Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 86 The feeling of home

Chapter 86 The feeling of home
Megatron Linjiang, admired by thousands of people.

When he was angry, the big families trembled.

When he said a word, the major families obeyed.

With such monstrous power, Huang Xing didn't want to change the current peaceful life.

His ideal is simple, to allow himself and those he loves and cares to live carefree.

He ordered Mr. Chu and Mr. Qin to ask the major families not to spread his identity as a martial arts master, and just call him Young Master Lu when they meet.

The martial arts world has its own system and has its own rules of conduct. The ancient martial arts sect has been reclusive for hundreds of years and is unknown to the world.

The world of martial arts known to the world is the ancient martial arts family.

But in front of the ancient martial arts sect, the ancient martial arts family is not worth mentioning except for the few big families whose origins have been handed down.

Because the advanced resources and exercises cultivated by many ancient warriors cannot be bought with money, they are almost monopolized by the ancient martial arts sect.

No matter how powerful the Guwu family is in the secular world, they cannot obtain advanced cultivation resources and exercises.

Therefore, there are many masters at the peak of dark energy in the ancient martial arts family, but there are very few martial arts masters.

As for the Martial Dao Grandmaster, that is the existence that can open the door and establish a sect.

The Guwu family is like a link between the martial arts world and the secular world.

In the world of martial arts, Huang Xing is Master Lu; in the secular world, he is Young Master Lu.

Starting from the conflict between Shark Live and Ke Feiyang, and then to Lei Yun, Qin Muyu, Hu Gufeng, Qin Family, Wanxiangmen, and Jianzong.

Destiny is like a net with countless threads.

Stepping into the martial arts world, many things are out of his control.

But he has no regrets.

For this ideal, he can only keep getting stronger.

He is not a peerless evildoer like Xiao Qingchen, who constantly tries the sword world to sharpen his swordsmanship, and the more he fights, the stronger he becomes.

But he has the invincible and powerful Shenhao system, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes stronger.

He checks his attributes:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 2 (80/200)

Today's quota: 20

Gold: 60
Combat Power: 500 (Huajin [-]st level)
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Martial Skill: Crimson Strike

Items: none
Mission: none
Every time you level up, the system store will unlock new items, especially after you reach level 5, you can buy Good Fortune Pill, and his strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

Thinking of Xiao Qingchen, a smirk appeared on the corner of Huang Xing's mouth.

This alluring evildoer entangled him, wanting to use him to sharpen his way of swordsmanship.

He wanted to see if it was her strength that improved faster, or her own.

Huang Xing felt that he was too bad, and used the system to cheat and bully her.

When they got home, the three girls were sitting on the sofa, playing games with their mobile phones. It looked like they were playing Glory of Kings.

"I'm back." Ji Ran stopped operating, looked at the questions and answers he was concerned about, "Is everything going well?"

"It went very well." Huang Xing walked towards them and said with a smile, "You have fun first, don't fool your teammates."

Hearing this, Ji Ran lowered his head and beat the king again.

While operating the phone, Lu Xiaoke asked mischievously, "Brother, did you beat them all down?"

"That's a must." Back home, Huang Xing didn't have the demeanor of a martial arts master at all, and joked narcissistically, "They all fell down before I tried hard, and they won the triple kill easily. If They come to five people, five kills are trivial."

"Yeah, brother is great." Lu Xiaoke said cheerfully when he heard that his brother had won, "I also got several triple kills, which is also super good."

"It's so powerful! Let me see." Huang Xing walked to Lu Xiaoke's side, and looked at her mobile phone screen.

Lu Xiaoke cut out the record and showed it to Huang Chen, 10/1/4, and said with a smile, "I'm super good now, my little Luban is invincible."

"Don't be pretentious." Xu Shasha gave Lu Xiaoke a white look, exposed her pretentious behavior, and said, "I killed a little Baiyin once, how dare you brag about it?"

Huang Chen had a black hair, two big kings were playing the silver game, just like a martial arts master fighting a man with a strong cultivation level, punching a child with one punch.

"Sister Shasha, can you let me pretend to be B for a while?" Lu Xiaoke complained with a small mouth, "I'm going to start giving away heads."

Lu Xing rubbed Lu Xiaoke's hair and said, "Stop making trouble, clean up after this round, and take you to Mr. Qin's birthday party tonight."

"Participate in Young Master Qin's birthday party?" Ji Ran looked at Huang Xing suspiciously and asked.

Doesn't Huang Xing have a grudge with the Qin family?Why did you go to Young Master Qin's birthday party?

So the three women are very confused.

Huang Xing explained, "The Qin family and I have already laughed away our grievances. This Qin eldest son, Qin Guanlan, is quite an interesting person. He invited me, so I can't refuse."

The birthday banquet is different from the "apprentice banquet" in the afternoon, which is so formal and high-standard, and it is mainly a gathering of the younger generation of the major ancient Wu families and ordinary families.

They are all young people, relatively casual.

So Qin Guanlan invited Huang Xing to take Ji Ran and the others to participate, but he did not refuse.

Of course, at this kind of birthday party, the people attending are either rich or expensive, and everyone wants to use this opportunity to get together to get closer to each other and increase their connections.

"Okay, you can eat and drink again." Lu Xiaoke shouted happily.

As long as there is food, Lu Xiaoke will forget about it.

Lu Xiaoke really went to the pagoda to give away a head, Xu Shasha shouted dissatisfiedly, "Don't give away the head, finish this game quickly, my sister has to go and dress up, and go out with Uncle Lu to play tricks at night."

"Okay." Lu Xiaoke responded, and began to fight seriously.

Huang Xing said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will introduce you as my female driver tonight. When you drive out in the future, absolutely everyone will give way to you. It's cool enough, it's cool enough."

Xu Shasha heard that her eyes were full of little stars, and she exclaimed excitedly, "Wow, I'm such a good female driver, so the proprietress wants to go to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"

Huang Chen looked at Ji Ran gently, and said domineeringly, "That's necessary, as long as I'm here, I will never let anyone bully Ran Ran."

Ji Ran looked at Huang Xing tenderly, happily enjoying his protection and love.

"Brother, there is still me, and me." Lu Xiaoke shouted not to be outdone, "I want to be a lawless little princess."

Huang Xing pinched Lu Xiaoke's nose, and cursed with a smile, "Play your game well, little princess."

"Yes, Lord Knight."

Lu Xiaoke answered playfully, and started playing the game.

The two kings quickly made the opposite little Baiyin cry, and ended the battle neatly.

"Yeah, done."

Pushing away the opposite crystal, Lu Xiaoke made a victory gesture and shouted.

Huang Xing patted Lu Xiaoke on the head and said, "Go and clean up."

With Lu Xiaoke, the pistachio, laughter is indispensable.

The three girls put away their mobile phones and went back to their rooms to tidy up. Huang Xing leaned comfortably on the sofa with a faint smile on his lips.

The feeling of home is really good.

This is the life he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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