Chapter 823
The sage of Yin Division told him that three months later, the ranking of the ancient evildoers list will officially be announced to the ancient world.

He didn't know the exact time. He guessed that it might be the day when the sage of Yin Division accepted him as his apprentice, or it might even appear in the next moment.

At the acceptance ceremony of the Saint of the Underworld, the apprentice entered the top [-] list of ancient monsters, which is a great honor for a saint.

After all, the human race is only ranked in the dozen or so among the ancient ten thousand races.

He was worried that when the Immemorial Ten Thousand Clans released the list, his identity would not be concealed from the Immemorial Light, and his real identity would be listed on the monster list.

At that time, it will arouse the suspicion of the sage of the underworld, and he can only escape in the peak state.

Otherwise, fifteen saints would besiege him, and it would be too late for him to escape.

So he took advantage of the martial arts contest with the Oriental God Maniac to let him seriously injure himself and fully arouse his fighting spirit.

He broke through the [-]th floor of Zhanlong Pagoda and made some breakthroughs, but it was mainly due to the improvement of his foundation, and his cultivation level only broke through to the fourth level of Xianjun.

Fighting against the sixth level of the Immortal King at the fourth level of the Immortal King, he condensed the strongest sword intent with a fatal blow to defeat the Oriental God Maniac. and look for opportunities to make a move.

The power of this knife makes all directions silent.

The thunder sword intent dissipated, and the sword intent that opened up the world disappeared.

Once the knife is out of the sheath, ghosts and gods will not stay.

Along with Huang Xing, there was also the corpse of the Oriental God Maniac who fell to the ground.

A fatal blow, decapitated.

The face of the Oriental God Maniac still maintained a look of horror, fear, and ferocity.

He didn't really die. At the most critical moment, the sage of Yin Division protected his ray of true soul.

But I don't know how many years it will take to return to the original state.

This knife directly made him withdraw from the position of the Holy Son, and he has no qualifications to compete with the second knife.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Huang Chen, and the minds of the kings and kings of all major forces went blank. They have lived for tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and they have never seen such a terrifying evildoer with their own eyes.

The only one who can be compared is Qingdi, who is arbitrary and eternal.

None of the other four immortal emperors and fifteen saints seemed to have such impressive achievements.

It is said that when Emperor Qing had just broken through to the Immortal Sovereign Realm, he was spotted by an Immortal King of the Fourth Level and wanted to take her as his concubine.

Qingdi refused, and the fairy king wanted to suppress her by force, forcing her to submit, which angered Qingdi.

It was also the Qing Emperor of the first stage of the Immortal Sovereign, who slaughtered the inheritance of the Immortal King with one sword.

And at that time, the Immortal King had a friend who was also in the Immortal King Realm to help.

The two great immortal kings joined forces with hundreds of thousands of immortal kings, and they still have the home field advantage. They have a deep foundation in their inheritance, and they still did not stop Qingdi.

Dressed in green clothes, she turned into a blood-clothed one, and the name of Emperor Qing caused a sensation in the entire world from then on, starting her legendary road.

Everyone looked at Huang Xing and took a deep breath: Is this an eternal monster that can be compared with Emperor Qing?

The evildoers of the Saint Academy were all excited, and they clenched their fists tightly, as if they were as excited as they had defeated the oriental madman.

When the young master becomes the holy son, their status will naturally rise.

The stronger the young master, the more face these followers will have, and the less they dare to provoke.

The Tianwu Starfield Master shook his head mockingly, if the second knife was to ask him for advice with this knife, he would have died tens of thousands of times.

The half of the amputated arm on his body has not grown back, and the sleeve is empty.

With his strength, rebirth with a broken arm is very simple.

But this was the imprint of the second knife's punishment on him, and he didn't dare to grow his hands casually.

A friendly Starfield Lord next to the Tianwu Starfield Lord looked away from the second knife, looked at the broken arm of the Tianwu Starfield in horror and asked, "Your arm was cut off by the second knife, right?"

A few days ago, he was shocked when he saw that the Tianwu Starfield Master had an arm cut off. He asked who did it, but the Tianwu Starfield Master didn't tell him.

This second knife seems to have come from the Tianwu Starfield, and the arm of the Tianwu Starfield Lord was probably cut off by him.

The Tianwu Starfield Master nodded, the second knife had already shown his strength, and he had nothing to hide.

The man took a breath and asked, "Did you offend him?"

The Tianwu Starfield Master nodded again.

"Your life is really long." The man said with emotion.

The Tianwu Starfield Master nodded in agreement, his mind is blank now, he had already thought that the second is the strongest, at least the strength of the Immortal King Realm, but at most he was thinking of having the cultivation base of the Immortal King's first and second realms, It is impossible to exceed the triple realm.

Now all the oriental gods in the sixth level have been beheaded with a single knife, making him feel like a dream.

What kind of knife is that?
Everyone shuddered in their hearts, it was the first time they saw such a terrifying Dao of the Sword.

Cutting the sky and cutting the earth, any force is vulnerable to that knife.

The fourteen saints shrank their pupils the moment they saw Huang Xing take out the saber just now, knowing that the outcome was decided.

That knife made them all feel a bit chilled.

Especially Saint Yinghuo and Saint Tianzhao, who had just inherited the position of saint, their original strength was actually similar to that of Oriental God Madness, and they even had a sparring with Dongfang God Madness, knowing his strength.

If they hadn't already inherited the position of saint, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to take that knife.

But now!

There was a sneer on the corners of the mouths of the two of them. Now that they have become chess players, no matter how strong the second knife is, they are just chess pieces, and they are destined not to live long.

Thinking of this, their hearts filled with jealousy couldn't help but feel much more at ease.

Huang Xing supported the ground with a knife, and stood up with difficulty.

He was covered in blood, in a state of embarrassment, and his body was on the verge of falling, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

Huang Chen looked at the sage of Yin Division with a proud smile, as if he was saying to him: My strength has not let you down, right?

The sage of Yin Division looked at Huang Xing appreciatively, stretched out his hand and pumped a cloud of holy energy into his body.

Huang Xing allowed the Holy Qi to wander in his body, while helping him heal his injuries, he was also checking his body.

He sneered in his heart and said, "Fortunately, your grandpa and I are a peerless evildoer. No matter how you search, grandpa and I are all 25-year-old birthday wheels, which belong to my own body."

After helping Lu Chen to stabilize his injury, the sage of the Yin Division kept his holy energy in his body, and said, "From today onwards, you are the new Son of the Yin Division Tianyu."

With a proud smile on Huang Chen's face, he slowly turned to look at the immortal kings and kings of the various forces in the Yin Division Tianyu.

This is not Saint Academy, an injury is a real injury, and it won't be able to recover in a short time. The Yin Division Saint can only help him stabilize the injury, and prevent the injury from spreading and damaging his foundation.

Huang Xing's body was still very weak, and he seemed to faint at any moment.

But no one dares to underestimate or neglect.

All the people saluted in unison, "Meet the Holy Son."

"Cough cough." Lu Chen coughed twice, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but there was still a tyrannical arrogant smile on his face.

"Come to the side to heal first." Yin Division Saint said in a gentle voice, and asked "Burn" behind him to move a chair for Huang Xing to sit aside and heal his injuries.

The ceremony ended immediately because of Huang Xing's serious injury. As soon as he officially became a direct disciple, he immediately became the Holy Son of the Yin Division Tianyu.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother, for becoming the Holy Son." Zan moved a chair for Huang Chen to sit down, and said with a pleasant voice.

Her crimson eyes are creepy, but her voice is as sweet as a lark, soft to the bone.

Huang Xing smiled at her and said, "In the future, I will ask my senior sister to give me some advice."

Zang Yanran said with a smile, "Senior sister dare not point out third junior brother."


Everyone was puzzled when they saw the sage of the Yin Division let the second knife sit aside.

The position of the Holy Son has been dusted, shouldn't the ceremony be over?
The protagonist was seriously injured by the second knife, why not let him go back to heal directly, but let him sit aside.

A minute and a second passed, and the sage of Yin Division never spoke, and everyone didn't dare to ask, so they could only continue to wait full of doubts.

Huang Xing didn't care so much, healed quietly.

He knew that the sage of Yin Division must be waiting for the moment when the list of ancient evildoers is released.

He has also prepared a complete countermeasure. He has covered up the secret with the power of good fortune and the ancient coin of the secret, and directed his information to the second knife.

The Immemorial Law is above all other laws. If there is no covenant made by the Six Saints, the Immemorial Law will have little influence on the Great Thousand World, and he has not hidden the information from the Immemorial Law.

But even so, he didn't dare to be careless.

If his identity is exposed by the list of ancient evildoers, he can only escape immediately, otherwise, once the fifteen saints form a siege, he will be unable to escape.

As soon as Shenshi arrived, the fifteen sages of the Dao of Heaven showed serious expressions on their faces if they felt something. The tactic, the holy power is continuously gathered together.

Seeing the fifteen saints acting at the same time, the many immortal monarchs and kings who were waiting anxiously were shocked. They cheered up and stared at the void, wanting to see what could cause the fifteen saints to attack at the same time.

In their impression, the fifteen saints had never shot at the same time.

Suddenly a terrifying force descended from the sky.

No matter whether it is a fairy king or a fairy king, they are all trembling under this terrifying force.

What power is this?
Could it be that Emperor Qing entered the dojo of the Yin Division Saint?
"Legend to the ancient myriad races: the ancient covenant establishes the immemorial evildoer list, and the top 3000 evildoers within [-] years of the ten thousand tribes can enter the ancient evildoer list, and all tribes welcome the list."

An eternal and immortal voice sounded in the void, without the slightest emotion, it was the voice of heaven and earth, the voice of immemorial.

Not only the human race, but all the ancient races resounded with the voice of the ancient heaven and earth.

"The human race welcomes the list of ancient monsters." Fifteen heavenly saints said in unison, and the formulas they played combined to form a huge altar.

Beyond the void, a huge stone list flew from the Eternal Land.

The stone list fell on the very center of the altar, and one after another holy power melted into the stone list, emitting an ancient and immortal aura.

boom - boom - boom -

Nine sounds of heavenly thunder and thunder sounded from the 36 heavens of the Great Thousand World at the same time, signaling the release of the list of ancient evildoers.

In Longting Tianyu, Ji Ran stood on the top of a sky-reaching peak, looking into the distance.

Today is the opening day of the Primordial Monster Ranking, and the Heavenly Dao Saints are still nominally the orthodox of the human race, and they will officially welcome the ranking.

However, the names of the monsters on the list are announced to the public and will spread throughout the human race.

"The Primordial Monster Ranking is about to open, and the young emperor will definitely be among the top ten." Po Jun standing behind Ji Ran said confidently.

The top ten is already great news, which is equivalent to stepping down a monster from one of the ten ancient clans.

Ji Ran didn't answer, but just quietly looked into the distance.

Po Jun sighed silently in his heart. After returning from the deep sea and the sky, the young emperor has been a little depressed. Recently, he often looks at the void in a daze.

Po Jun probably already guessed why the young emperor behaved like this, because the young emperor's husband, Lu Chen, lost contact.

Young Emperor's weak side can only be shown in front of her. In front of everyone, she is vigorous and decisive, arranging shocking arrangements from her hands. Sometimes when she looks at Ji Ran, she seems to see Emperor Qing.

Ji Ran is waiting for the opening of the Primordial Monster Ranking, not to see his own ranking, but to see if Huang Xing's name is on it.

She lost contact with Huang Xing, and guessed that he might enter the Tianyu under the jurisdiction of the already sealed Tiandao Saint. If the ancient monster list leaks his information, it will be extremely dangerous.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Heaven, the Great Hall of Leiyin Temple, Xiao Qingchen sat on the Buddha lotus, her face was as cold as water, she was also very worried about Huang Xing's safety.


The stone table and the altar were completely integrated together, releasing 36 beams of ancient light and flying in all directions.

Every sky domain flew into a beam of ancient light.

The monks in the entire Great Thousand World looked towards the void as if feeling something. No matter where they were, a huge stone list appeared in the void they saw.

The stone list exudes an ancient atmosphere, and the top is engraved with five big characters "Prime Ancient Monster List".

Each name, race, gender, age, cultivation realm, and a brief background introduction are engraved on the stone list.

The first name at the top of the list instantly stunned countless people from all races:
Name: Luo Hu;
Race: Demon Race;

Sex: Male;

Age: 32 years old;
Cultivation level: Devil Emperor Realm;

Identity: The son of the Great Dark Lord, the deputy commander of the Dark Demon Legion.

The devil emperor is equivalent to the immortal emperor of the human race.

The 32-year-old Immortal Emperor, this! !How does this let other people live?
When the four immortal emperors of the human race saw Luo Hu who was ranked first, they all laughed at themselves. Is the gap between the human race and the ten ancient races really that big?

They all practiced for more than 10 years before breaking through to the Immortal Emperor.

When they saw the second name, their faces changed drastically, and they were even more shocked. They all blinked, thinking that they were delusional.

The second place is actually the human race!

When the fifteen sages of heaven and earth saw the name of the second evildoer, their faces froze instantly and slowly darkened.

Unexpectedly, it was her!
Seeing the second-ranked name, Huang Xing almost couldn't help showing a smile on his face, but thinking that he was in a fairyland now, he still tried his best to suppress his emotions.

The peerless evildoers of the ten ancient races were all very angry when they saw that the second place was actually a human race.

They were actually overtaken by human races other than the ten races!

The supreme masters of the ten ancient clans were all lost in thought when they saw that the second place on the evildoer list was the human race.

This shows that the shackles of the Heavenly Dao of the human race have become looser and looser, and are about to be broken!

They will never allow the Terran to threaten their status.

(End of this chapter)

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