Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 84 Pegasus Meteor Fist

Chapter 84 Pegasus Meteor Fist

"It's good that Miss Xiao is fine, otherwise I'll be uneasy." Huang Chen smiled at her and said, "If you hit the green blood, the gun will be stained with blood. I hope Miss Xiao won't be offended."

"In martial arts competitions, injuries are inevitable. Qingchen would like to thank Brother Lu for his mercy." Xiao Qingchen said lightly, "After Qingchen recovers from his injuries, I will ask Brother Lu for advice."

After hearing Xiao Qingchen's words, Huang Xing felt speechless for a while.

This woman is really a sword idiot.

She asked herself again for the Jade Blood Strike, and it seemed that she already had the confidence to crack it.

In less than half an hour, she was treating the wound while trying to come up with a solution.

Thinking about such an evildoer, Huang Xing's scalp tingles.

He remembered a sentence that often appeared in "Saint Seiya" - the same move cannot be used against a Saint Seiya a second time.

He felt that this sentence was very suitable for Xiao Qingchen, and asked jokingly, "Miss Xiao, are you a saint?"

Xiao Qingchen guessed that he had never watched "Saint Seiya", he was stunned for a moment, and asked in puzzlement, "What Saint Seiya?"

"Tianma Meteor Fist, have you heard of it?" Lu Xing asked mysteriously.

He thought of Xiao Qingchen saying that she practiced swords at the age of seven, and she seemed to be a child who had no childhood fun, so he came up with the idea of ​​teasing the beauty of Bingshan.

Xiao Qingchen shook his head, and answered honestly, "Qingchen has never heard of this kind of boxing."

"Tianma Meteor Fist, which can strike a hundred punches in one second, is extremely powerful. Miss Xiao has never heard of it?"

Huang Xing pretended to be surprised, and brought out Saint Seiya's unique move.

Xiao Qingchen was shocked when she heard this, she had never heard of such advanced boxing techniques in the world.

She asked speculatively, "Could it be that Tianma Meteor Fist is also brother Lu's killing move?"

Huang Xing nodded enigmatically.

Xiao Qingchen, a sword idiot, heard this, and said eagerly, "After Qingchen recovers from his injury, I will ask Brother Lu for instruction on Tianma Meteor Fist."

She wants to compare with Huang Xing whether his fist is faster or her sword is faster.

Huang Chen suppressed his smile and said, "Miss Xiao, you don't have to wait until after your injury recovers. I happen to have a video of Tianma Meteor Fist here. You can see if you can decipher it first."

After he finished speaking, he used his mobile phone to find a video of Saint Seiya using Pegasus Meteor Fist, and handed it to Xiao Qingchen.

Xiao Qingchen took Huang Xing's phone expectantly, and then heard Seiya's voice "Tianma Meteor Fist" in the video.

She watched Seiya's fists flying around in the video, and her mind was in a mess.

The ancient masters at the main table, Elder Chu, and Qin Cangqiong have never seen Saint Seiya, they all look serious, curious about the Tianma Meteor Fist that Huang Chen mentioned.

Especially Mr. Chu, their Chu family also used punches, it was hard to imagine how they could punch a hundred punches in a second, but he would not question Huang Xing's words.

If he can't do it, it doesn't mean that the martial arts master can't do it.

Qin Guanlan was also sitting at the main table. Naturally, he had seen Saint Seiya and looked at Huang Xing with a strange expression, but he didn't point it out.

He didn't expect that Huang Xing would turn out to be such a humorous person after letting go of his airs as a martial arts master.

Huang Xing was originally a worldly person, he had just stepped into the world of martial arts for a few days, and his nature was still free and easy, he just wanted to tease Xiao Qingchen and see if she would laugh.

In the end, he found that he still underestimated Xiao Qingchen's smile, and she didn't smile at all.

Xiao Qingchen returned the phone to Huang Xing in a daze.

She didn't expect that Huang Xing, a majestic martial arts master who was a bit more monstrous than her, would make such a joke.

She wanted to kill Huang Xing with a sword.

Master Gu, Elder Chu, and Qin Cangqiong also looked embarrassed.

She thought embarrassingly in her heart: this Master Lu is really, really funny.

Huang Chen smiled awkwardly, and said, "It's just a joke with Miss Xiao, to liven up the atmosphere."

This didn't make Xiao Qingchen laugh, and Huang Chen also felt very helpless.

"Hehe." Qin Cangqiong laughed, breaking the awkward atmosphere and said, "The wedding banquet can begin, I'll get someone to serve it."

Then he ordered the steward who was waiting on the side to let the servants serve the food.

It is a custom in Linjiang to set off firecrackers before the wedding banquet, and the Guwu family is not exempt from the custom.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers, exquisite dishes were served one after another.

The wedding banquet for Qin Guanlan to join Jianzong officially began, which indicates that the Qin family will have the support of Jianzong from now on.

But no matter what.

In Linjiang, the real uncrowned king is still Huang Xing.

The Qin family also has to give up three points.

With his strength, he suppressed Xiao Qingchen, the number one monster of the Sword Sect.

His background made Jian Zong fearful.

From today, Huang Xing will become the true king of Linjiang.

Say the same thing, shock the crowd.

"Brother Qin, congratulations on becoming a disciple of the Sword Sect. I believe that you will be able to break through the realm of the master with a single sword in the future."

Huang Xing picked up a glass of red wine, and congratulated Qin Guanlan with a smile.

When Lei Yun brought up the name Young Master Qin, he thought it was just an ordinary playboy and didn't take it to heart.

Having seen Qin Guanlan's demeanor today, I know that he is not ordinary, and he will definitely do something in the future.

"Thank you, Master Lu, for your kind words." Qin Guanlan got up quickly, served a drink in return, "Master Lu's teachings are still ringing in Guanlan's ears. In this life, he will definitely go forward bravely and break through the realm of the master with one sword."

Qin Cangqiong also picked up his wine glass and respected Huang Chen, "Master Lu, I have offended you so much before, I still look at Haihan."

"It's just some trivial matters. Elder Qin doesn't need to mention them again. Let him pass the past." Huang Chen replied generously.

After a banquet, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

This banquet brought together almost all the ancient Wu families in southern Fujian, and it can be said to be the highest-level gathering in the secular world in southern Fujian.

After the banquet was over, Master Gu took Xiao Qingchen and left first, followed by Lu Xing.

The people in power of the remaining major families did not leave in a hurry.

It is a great opportunity for the major forces to make friends with each other and negotiate with each other.

Qin Lianshan, Chu Tianxiong, and Wang Hu became the most dazzling presence in the banquet.

The leaders of the major families toasted and congratulated Qin Lianshan one after another.

With the support of Jianzong, who would dare to offend the Qin family in the future?
Qin Lianshan happily socialized one by one.

Qin Guanlan has always been his proudest son.

All the families also knew that the Chu family had a close relationship with Huang Xing, the newly promoted king of Linjiang, and they all came to make friends one after another.

Not to mention Wang Hu, he was Huang Xing's confidant, even if he was just an ordinary person, the leaders of the major ancient martial arts families would not dare to be careless, and all came to show their favor.

The power holders of the major ancient martial arts families that he could not reach before toasted him one after another, each mouthful of Lord Tiger.

In Wang Hu's heart, there was a bit of a villain's success, and he thought of a sentence: One person can ascend to heaven if he attains the Tao.

Huang Xing asked Wang Hu to stay to socialize, and he drove the Maserati back first. He didn't like that kind of occasion.

Xiao Qingchen made an appointment with him to discuss with him after the injury healed. From her tone, she seemed to want to try her own killer moves.

In order to prove the way of swordsman, even if you die, you will have no regrets.

Huang Xing was really shocked by her, and also felt a headache, so he could only buy new martial arts to compete with her after upgrading.

Maserati was speeding along the road along Linjiang, and the Qin family's "apprentice banquet" officially came to an end.

Lu Chen became famous in three battles, and his name will soon spread throughout the martial arts world, becoming one of the true peerless monsters in the martial arts world.

 It's late, but it's finally done

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(End of this chapter)

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