Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 828 The Second Sword Sanctification

Chapter 828 (Modified) The Second Sword Sanctifies

The shock in everyone's hearts was immeasurable!
Yin Division Tianyu has changed like this?

The fourteen saints all stood on the side of the second knife, forcing the Yin Division saint to abdicate!
Luo Tianheng stood still in place holding the second knife, the news was so shocking that she couldn't digest it for a while.

No one knew what happened in the meeting hall, Huang Xing and the fifteen saints didn't stay long, and left in a hurry, heading towards the Heaven and Earth Altar.

Many immortal monarchs and immortal kings watched the second knife leave blankly. This should be the youngest saint in the history of soldiers!

26 year old saint!
Those evildoers who came out of Saint Academy following Second Dao also froze in place, and when they came back to their senses, their faces were full of excitement.

Their young lord not only won the position of the Holy Son, but also directly forced the Yin Division Saint to abdicate.

They witnessed the beginning of the legend, the birth of the legend.

Huang Xing didn't care about everyone's feelings, and came to the Heaven and Earth Altar with fifteen saints.

Every saint's dojo has a heaven and earth altar, which is used to worship heaven and earth.

If it is normal to inherit the title of saint, all major forces in the entire Tianyu will come to watch the ceremony.

But the sage of the underworld was forced to abdicate, so naturally he would not invite people to see how he gave up the sage position with great fanfare, and everything was kept simple.

Apart from Huang Xing and the fifteen saints, only Luo Tianheng and Zong followed.

Huang Xing couldn't help but glanced at Zang Gao.

As the saying goes, the wall is falling and everyone is pushing, the sage of the Yin Division is about to be deprived of his position as a saint, and the general trend is over, but the funeral still follows the sage of the Yin Division, not at all worried that the second blow will be settled later.

Everyone came to the altar of heaven and earth, the sage of the underworld silently climbed to the center of the altar, and fourteen saints also stood around the altar.

Zun looked at Huang Xing with a complicated expression, hesitated for a moment, and asked with a sigh, "After the master abdicates, what's the younger brother's plan?"

Huang Xing turned to Zong, and asked back with a half-smile, "Senior Sister, what do you think I should do?"

Zhuan said, "Although the younger brother is just getting started and doesn't have much relationship with the master, no matter what the master accepts you as his apprentice, it has already made it known to the world, and the younger brother doesn't want to bear the name of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors."

She was worried that Huang Xing would kill the sage of the underworld and wipe out the roots.

No matter where it is, bullying teachers and destroying ancestors is a big crime, which is despised by others.

Huang Chen smiled and said, "Senior sister, don't worry. After Master abdicates, the Sage Chenguang will take him back to Chenguang Tianyu, and he can spend the rest of his life in peace."

Bui heard that the second knife would not harm the sage of the Yin Division, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and silently looked at the sage of the Yin Division on the altar of heaven and earth, wondering what he was thinking.

Huang Chen glanced at the funeral thoughtfully, and also looked at the altar of heaven and earth, and raised his spirits to prepare for the coming heaven.

Now he has the last test left, which is not to be discovered by the Dao of Heaven when he inherits the sagehood.

This is also the most dangerous test. If Tiandao finds out that he is a rebellious person, then he will have to face the siege of fifteen saints and suffer the catastrophe of heaven.

There was a sudden thunder from heaven and earth.

The sky above the altar gradually condensed the most original power.

It wasn't the first time that Huang Xing faced Tiandao directly.

In the Ten Absolute Formation of Returning to the Ruins in the Realm of Cultivation, he personally collected the ray of Heavenly Dao cut off by the Qing Emperor into the universe in his palm.

At this time, the way of heaven is relatively peaceful, and it is not as violent as when the Qing Emperor was killed.

But with supreme majesty, people can't help giving birth to devout worship in their hearts.

After the appearance of the fourteen heavenly saints, their expressions instantly became respectful.

Luo Tianheng's face was pale, it was the first time she had faced the power of heaven, but the power that emanated naturally made her heart shake.

She kept her heart, and her heart resisted the influence of heaven.

Tiandao has no self-consciousness, or his self-consciousness operates according to the laws of heaven and earth.

The Altar of Heaven and Earth is mighty and mighty, and the entire Great Thousand World feels it.

Ji Ran, Xiao Qingchen, the Great Qin Emperor, the Four Great Immortal Emperors, and some hidden giants all looked in the direction of Yinsi Tianyu in horror.

Saint Tianyu has been closed, and they don't know the specific situation.

"The villain Kong Rude has been a sage of the Yin Division for 16 years...the second sword of the saint son of the Yin Division Tianyu, ranking No. 20 on the list of ancient evildoers. Fu, the villain is willing to give up the position of a saint, let him inherit the position of a saint in the underworld, guard a region on behalf of heaven and earth, and patrol and hunt and kill those who go against the way."

The sage of Yin Division knelt down on the ground and asked Tiandao to resign from the position of sage.

The fourteen saints of the Dao of Heaven also petitioned the Dao of Heaven, "The rebels in this life are powerful, and the second knife carries the fate of heaven and earth. .”

With the resignation of the sage of the underworld and the petition of the fourteen sages.

The power of the heavenly law gathered on Huang Xing, as if he was checking whether he was qualified to become a new sage of the underworld.

"My second knife petitions heaven and earth, bestows the title of sage, and enters the ancient ruins to fight against the rebels. When I become a saint, I will hunt on behalf of the heavens and suppress all rebels." Soaring into the sky, the fire of Nirvana surrounded his body, and all the foundations of his body that were forged by the real fire of the sun were revealed, showing his aptitude to Tiandao, and telling Tiandao that with his aptitude, he was qualified enough to become a new sage of the underworld, enough to suppress Rebels.

At the same time, he condensed all the power of creation in his body and blasted at that ray of ancient law.

The ancient law sensed the power of the power of creation, and instantly burst out endless power of law.

At the moment when the law of heaven descended on Huang Xing, he withdrew his power of good fortune and let the erupting ancient law envelope him.

The sudden power of the ancient law made the fourteen saints look over, with slight doubts in their eyes.

But I didn't think much about it, I just thought that when the second knife showed its talent, it mobilized the ancient law that had not yet been comprehended.

Sure enough, Tiandao's attention was attracted by the ancient law, but stayed on Huang Xing directly, giving him the power of the ancient law that burst out from his refining.

The majestic power of heaven radiated from Huang Chen's body, his face revealed a look of surprise, and with the help of the power of heaven, he slowly refined the ancient law.

The eyes of the fourteen saints all showed joy. Tiandao is equivalent to agreeing with the identity of the second knife. He only needs to wait for him to refine the ancient law, climb the altar, and officially inherit the saint's position.

Deep despair appeared in the eyes of the sage of Yin Division. His only hope of turning things around was that if the Dao of Heaven did not approve of the second knife, then he could continue to retain the sage status.

Although he also knew that the possibility of Tiandao not approving the second knife was very slim, but at least there was one hope.

Now seeing that Tiandao helped Second Dao refine the ancient law, the result is self-evident.


Three days passed in a flash, and with the help of the power of heaven, Huang Xing refined the ancient law bit by bit.

Tiandao just helped him suppress the power of the ancient times, and didn't directly help him understand and refine.

Tiandao is also considering whether Huang Xing's talent can refine the ancient law.

If it is difficult to refine even this ray of ancient law, entering the ancient ruins will not do much.

The way of heaven retreated to the void, and the ancient law was stable around Huang Chen's body, and he was controlled by him. His body was filled with ancient power, which made the fourteen saints shrink their pupils and felt very afraid.

His cultivation realm also broke through the bottleneck at the moment of refining that ray of ancient law, and was promoted to the Immortal King of the first level.

With eternal prestige in his eyes, Huang Chen walked slowly towards the Heaven and Earth Altar.

The fourteen saints each guarded one side, quietly watching him walk towards the altar of heaven and earth.


Kong Rude, the sage of the underworld, suddenly let out a scream. The sage status on his body was being stripped off by the Dao of Heaven, and he felt that his power was being pulled away continuously.

Although he had been prepared for a long time, when it really came to this moment, he still let out a scream unwillingly.

When the sage status was completely stripped, the sage of the underworld became old.

Gray hair, wrinkled skin, extremely weak, like an old man on the verge of death.

Zan Fei fell to Kong Rude's side, lifted him up and took him out of the altar.

The sage status stripped from Kong Rude's body was condensed in the void, it was a cloud of dark karma, slowly condensing into the appearance of the second knife.

Lu Chen stood upright on the altar of heaven and earth, his body filled with holy power.

When the black karma in the void was completely condensed into the appearance of the second knife, it suddenly came alive.

A black second knife came towards Huang Xing, entered his body and overlapped.

The two second knives began to slowly merge.


One after another, the sky thunder hit Huang Xing's body, helping him to temper his body and foundation.

Nine consecutive thunderstorms resounded across the world, and the supreme giants in all the heavens were shocked: "What's going on? Has a saint fallen? How can heaven re-establish a saint?"

The sages Yinghuo and Tianzhao fell, and when the Dao of Heaven re-established the sages, they had appeared twice.

This is the third time the saint has been re-established.

But it's not right either!

When a saint falls, there will be a vision of heaven and earth mourning.

Apart from the fall of Saint Yinghuo and Saint Tianzhao, there is no third Saint who has fallen.

What's going on with this?

After the nine thunderstorms passed, the altar ignited flames, which was the karmic fire of heaven and earth.

The fire of heaven and earth is not to temper Huang Xing, but to burn his own way and blood.

To become a sage of heaven, one must cut off one's own way and blood.

Luo Tianheng watched the Heaven and Earth Yehuo appear, with a look of regret in his eyes.

Originally, with the young master's monstrous talent, he would definitely become an immortal emperor in the future.

Now becoming a sage of heaven, although he has supreme glory, he has reached the end of the road.

How is it different from a puppet when one's own way is cut off?
What's the point of practicing?
The rest is just a struggle for power.

The karma of heaven and earth ignited, and Huang Xing restrained his mind, allowing it to burn his sword and blood.

His blood kept boiling in his body, like a roaring river.

The fourteen sages of heaven and earth looked at the surging blood on his body, and couldn't help feeling that it was good to be young, the blood was so strong and fresh.

After burning for three hours, Huang Xing's sword and blood power were exhausted.

His sword intent was still terrifying, but it was a little less agile, like a cold knife.

His blood is still vigorous, but it has lost some vitality, like a pool of stagnant water.

It's just that even Tiandao didn't expect that Huang Xing had already left a way out for himself, drawing his true blood to the giant of the universe in his palm, Huang Xing.

The universe in the palm is not in the universe, and even Tiandao cannot find out that his blood is hidden in the universe in the palm.

In the great world, Tiandao could no longer sense the power of the blood in Huang Xing's body.

His Dao of the Sword has also been cut off, but he is omnipotent, and Dao of the Sword can be restored instantly at any time.

When Huang Xing's Dao of the Sword and the power of his blood were burned, the second sword condensed by black karma also completely merged with him.

Nine thunderclaps resounded from the sky and the earth again, and a black altar appeared under Huang Xing's feet. He just had a thought, and the sword intent cut straight into the sky, full of supreme power.

This knife has adjusted the power of the law of the Dao of the Sword, which is more terrifying and powerful than his original knife intent.

When the knife was cut, the fourteen saints of the heavenly way all looked condensed. After becoming saints with the second knife, their strength was about to surpass them.

It was just a random knife, splitting the sky and splitting the void into two halves.

The monks in the entire Yin Division Tianyu felt their hearts tremble, as if the world they were in was broken into two halves!

Huang Xing became the new Yin Division Saint, controlling the power of the entire Yin Division Tianyu.

His knife can cut on anyone in Yin Division Tianyu at any time.

"Greetings to the saint." The cultivator in Yinsi Tianyu sensed Huang Chen's sainthood, and shivered and knelt down on the ground.

They knew that the Heavenly Territory of the Yin Division had changed, and a new Saint of the Yin Division was born.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for becoming a saint." The fourteen saints congratulated in unison.

The holy prestige on Huang Chen's body was rumbling, and he said in a voice that was not angry but mighty, "I need to retreat, all saints, please go back to your respective heavens; on the day when the ancient ruins are opened, you will let the evildoers from your respective heavens come to Yinsi Tianyu to accompany me Enter the ancient ruins."

Sage Chenguang said, "Success or failure depends on one action. I will not disturb fellow Taoists to retreat. See you in three months."

After he finished speaking, he took Kong Rude and the thirteen saints together and disappeared at the Heaven and Earth Altar.

"This sage needs to retreat. After three months, he will enter the ancient ruins. The 76 star domain masters and the top ten commanders of Yinshi Tianyu will perform their duties as before."

Huang Xing's voice spread throughout the Yin Division Tianyu.

The major star regions and commanders were still in shock. When they heard Huang Xing's order, they knelt down and said in response, "I would like to abide by the holy words."

Huang Chen fell in front of Luo Tianheng and was buried.

Luo Tianheng just looked at Huang Xing with a complicated expression, and said with a forced smile, "Congratulations to the young master for becoming a saint."

The funeral also saluted and said, "Meet the saint."

"Second Senior Sister, you don't need to be too polite." Huang Chen said with a faint smile, "Senior Sister was in charge of the affairs of the dojo before, and in the future, Senior Sister Lao will continue to be in charge."

Bunny looked at Huang Xing in surprise, unexpectedly he would appoint him to manage the saint's dojo, and said quickly, "I will follow the holy metaphor, and I will manage the saint's dojo well."

"In the past three months, I will retreat in Beilingyuan first, and other things will be arranged after I return from the ancient ruins." After finishing speaking, Huang Chen took Luo Tianheng back to Beilingyuan.

In the Yin Division Tianyu, he can reach any place with a single thought.

"Welcome to the saint." Steward Fang led a group of servants to salute respectfully. Unexpectedly, the sage of the underworld asked him to serve the second knife, and the second knife became a saint. Then, wouldn't he, the steward of the Beiling Academy, also rise with the tide?

(End of this chapter)

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