Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 827 The Second Sword Sanctification

Chapter 827

The position of saint?

The fifteen saints were all taken aback when they heard what the second knife wanted, and it took a few breaths before they realized it, and they all took a breath of cold air.

Some of them guessed what the second knife wanted to do!
It's such a ruthless method to draw salary from the bottom of the pot.

"Looking for death." The sage of the Yin Division glared angrily, and the law of the great way roared on his body.

The ultimate mystery of the Dao of the Sword - Slashing Heaven and Earth.

With his body, Huang Xing turned into the innate sword soul in the early days, and merged with the soul-devouring knife, and slashed out with a single stroke, bringing up shocking waves and cutting out a emptiness.


This knife condensed Huang Chen's strongest strength as the second knife, but he still couldn't cut through the great way of the Yin Division Saint. There was a violent roar, and he was directly slapped away by the Yin Division Saint's palm. The sword soul also dimmed, and stood in front of Huang Chen precariously.

Huang Xing turned into a blood man all over, and thick black gas kept coming out of him, eroding his body, turning the blood he bleed into dark black.

"You played tricks on the power of death energy and the brand of the Dao—" Lu Xing stared at the sage of the underworld with wide eyes. Dao heart.

"Hey." The sage of Yin Division looked at Huang Xing coldly, walked towards him step by step and said, "Since I was ready to take you away, how could I give you power for nothing? It's only because you are too greedy, and now you are under the power Backlash, let me see what storms you can make."

Swish - Swish - Swish -

Saint Chenguang and two other saints suddenly flew in front of Huang Chen, blocking the Saint of Yin Division from approaching him.

"Sage of Chenguang, Saint of Flying Heaven, Saint of Longevity, what do you mean?" The Saint of Yin Division looked at the three saints who suddenly stood in front of him, his eyes were cold, and he asked in a deep voice.

Sage Chen Guang said lightly, "Sage Yin Division, why don't you let him finish his speech."

The sage of Yin Division shrank his pupils, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"Ahem." Huang Chen stood up with difficulty, and looked at the sage of Yin Division fiercely, with a look of immortality.

He smiled ferociously, "As long as I become a saint, I will be able to kill the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Emperor in the ancient ruins. This is your only hope for victory."

The expressions of the fourteen saints changed when they heard Huang Chen's method. As expected, the second knife not only wanted to break through the Immortal King Realm and enter the ancient ruins, but also wanted to directly inherit the saint status of the Yin Division Saint and become the new saint of the Great Thousand World. The heavenly sage.

As long as he becomes a new sage of heaven, his strength will definitely skyrocket instantly, and there is indeed hope to kill the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi.

But there are only fifteen sage positions in the Great Thousand World, one radish and one pit. If you want to become a new sage of heaven, one of the original sages of heaven must be deprived of the sage position.

That can only be the sage of the underworld!

The sage of Yin Division was furious, "You dare to talk nonsense when you are about to die, I will kill you now."

Swish - Swish - Swish -

The other eleven Heavenly Dao Saints also flew over, keeping their positions, trapping the Yin Division Saint in the middle.

The sage of Yin Division said ferociously, "What do you mean?"

The fourteen saints didn't answer, but just looked at each other, as if they were thinking about whether the method mentioned by the second knife was feasible.

Looking at the underworld sage trapped by the fourteen sages, Huang Xing sneered.

This is his crazy plan to die and survive. He wants to use the fourteen saints to destroy the saints of the underworld and replace them as the new saints of the underworld.

His plan is very crazy, as long as there is a mistake in one link, he will be trapped in the encirclement of fifteen saints.

But he still gambled wildly because he had a thorough understanding of human nature.

The goal of the fifteen sages is to destroy the rebels, but their plans were disrupted by the appearance of the ancient ruins.

If the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi really got a heaven-defying opportunity from the ancient ruins, it would be even more difficult for their saint camp to compete.

Instead of sitting still, take the initiative.

The best way is to directly get rid of the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi in the ancient ruins, then the luck of the rebels will collapse directly, and no matter how powerful the remaining Qingdi and others are, as long as there is no luck to add to them , does it fail.

But the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi ranked second and eighth on the list of ancient monsters, and they were actually so easy to deal with!

The evildoers who entered the ancient ruins from the saint camp would never be able to compete with them.

The evildoers who pinned their hopes on the ten ancient clans were even more illusory.

The second knife proposal is crazy, but it seems like it's the only way.

With his strength, becoming a sage of heaven again is enough to compete with the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi.

Only in this way can there be any hope of victory.

And the price that the saint camp needs to pay is a saint career, which needs to sacrifice the saint of the underworld.

Huang Xing believes that if he tells this method, the fourteen saints will not be indifferent.

For their benefit, what's the point of sacrificing a Nether Saint?
Anyway, it wasn't them who sacrificed.

But it is they who get the benefits.

For them, it doesn't matter who inherits the Yin Division Saint, as long as they have common interests with them.

As for the way of heaven, he doesn't care about the life and death of the sage of the underworld.

To it, the sage of Heaven and Dao is just a dog, a dog that cleans up rebels for it.

Since the sage of the underworld is incapable of eradicating the rebels, then replace him with a capable dog.

The sage of Yin Division trembled all over his body, and the vicious method of the second knife made his hair stand on end.

He wanted to take the second knife, but the second knife wanted to take away his saint position.

Now it is not about the strength of him and the second knife, but about whose side the other fourteen saints and Tiandao are on!
Obviously, the sage of Yin Division is also very clear that under the current situation, the second knife is more valuable than him.

How could the sage of the Yin Division be willing to sit and wait for death, and quickly said, "As long as I take you away, I can enter the ancient ruins with your body and kill the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi."

"Hehe." Huang Chen laughed mockingly, "If you can enter the ancient ruins if you seize the house, believe it or not, at least [-]% of the [-] evildoers will be seized by the supreme giant! Since the ancient ruins are only open to the evildoers on the list, It must be restricted, can your means be hidden from the ancient law?"

The ancient relics are very tempting to those supreme masters. If the evildoers who seize the top list can enter the ancient ruins, those supreme masters and supreme giants will definitely take the evildoers who are included in the list without mercy.

The ancient law will never allow this to happen.

Sage Chenguang also said, "Sage of the Yin Division, we have already deduced that the ancient ruins can only be entered by the evildoers themselves, and it is not feasible to use the method of seizing the house."

In fact, as soon as the news of the ancient ruins came out, they also thought of the method of seizing the house and went in to find the opportunity against the sky. However, after using the supernatural powers to deduce, they found that the ancient laws have strict restrictions on the evildoers who enter the ancient ruins, and they can only enter by themselves. .

Sage Chenguang said slowly, "Sage Yin Division, please give up his position as a saint."

"Please let the sage of the underworld give up his sage position."

"Please let the sage of the underworld give up his sage position."

"Please let the sage of the underworld give up his sage position."


One saint after another begged the saint of the underworld.

Although the word "please" was used, everyone knew that it was just persecution.

The sage of Yin Division paled, looked at the fourteen saints who forced him to give up his sage position, and said sadly, "Are you ignoring our tens of thousands of years of friendship just because of his bewitching words? As a saint, he may not be recognized by the Dao of Heaven."

No one has ever voluntarily abdicated from the Heavenly Dao Saint.

To become a saint of the way of heaven, one's own way will be cut off. If one loses the status of a saint and the power bestowed by the way of heaven, one is no different from a useless person.

After he gave up his position as a saint, the second knife will never let him go.

The sage of the Yin Division has now truly seen the horror of the second knife. His method of turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain is more terrifying than his evil talent, and he has no chance of turning the tables.

Because even in his opinion, the method of the second knife is indeed the most likely method to succeed in dealing with rebels.

If he was not the one who forced the abdication, he would have wanted to support the second move.

Sage Chenguang said expressionlessly, "For the sake of the great cause of heaven and the elimination of rebels, I also ask the sages of the Yin Division to take the overall situation into consideration. As long as the sages of the Yin Division take the initiative to give up their positions as saints, this saint and the other thirteen saints will petition the way of heaven together." , let the second knife inherit the sage's position."

After all, Second Dao has just become the Holy Son of Yin Division Tianyu, has not contributed to the Heavenly Dao, and has not yet been recognized by the Heavenly Dao, but with their fourteen saints petitioning the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao will definitely allow the Second Dao to inherit the position of saint.

The sage of Yinsi looked at the sage of Chenguang, smiled bitterly, then turned to look at the thirteen sages of heaven who trapped him.

Not long ago, they were chatting and laughing with themselves, but now they are ruthlessly forcing him to abdicate.

A pair of fourteen, the sage of Yin Division knew that he had no chance of winning.

If he doesn't take the initiative to abdicate, the fourteen saints will definitely kill him without mercy, leaving the saint's position vacant for the second knife.

Seeing the slumped look of the sage of Yinsi, the sage of Chenguang sighed and said, "If the sage of Yinsi is willing to give up his position as a saint and make a great contribution to the great cause of heaven, I will take you back to Chenguang Tianyu and promise to make you worry-free for the rest of your life." .”

He turned to the second knife and asked, "What do you think, friend Daoist?"

After all, the sage of Yin Division is a saint. If he really doesn't give him a way out, if he fights to the death, they will have to pay a big price.

Huang Chen said lightly, "Although he was trying to murder me, he called him Master after all. If he is willing to take the initiative to give up the position of saint, I will not make things difficult for him in the future."

The sage of Yin Division looked at Huang Xing with ashen face, as if he had aged a lot all of a sudden, and said, "I am willing to give up the position of sage."

The fourteen saints looked at the godless underworld saint, and couldn't help but feel sad.

When I looked at the second knife again, I felt a chill.

This son is not very old, not only is he talented and evil, but also has extraordinary means. He turned defeat into victory in a situation that was destined to die, and took advantage of their hands to win the position of saint.

They knew clearly that the second knife was a wolf with ambition and was a ruthless character who cannibalize people without spit out bones, but they had to be used by him.

Perhaps only such a ruthless person can deal with rebels.

They have already placed their bets on the second knife. If he can kill the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi in the ancient ruins, and defeat the luck of the rebels, they will undoubtedly win the battle of destroying the sky in this life. .

If the second knife falls in the ancient ruins, the way of heaven may not be cut off in the end, but saints like them are doomed.

In every battle of exterminating the sky, the saint is almost the first to be sacrificed.

They enjoy the power bestowed by heaven, but at the same time they also take risks.

The blockage of the avenue slowly receded, and the meeting hall was revealed.

All the immortal monarchs and kings looked over in unison, wanting to know what happened inside just now.

They saw that the second knife was covered in blood and suffered serious injuries.

But the Yin Division Saint's face was pale, as if something unbearable had happened.

Everyone was contemplating with frowned eyebrows, guessing what happened in the meeting hall just now.

Luo Tianheng and Zan flew over at the same time, one landed beside Huang Chen, and the other landed beside the Yin Division Saint.

Luo Tianheng supported the weak Huang Chen, and asked with concern, "Young master, are you alright?"

Huang Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "It's okay."

Zong also cautiously shouted to the sage of Yin Division, "Master..."

She found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, the face of the sage of Yin Division was gloomy, and he didn't have the demeanor of a saint at all.

The sage of Yin Division sighed and said, "You step back."

"Master..." Zun frowned, then looked at Huang Chen and asked, "Third Junior Brother, what happened?"

Huang Chen said lightly, "Master saw that I was ranked No. 20 on the list of ancient evildoers, and thought that I was more suitable to be a saint in Yinsi Tianyu, so he took the initiative to abdicate to let the virtuous."


His voice was not loud, but the immortal monarchs and kings with keen senses could hear it clearly. They all took a breath of air, and looked at the sage of the Yin Division and the second knife in shock, their eyes full of disbelief.

Abdicate to Xian!
The second knife just defeated the Oriental God Maniac and became the holy son, so he was allowed to inherit the position of saint so soon?

This news caught everyone off guard, and made everyone baffled.

Buried looked at the sage of the netherworld with blank eyes, and the other sages who vaguely surrounded him, and guessed something in an instant, stared blankly at Huang Xing, speechless.

"Saint." The commanders of the immortal kings who were loyal to the sages of the Yin Division also understood something, and they all flew out of the crowd, stood beside them, and looked at Huang Xing coldly.

"You all step back." The sage of the Yin Division raised his spirits, waved his hands and said, "This is the result of a joint agreement between the sage and the other fourteen sages. From now on, you will be loyal to the second knife, just like you are loyal to the sage."

He was reminding everyone that this was a joint decision made by the other fourteen saints, and no one could change it.

Yinsi Tianyu is his dojo, and he has confidence in dealing with two or three saints, but facing fourteen heavenly saints at the same time, relying on Yinsi Tianyu's strength is far from enough.

The commanders of the Immortal Kings blocking the way looked at the fourteen saints and knew that there was nothing to be done, so they could only silently retreat to the sides.

(End of this chapter)

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