Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 85 Single Chapter: Sorry, no update today

Chapter 85 Single Chapter: Sorry, no update today
In fact, I don’t want to tell everyone that I have been writing novels on a tablet while lying in bed.

On the 29th of the Lunar New Year, that is, the eve of the Spring Festival, I accidentally fell from the third floor. Both legs and ankles were comminuted and fractured, and five lumbar vertebrae were broken.

The operation went well, and she will not be paralyzed, but there will be sequelae to some extent. She stayed in the ward for more than a month and was discharged from the hospital on March 3.

Because of the severe fall, steel plates and nails were hit.

It took 3 months after the operation to learn to walk.

When I got home, I could only lie on the bed all the time, eating, drinking and slacking on the bed.

What do you do when you lie in bed every day thinking about your future?
Without education, without capital, even if the ankle and lumbar spine recover, they will not be able to continue to do heavy work.

The original work can no longer be done.

The father is 60 years old, the daughter is only 2 years old, and the wife still has one in her belly and is now 6 months old
Full of despair for the future, life is dark.

Lying on the bed and reading novels to pass the time, I suddenly thought, I have read novels for so many years, can I also try to write one?
Those who happen to be lying on the bed can't do other things. If they can make money, they will have financial resources in the future.

Even if you can't make money, just treat it as a way to pass the time, and then find a way to find a job after the injury is healed.

So, on March 3, I started writing this book.

Lying on the bed, unable to use the computer, I started writing with the tablet my dad gave me to charge the phone bill.

It was the first time I wrote a novel, and I wrote it really slowly. I could only write two chapters in one day.

Except for eating and sleeping every day, I just write novels, but I just can’t write fast.

Because I have to lean my head slightly to write on the tablet, my lumbar spine sometimes hurts, my neck is sore, and my hands are sore.

I just started writing a book, and I didn't have a penny for the first few months.

once wanted to give up

Fortunately, I have you, it is your support that gives me the motivation to write down

Let me know, I still have a little talent for writing books, maybe I really find hope for the future

I have been persevering to ensure that it is updated every day, and the speed has also increased a little. I can roughly write three chapters a day.

Every day you remind me to update, I am very happy, but also very troubled, I blame myself for writing so slowly

but really tried

Sorry everyone, there is no update today because the tablet is broken.

Sent for the phone bill, the quality is too poor, the battery can’t be charged

I asked my dad to take it to repair in the morning, but there is no way to repair it.

In the afternoon, my mother went to a neighbor to borrow an IPA for their child, but when she came back to write on the phone, the battery was not enough, so she turned off the phone.

Then the lumbar spine was fixed with straps, and I sat in a wheelchair and wrote on the computer, but when I bent over for a while, it hurt a lot
Afraid of hurting my bones, I didn't dare to continue writing.

The mobile phone is an iPhone 6, and the key is too small, so it is not easy to choose to type when modifying.

It’s very irritating to write, and I’m not satisfied with it and delete it

So I didn't write a chapter today.

Sorry everyone.

I promise, whether you write on your mobile phone or borrow an IPAD tomorrow, you will have to write 2-3 chapters

Thank you for your company during these 37 days
Thank you for your support

i will keep writing
I also hope you can keep watching with me.
(End of this chapter)

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