of me?"

Everyone felt sorry for the second strike. He was able to block the two swords of Dongfang Shenkuang without dying. He was indeed very strong. All the immortals among them thought that they could not withstand such terrifying two swords of Dongfang Shenkuang.

The evildoer of the second knife is enough for the sage of the underworld to accept him as a personal heir, but he shouldn't compete for the position of the son so quickly.

"The next sword, I will completely suppress you." Dongfang God looked at Huang Chen fiercely and coldly, and raised the long sword in his hand.

boom - boom -

Tiandi suddenly thought of a loud thunder, and the sword intent permeating the world was full of the power of thunder.

Thunder Sword Meteor God!

Dongfang Shenkuang drew out his sword, the sound of thunder rolled in the sky and the earth, and thunder burst.

Everyone turned pale with shock, "Thunder Sword Meteor God" is the magical secret technique of the Oriental God Maniac, and it is one of his unique moves.

The second sword had already lost the wind, and he actually used such a strong sword directly.

The second knife challenge completely angered the Oriental God Maniac.

Even if this sword does not kill the second knife, it is enough to destroy his will.

They think that the reason why this sword can't kill the second sword is not because they think the second sword can be blocked, but because he is a peerless evildoer after all, the personal disciple that the sage of the underworld just wants to accept, the sage of the underworld will not just watch him die .

When the thunder sword fell, the gods would all fall.

Just when Lei Jian was about to slash on Huang Xing, the sword intent of Eternal Gu Zhiwei burst out suddenly.

"The Ultimate Mystery of the Dao of the Sword - Slashing Heaven and Earth."

Huang Xing's long-prepared Soul Eater finally pulled out, and the terrifying and cold voice spread throughout the world.

There were shrill cries in the void.

This is the voice of the dead under the knife.

Dongfang Shenkuang's arrogant face suddenly turned into horror, then fear, and finally disbelief.

Kendo reincarnation.

His reaction was also very quick, using the sword to form a circle, trying to block the knife.


Slashing the Thunder Sword with one slash, severing reincarnation with one slash, and slashing at Dongfang Shenkuang's body with one slash.

Blood spilled into the sky.

The Oriental Godcrazy was almost killed by Huang Chen, and at the last moment, the sage of Yin Division took action to protect the true soul of the Oriental Godcrazy, otherwise he would truly fall.


After slashing out with this knife, Huang Xing fell weakly from the void and fell directly to the ground, dying.

It cost him a lot to cut this knife, and he almost only had half his life left.

Although his current strength is very reluctant to deal with the Oriental God Maniac, it is not so miserable.

The reason why he hurt himself so badly was to avoid the kneeling and prostration of the teacher below.

He and Dongfang Shenkuang were already injured like this, and the ceremony couldn't continue as it was originally.

At the same time, there is another reason - he wants to stimulate his fighting spirit to the limit!

(End of this chapter)

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