Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 87 Birthday Banquet

Chapter 87 Birthday Banquet
The three women packed up and dressed carefully, and it was already 06:30 to go out.

Ji Ran was wearing a long purple evening dress, elegant and elegant.

She usually prefers to dress up in a fresh and fresh way. This time she participated in Qin Guanlan's birthday party. I heard that almost all the top rich second generations in southern Fujian will attend. Naturally, those rich and beautiful young ladies are indispensable.

Now that Huang Xing has such a high power, Ji Ran, as his real girlfriend, can't embarrass him, try to make himself look mature and generous.

It was the first time for Huang Xing to see Ji Ran dressed so formally, with a special flair.

He thought of the purple Tang suit worn by Xiao Qingchen at the banquet in the afternoon, and only beauties like them could control purple.

Lu Xiaoke is wearing a pink dress, small and exquisite, lively and cute, like a real little princess.

Xu Shasha is wearing jeans, a light blue shirt, a small black vest, and hazel sunglasses. She is very cool.

Because it was a young people's party, she didn't go to Chu's house in such a formal lady's dress, saying that she was going to moles a little girl.

"Uncle Lu, do I look cool in my clothes? Do I look like a professional private driver?"

Xu Shasha asked smugly while driving a Maserati.

"Sasha, you have such a weak name, but you are so cool, I don't want to call you Sasha anymore."

When Huang Xing first heard the name Xu Shasha, he always thought it was a very ladylike and weak girl, but it turned out that the name didn't match the reality. If it sounds better, it's a tomboy, but if it sounds worse, it's a tomboy.

"Then Uncle Lu can shout whatever he wants." Xu Shasha said nonchalantly.

"Old Xu." Huang Xing suffocated a smile and shouted seriously.

"Heck, Old Xu, that's a good name." Lu Xiaoke shouted at Xu Sasha, smiling prettily in the passenger seat.

Ji Ran also covered his mouth and snickered.

Xu Shasha refused, with black lines all over her hair, "No, it's too ugly, change the name."

"I think this name sounds nice." Huang Xing said with a smile.

"I also think it sounds good." Lu Xiaoke also agreed mischievously.

"Don't tease Sasha." Ji Ran rescued Xu Shasha.

When Ji Ran spoke, Huang Xing stopped calling her Old Xu.

Xu Shasha also concentrated on driving, and the Maserati rushed to Tianyue Hotel.

Qin Guanlan's birthday party was not held at the Qin Family Villa, but at the five-star Tianyue Hotel.

When Huang Xing arrived at Tianyue Hotel, he took the three girls straight to the Longteng Hall on the sixth floor.

As soon as he walked into the hall with Ji Ran on his arm, someone noticed him coming.

The younger generations of the Guwu family all saw Huang Chen's invincible demeanor in the Qin family's martial arts field, and when they saw Huang Chen coming in, they immediately asked their companions to calm down first.

The originally noisy Longteng Hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were cast on it.

Although the younger generation of those ordinary families did not see Huang Xing's invincible demeanor with their own eyes, they also heard about Huang Xing from their elders or friends from the Guwu family.

That is Linjiang's new generation of kings, even in the entire southern Fujian region, he is a big shot they can't offend.

Many of the girls present, many of them have been instructed by the family to get close to Huang Xing. It would be even better if they could gain his favor and even become his people.

This is a great opportunity for the whole family.

They saw that Huang Xing was young and unrestrained, and knew his peerless demeanor, and they were all excited.

If you can marry such a man, you will be content for the rest of your life.

As for Ji Ran, who was held by Huang Chen, they all looked at her with envy and hatred.

However, these high-ranking young ladies are sought after by thousands of people on weekdays. They are very confident in their own charm, and they have some small thoughts in their hearts.

Don't say that Ji Ran and Huang Xing are not married yet, even if they are married, as long as Huang Xing is willing, they will post it upside down.

Huang Xing was used to the feeling of all eyes on him, and he still walked in calmly when he felt so many eyes on him.

Ji Ran, Lu Xiaoke, Xu Shasha, being stared at by so many people, felt a little nervous, and followed Huang Xing cautiously.

They also really realized Huang Xing's current status and power.

Huang Xing just walked by so lightly, attracting everyone's attention, attracting everyone's attention, and no one even dared to make noise in front of him.

This kind of power shocked the audience.

Ji Ran felt the unfriendly eyes of those girls, and the woman's intuition made her feel danger and hostility.

Not to be outdone, she held Huang Chen's arm tightly, and the eternal heart in her hand exuded a soft light, giving her endless confidence.

Lu Xiaoke also quickly adjusted, raised his head, and walked in like a proud little princess.

With her brother around, she is a real little princess.

Wearing sunglasses, Xu Shasha's heart gradually relaxed, and she followed Huang Xing coolly, thinking excitedly in her heart: Nima, you are so stylish, if you go out and report Uncle Lu's name in the future, you can be domineering.

"Young Master Lu, welcome. It is a great honor for you to come here in person."

The birthday star Qin Guanlan greeted him first, and said with a bright smile.

Indeed, Huang Xing came to his birthday party to give him enough face, and immediately raised the level of the birthday party several notches.

"This must be Miss Ji Ran."

Qin Guanlan already knew the three women beside Huang Xing. He greeted Ji Ran, then Lu Xiaoke and Xu Shasha, "These two must be Miss Lu and Miss Xu."

"Young Master Lu."

Ling Tianqi also brought Wang Dongyi and Su Xiu over to say hello.

At the banquet in the afternoon, he wasn't qualified enough to say hello to Huang Xing. Now at the birthday party, he wanted to tell everyone that he and Huang Xing were good friends.

He was extremely proud to have such a friend.

The elders of their family were overjoyed when they knew that Ling Tianqi and Huang Xing had become friends, and gave him more family rights.

Several people greeted each other, and Huang Xing asked Qin Guanlan to greet other guests, and he brought the three girls to Ling Tianqi's small circle.

There are more than ten people in Ling Tianqi's small circle, including Ling Shuiling and Xie Donglai.

When Xie Donglai saw Huang Xing approaching, he felt guilty and afraid, and stood there awkwardly.

After all, he had offended Huang Xing, and he said he wanted to see if Linjiang had his say at the apprenticeship banquet. At that time, he still had thoughts of revenge in his heart.

But seeing Lu Chen invincible in three battles at the Qin family's martial arts stage, he was frightened out of his wits, how dare he have the idea of ​​revenge?
It was Ling Shuiling who asked him to apologize in person, and wanted Ling Tianqi to intercede, and let Huang Xing put this grievance aside.

In case Xie Donglai will always feel uneasy in the future.

Xie Donglai poured a glass of wine and stopped talking in Liushun Jewelry. He apologized tremblingly, "Young Master Lu, what happened a few days ago was my fault..."

Before Xie Donglai finished speaking, Huang Xing interrupted, "Don't mention that matter, Xiao Ke has given Ling Shao face and won't pursue it, this matter is over like this."

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  These are the ending of Linjiang’s plot, which is a bit dull
  It's time to open the magic city
  A wonderful story is about to begin

  Thank you for your support and concern
(End of this chapter)

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